>david tennant as scrooge mcduck
Is this going to be GOAT animation kino?
>david tennant as scrooge mcduck
Is this going to be GOAT animation kino?
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best series of 2017
>Is this going to be GOAT animation kino?
God I hope so. I have my doubts though, considering the acting talent they've employed, and the animation. But, it could be great, if they stay true to the stories of Barks and Rosa.
If it's done like those shorts they do I'm fully on board.
Any word on Launchpad and Gizmoduck being in it?
>all the ducks are white
needs a modern diverse update
Thank fuck it isn't computer animated
lol that's just the concept art dumbfuck
Duck the Halls was pretty good
No no no you must be rusing you little shit
>it's over 10 years since Based Don quit.
>can just see the video to answer if one of them is in it
I know. Everyday is hell now.
Nice try, but nothing beats the original.
Yeah I'm a moron, I leave that post there as an example of my stupidity to others.
Really hope Gizmoduck is there if only to keep taking the piss out of Iron Man
name your favorite ducktales moments
If it looks like the animated shorts they've been doing on and off it could be good, gotta be better than this
>meme actor who played Doctor Who is Scrooge
>omg guys best show ever
If you say so.
Webby and mrs. Beakley look terrible, by the way. What was wrong with Webby being a mini Daisy just like HDL being mini Donalds?
>didn't read that it was david tennant, just blindly clicked the link
>it's a surprise
I'm very ok with this
>HDL being mini Donalds
I desperately wish they'd stop giving Micucci voice roles, she's no good
Webby never looked like Daisy and the HDL never looked like Donald other than sharing the same species, take your head out of your ass
More of a Carl Barks/Don Rosa fan desu. Hoping the new show will be more that, less original Ducktales, even though I like Ducktales
That cast is pretty fucking great.
>meme actor
Hes unironically great actor.
I want to plow her inside out
I wonder if they were originally gonna go with Alan Young before he died
more like cuck tales. scrooge mcduck is dead
home sweet homer is best episode
I wish they had emulated this kind of art instead, since they're going for a stylized look
>inb4 people complaining about his "fake" Scottish accent because they've only seen him in Doctor Who.
2016 hasn't been merciful