There is literally no argument for civilians to own guns

There is literally no argument for civilians to own guns.

Debate me.You will lose.

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stfu cuck

Protect self from government.



This, get real OP.

Your government is doing plenty of things against your will right now,and you still don't do shit about it.
If they stormed in your house right now,you'd beg for your life.

The second amendment is about killing people that support a tyranical government.

Self-defense. Defense of home, family, property, neighbors.

Oh and killing faggots.

>Anonymous (ID: W+UJU6mL) 0 seconds ago No.7
Whos the most underrated actor of all time? It's Dolph Lundgren

That's Grace Jones' ex-lover.

I'd shoot them. The guns aren't for starting a revolution every time the government does something I don't like, you know.

It'll be a bit inconvenient to find something else that can toss 10-gram pieces of lead at negroes.

Guns are the ultimate form of self defense. You equalize you and your opponents to a greater degree than any other weapon on the planet. There is literally no better tool to protect yourself and other people with. As the right to life is a fundamental right inherent to humanity, it follows that guns must be legal.

Your argument is inherently wrong because you are basing your opinion on your own ego therefore no matter what evidence, facts, or discussion is brought against you you will have no interest in accepting the refutation of your ideology.

You already won the argument before it started because it was a one way trip the moment you pressed post.

I wouldn't. But even if that were true, Slavic savages like you seem to forget that our Constitution doesn't belong only to us. It belongs to our children, and their children, and so on. We are merely the current custodians of it. If we, as a generation, are too weak or unready to live up to the Second Amendment's purpose, it is not certain that our grandchildren will be similarly afflicted. We have an obligation to pass on the Second Amendment unharmed to them. And we call this civilization, Slav.

>I'd shoot them.
Sure thing,little buddy.I bet you don't even own a gun.
If nobody had guns,you could protect yourself with sheer strength and technique.
Of course,that would require you to get off your ass and lose 300 pounds ,ya fat fuck.

There is literally no argument for civilians to not own guns

Debate me. You will lose.

Your opinion doesnt matter, you third world europoor.

To kill you. You lose.

Why do I need a reason to own something? You can criticize my purchasing decisions for one reason or another, but from a philosophical perspective your point is moot.

Not if you had a gun.

>If nobody had guns,you could protect yourself with sheer strength and technique.
women and most men couldn't

Spoken by a fucking croatian. Didn't your people launch genocidal campaigns against each other? And now you think people shouldn't have guns?

Destroying the eventual authoritarian regime that Trump will create.

Some people need to "feel safe".

Other people are men.

That explains it

Sorry, m8, I'll act mad if it makes you feel better


America is no longer British. Croatia is two potatoes shy of a two potato soup.

> Debate me
Or you can just fuck off.

If a pack of well-dressed black men come to rape me, I'll need an automatic assault rifle to win.

Some people need to "stay alive".

Other people are dead.

Someone in my family was murdered in a home invasion.

this needs to become a facebook meme
I seriously can't think of one that could top this

Oh,'ve broken the code!

2nd amendment lovers are just trying to create their safe space. They're the real SJWS!!!

So you're basically advocating that any person who has a physical disability, or some other problem that makes them physically unable to defend themselves, should be at the mercy of the next person up on the food chain.

It happens all the time, faggot. Besides, my gun is for protecting me from thugs, not defending from government goons.

MRW Obama says America needs to ban guns:

>Your government is doing plenty of things against your will right now,and you still don't do shit about it.

Hey Croatfag, here's a bit from our founding document.

'all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

Yes, because they are useless to society anyway.

Why so much hate for the Slavs,my friend?
Is it because we subjugated the so called Germanic masterrace,took their woman,reached the space,acquired superpower status etc?
You weren't so arrogent when my brother Ivan was raping your sister Helga back in the 1945... :/

My brother.


>Pro-Gun controllers

What is that site?

Im a free man and i own guns because people like you exist.

>i love getting cuked by criminals owning guns!
>i can just call the cops! they'll be here in 3 hours and 30 minutes
>holy shit i am dying, but at least i didn't kill anyone!

>haha dude being self reliant on your own safety is only for women!

Some of us live in dangerous area's you know?
Some of us want to trust OUR lives in the hands of OURSELVES.

No, it's because I don't expect a peoplehood who allowed themselves to be plunged into communist darkness for half a century to understand enlightened arguments of tradition and culture-bearing. That's just gobeddly-gook to you, the people who watched as Jewish-Bolsheviks suppressed your own culture and history and replaced it with Semitic garbage until the outside world intervened on your behalf.

You have a right to self-defense. Period. The weapon doesn't matter, gun or rock on the ground or your own fist. You have a right to defend your own life. Guns kill animals too.

The government's rule is to help protect and enforce that right but they are the back up and you are your first line of defense when confronted with physical force. The government's just there to sort out who started it and who's the dangerous one and who's the victim. You have a right to defend yourself throughout the whole process, the execution and tatics for defending that right just switches from your sole responsibility to a shared one when the law enforcement arrives.

A gun is just a tool, nothing more.

you mean the 49 dead men?

>the government is already tyrannical and evil so just give up your guns


>Thinks they can comment about anything.

>Why so much hate for the Slavs,my friend?

Because they are the niggers of the white race.

>There is literally no argument for op to keep existing

I'd unzip my katana

>Some people have never had one or more guns pointed at them while unarmed, have extremely unrealistic fantasies about how they would react and the resulting outcome in such a situation, and like to pretend they're "men."

But why would I expect peoplehood who allowed themselves to be subjugated by those who allowed themselves to be plundged into communist darkness for half a century to understand enlightened arguments of tradition and culture-bearing?

Goddamn, son.
You are getting absolutely destroyed in this thread.
Seriously, don't kill yourself though. We don't need that on our conscience.

The mods are censoring people to control the debate, nice., first thing that showed up when I searched if Croatia allows private ownership of guns

Staying alive is easy without guns.

ugh. facebook.

Pretty much.

suh doo.

Don't like it. Move.

and I thought 9/11 was a small sacrifice.

Some of you people still need to evolve.

Maybe he should have had 2 funs. Fuck your dumb

Because we're trying to fight it, if you haven't been paying attention. We're not waiting for outsiders to come fix our problems for us. And your solution is to suggest what, we should fight, but also we have no right to keep and bear arms?

Fuck off. I'm sick of reading your Croat logic. Go get drunk and pass out in a sewer you Slavic rat.

Who cares? It's in the constitution and there's no chance that the electorate, congress, or SCOTUS would allow a repeal of the 2nd amendment.

Gun rights won. Sup Forums has nothing to prove despite some over eager newfags.


it would have been better if you left the post as a "1 post by this id" post, it triggers the Sup Forums much better

>Debate me
>debate a shitpost opinion with no data or sources included in the opening argument, or even including an opening argument at all
your team has lost the debate by default, good job shitstain.

and then there are men.

Found the classist. Guns are an equalizer of people, bar none.

>tips hat at you
Good debate m'sir

>and I thought 9/11 was a small sacrifice.
oh so you're one of those?

>Slavic rat.
No,you're a rat.
Your kind is alive only because we Slavs are less savage than you.If you won,you'd exterminate us.
We won,but we let you live.
Remember that.

Such arrogance for an inferior human,by your own(or better yet,your Fuhrer's) definition.

You were alive in world wore won?

an airplane full of the most overpaid useless businessmen crashing into a building full of even more overpaid businessmen.

... and what do we need, yup, another businessman.

A good reason for civilians to have guns, are to stop people from taking away guns.

the fuck are you on about?

>$.10 has been deposited into your SorosFund

You have yet to debate anyone on gun control, shill.

shoo shoo


gtfo you disingenuous cocky piece of shit.

>no argument

1. tyrannical govt
2. criminals
3. terrorists

Hate to say but maybe we deserved it.


You live in Croatia

Do you remember how much fun Yugoslavia was? Remember that war you had to fight to achieve independence 20 years ago?

How the fuck are you supposed to protect yourself from troops, looters, and other fuck heads that have guns when you don't have guns?

Didn't you guys have a war not too long ago? Are you not old enough to remember it?

kill yourself then.
nothing of value will be lost.

if the serbs were allowed to own guns they wouldn't have had to run and hide in the woods when you fucking animals tried to eliminate them in the war.

shall not be infringed


why would i an hero when there are so many fine young people in japan doing such a good job at it for me.


To hunt. Well-managed sport hunting can be a great boon to a natural area.

What does that have to do with anything?
I'm not talking about war,or soldiers.
I'm talking about civilians.
>Do you remember how much fun Yugoslavia was?
Guns weren't needed before war.
When we got into war,we acquired weapons.As every nation does.
Hit me.
Not an argument.
No,but he's the one who invoked my Slavic origin.So I reminded him a few things.
still waiting bro.

Eat shit, croat de nez

do you know what they called presidents before firearms were invented? kings.

You do realize the point of why gun control exists and laws like knife control don't even though they both can kill people right? Why do rock control doesn't exist? How about fist control?

Take away your eyes at guns for a moment and take a look at a law specifically about explosives-ownership/use. Why do you think explosives aren't allowed to be owned by normal civilians? They're not inherently dangerous just like guns right but why do every country with functioning brains ban them? It's because they have the potential to kill/injure groups of people in a nick of time. Are you getting the point now of why guns should be banned? The benefits of actually being able to defend yourself is faaaaaaar being outweighed by its cons. How can you even walk in the streets without the constant fear of getting shot by some random people who'd just decide to shoot someone on a whim?

Too bad doing that in a country like USA is futile. The huge amount of guns are already in your country. Your government is not likely to confiscate even half of them no matter how powerful it is. Not to mention the meme mentality that "lool you're not allowed to have guns? what a cuck lmao" is far too widespread even on some niche website like this when they're expected to not be retarded

2nd A
Right to protect yourself

If you want to stop violence, immediately deport blacks and Hispanics, you will cut crime by 2/3s, oh is that unconstitutional?

Oh well, you don't mind the constitution, so no biggie.

>I'm not talking about war,or soldiers.
>I'm talking about civilians.

Militias are made of civilians.

>muh illusion of safety
how do you explain that more died in france where the guns are illegal?

I go fishing out in the woods by myself.
Sometimes I encounter other hunters or fishers. If I didn't carry they could easily steal my shit without a fight, or worse.

And militias are used by the government in wars.
Why are you still equating war and peace time?

>Your government is doing plenty of things against your will right now
Welcome to democracy. Some things you will be a part of the majority, some you won't.

>If they stormed in your house right now,you'd beg for your life.
Not an argument.

Maybe they fucking want one?

Some guys like Corvettes
Some guys like filet mignon
Some guys like cigars
Some guys like AR-15s

Get fucked and stop trying to justify punishing innocent people for the actions of maniacs

Firearm confiscation occurred right before every single communist massacre in human history.