what am i in for
What am i in for
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his best
Top 3 tarantino movie along with Jackie Brown and resevoir dogs.
If the first scene doesnt have you interested than dont bother with the rest. The movie won't be for you.
Another WW2 movie where the good guys lose in the end.
reddit movie
Try not to laugh out loud at the anachronistic David Bowie song put in the absolute cheesiest way possible.
I got shushed like a MF in the theater because I just broke out laughing at how bad it was.
Tarantino's best.
But really, it's just typical Quinten Tortellini shit. Not really bad, nothing great, but something 16 year olds love because it's "gritty" and violent.
>>people hated my autism in the movie theater
Should've won best picture that year, incredible movie. Best Tarantino IMO.
Tarantino's 10/10 scene.
tarantinos last good movie
jewish propaganda
This and the opening are enough to make the movie incredible.
Better than The Hurt Locker, that's for sure.
My favorite Tarantino movie.
DUDE FUCK NAZIS: the movie
Waltz was certainly great.
It's a Tarantino move. You should already know what you;re in for. Just watch it faggot, and formulate your own opinion.
A piece of fedoracore trash praised by tasteless imdb drones
Nips need to make this type of film about Imperial Nipon during 2nd WW, but they're too prideful.
memeing won't stop this film from being good, faggot.
>a director who sits on the board at Cannes actually thought using Bowie's Cat People in a WW2 movie was a splendid idea.
One of the best opening scenes I've seen in that whole decade, followed by post-modern wallpaper shlock.
forgot take to take a few pills, haven't we? :)
Sure, but Quentin Tarantino’s answer to Abu Ghraib, a cruel, jokey, ahistorical revision of WWII is
You mean the blue ones that make you a sheep? :)
Pure fun.
Who gives a shit about historical accuracy in Tarantino's film, amongst others? You watch his films for top tier directed action and well written dialogues, not for historical accuracy or something that's more kin to Kubrick.
What Quentin really needs is a collaborator who can stop him from devolving in schlock. Then he would produce kino.
what song is it?
Is it this part? where he's running at the guard with the wrist gun?
cos if it is I've been looking for the song everywhere
>not for historical accuracy or something that's more kin to Kubrick.
Yeah, remember 15 years ago when they sent a couple of guys to Jupiter, and one of them became a giant baby floating in space?
just google cat people david bowie you faggot
i'm not him btw
the opening scene is absolute Kino
>What Quentin really needs is a collaborator who can stop him from devolving in schlock.
>You watch his films for top tier directed action and well written dialogues
Watch more film, child of imdb
Too bad you can't find any of this things in this movie.
>> a movie where Hitler is killed by Jews broke my disbelief with a modern song
Bite me, pseud. He knows how to write down to earth dialogue, and he did show that during the bar scene.
>Reservoir Dogs
>Pulp Fiction
>Jackie Brown
>Kill Bill vol 1&2
>Inglorious Bastards
>Hateful Eight
You were saying?
What movies do you like user ?
Finally someone fucking agrees with me
Awful historical revisionism about Tarantino's race mixing fantasies complete with le evil Nazis meme
Yeah that was a little bad
ATTENDEZ la creme!
More trash from a hack director.
More buzzwords from a mere sheep.
What Quentin needs is to get his head out of his own ass, or at least stop doing the drugs he's on.
That Channel 4 interview where he was publicizing Django Unchained and says "with my movie people can start talking about slavery for the first time in decades" just says it all about him, really.
True, he does need to stick his head out of his arse, but be it as it may be, he still makes good movies regardless.
Shit jewish power fantasy flick, that redditors love. It's nigger shit and probably Totinos' worst flick.
>inb4 redditor replies to me
The only time he wrote with another writer was for Pulp Fiction, and its very clear that Roger Avery's contribution was the schlocky, badly written, awkward scene. His part honestly ruined the movie.
>>Pulp Fiction
With Pulp Fiction, the America viewing public finally acknowledged all the films they once saw as a "guilty pleasures" as legitimate art. All of a sudden Texas Chainsaw Massacre was inducted into New York's Museum of Modern Art. Slasher films were revived and shared movie theaters with "high art". Now people had an excuse to say all the crappy movies they had seen were important. All of a sudden academic papers were being written on the virtues of Ernest films. Quality of writing dipped, because people were more concerned with "impressions to ideas" or used it as an excuse not to actually learn anything so they could justify sitting alone masturbating to porn, rather than reading book. It was another excuse for our generation to feel entitled to their tastes, and consequently defend them inarticulately.
People are nostalgic for the days of Pulp Fiction, when indie film making "actually meant something." This was when not every indie film starred Michael Cera or was directed by Wes Anderson. This was when indie films were "cool and unpredictable."
I believe Pulp Fiction does not mean anything, its a void that convinced the film viewing public of its importance and quality with xenophobia disguised as irony and substance veiled by coolness.
This film is not unique, it is empty. It is a number situations rather than subjects, and it made this generation dumber.
Well at least its better than Four Weddings and a Funeral. (or is it? They were both nominated, I guess they should both be classics.)
extremely overrated gimmick of a movie
>valid argument
Good one, friendo.
You are not even trying
Like clockwork, redditor.
Get those shit tastes of yours cleared up, you basic faggot.
>Implying tarantino has made a decent movie since reservoir dogs
it's hard to do that when he keeps falling back on hammy irreverence to the topics he approaches.
He uses the same style for all his films, the reason why his first 3 are still watchable is because he didn't lean on this mashed-up style and actually let those films find their own instantly identifiable voices and hence why the test-tubes didn't explode.
Jackie Brown was where he was starting to slip and ever since all his films I've found hard to truly engage with. He may have undeniable talent, but he'll never make a film as truly exciting as Reservoir Dogs ever again, because he let his take on things turn into a burden to himself. and maybe because he's a latent psycho/autist.
You sure showed me! Good job user :)
I actually did, thanks. but you're still a colossal little faggot. ;^)
Your point must be valid, since you obviously provided valid arguments.
>he'll never make a film as truly exciting as RD
This is totally true, but even though he won't make another superb film like that, he still makes more than decent action flicks. He gave up on doing something more than your run of the mill action movie long time ago, which is a shame, but as long as his films will at least stay entertaining as they currently are, I can manage to deal with it.
This so hard.
literal kino
shit version of a movie much SUPERIOR IN EVERY WAY
>he still makes more than decent action flicks
that's true, but he gets way too much credit for the scope of work he's capable of doing or carrying out.
He's made his indelible mark on history with Pulp Fiction and the scripts he wrote for it and RD, and his films are still fun watching, but he's been treading water ever since jackie brown and I feel like it's due to a very fundamental flaw of his that's a bit difficult to express in a few sentences.
this and even dogs was a remake
cool poster
Fuck I forgot to change my name back. I'm not OP of this thread.
Great movie that triggers Sup Forumstards
Nice quads
Fuck off Korinefag
>all these contrarian shitters who think they are cool for hating on the most acclaimed and infulential director of the last 25 years
Post your top 10 films faggots
>redditor thinks people are going to take his shitty b8
Eat nigger cock.
2.Fight Club
4.Citizen Kane
5.Repo Men
6.The Rock
9.Toy Story
10.Small Soldiers
what is best then? rotten potatoes? lmao
they gave man on fire like 30% fucking stupid at least imdb is somewhat accurate rating
Great post, now fuck off to Sup Forums
Even Letterboxd is much better
op here wtf did i just start
this is worse then ps vs pc of Sup Forums
i just watched the start and its pretty alright nothing too special so far
You've started a new episode of neo contrarianism, nothing new.
Prepare for fightin' in a fuckin' basement.
you've started a slow descent towards atrophying your memory glands
redditors defending a shitty jew flick.
the non buzzword version is?
Basically, people hate on Tarantino because normies adore him.
i enjoyed it but fags who call it a top tier movie should neck themselves. Good movie, terrible fanbase
It's far from being his best, but it is quite solid and a lot of fun. I agree.
>inb4, >>>/reddit/
Shit taste, faggot.
His only film that can arguably be called great after he became "Tarantino". Great acting, some great scenes and without a doubt a lot of heart and idea. Made even more interesting by about 90% of people completely missing the point.
At least I don't need to validate my taste through others.
Except you do, on reddit, faggot.
Tarantino's second best movie since Pulp Fiction.
You're also projecting now, eh? Good for you, user!
Well atleast none of them are capeshit or numale-cuckcore.
You're cool.
>Pulp over Reservoir Dogs
Fucking tarantino plebs are literally worse than nolan, speelburg and capeshitter pleb
Pseuds like you are even worse.
Tarantino films always insist upon themself. I just can't ever enjoy them.
>click random thread on Sup Forums
>Fight Club
>The Rock
How does it feel being a massive pleb?