Batman v Superman symbolism, themes and kino-isms thread.
Batman v Superman symbolism, themes and kino-isms thread
why didnt superman just fly doomsday into a volcano?
>The devil gets, as usual, the most florid dialogue, and Jesse Eisenberg dispenses it with exuberant intelligence. He steals every scene. In a recent interview in Le Monde, Eisenberg discussed his approach to the role:
>"Luthor becomes a character from Greek tragedy. At least, that’s how I approached it, in accord with the screenwriter. He only talks about ideas, which makes him a profoundly theatrical character. I can also play on a paradox: rendering this individual funny although he behaves in an appalling way, also showing him prone to deep depressions because of his internal conflicts. I did everything I could to theatricalize him in the extreme. I had read lots of the adventures of Superman in comic books, but it was impossible to draw on them to find a way to play Luthor. Too schematic. Too much of a caricature. I reconfigured the character as if he became in fact the center of the film."
>Eisenberg’s gleeful and inventive performance suggests that he may be at his best in a tight framework that restrains his physicality and converges his acting to vocal inflections and turns of phrase, gestures and facial expressions.
sup autism?
>wasting critical thinking on toy catalogues
you'll look back to these years and cringe.
The opposite. Autism is calmly following along the clear, unchallenging commercial-like cinematography and direction of Civil War. Laugh when it tells you. Go, "oh that's gotta hurt!" when it tells you. Leave films like this to those of us far away from the spectrum, able to appreciate the nuances of cinéma.
Pretentious crap and autistic as shit.
Is it autism?
People on Facebook and Reddit make fun of it so it's bad. R-right guys?
Literally the most important socio-political film of 2016.
Who else /HYPE/ for Justice League?
It's gonna be awesome. As much as I enjoyed BvS I think a bit of a lighter tone will suit the material.
>it's a wb marketers bring in redditors that believe they're in good company episode
I hate reruns
The threads will be glorious.
This so much. Here in our epic security club we are Russobros through and through. While we act edgy here, anonymously, we live for quips and mundanity in our flicks. These marketers came to the wrong website.
Whenever the horses are shown onscreen serve as a parallel to Bruce's mental frame and metamorphosis, Bruce in this instance represents humanity as a whole.
The first time the horse is seen is inside the dust cloud in Metropolis, wandering aimlessly. Humanity has lost its way. This horse has a saddle, but no rider.
>The red capes are coming. You and your hearings, galloping through the streets to warn us. One if by land, two if by air.
Bruce feels the necessity to warn mankind that Superman is a threat, but remember that his judgement is clouded (dust cloud in Metropolis) so he doesn't realize that Clark isn't a real threat (yet).
During the Capitol bombing, a horse is shown standing on its hind legs, a signal of conflict and confrontation. Losing our way can lead to violence and tragedy, which is what happens to Bruce. The horse has a saddle but it's still thrashing with a policeman mounted on it, this scene is very reminiscent of a rider trying to domesticate a wild horse, which is also what Superman is trying to do with mankind: turn it into a force of good through cooperation and a bond of brotherhood.
Jonathan's story of drowning horses brings up the suffering and harm that Superman's birth brought upon mankind. By revealing himself the Kryptonians came to Earth, and Bruce's people died. A necessary evil that Clark and mankind have to learn to live with in order to move forward.
The final time it appears is during Clark's funeral, a two-horse carriage pulls Superman's casket. Mankind has been tamed at last and is ready to work together. Bruce is convinced that he needs to assemble the Justice League, and carry on Clark's legacy.
>my toy catalogue is deeper than yours
Kill yourself.
>toy catalogues
>>my toy catalogue
I know we get it dude
That's all it is and all it will ever be.
The writing for BvS is so fucking great.
Clark Kent: Mr. Wayne! Clark Kent, Daily Planet.
Bruce Wayne: Oh, my foundation's already issued a statement in support of, uh, books.
Clark Kent: I'm sorry?
Bruce Wayne: [watching Diana Prince walk away] Wow. Pretty girl, bad habit. Don't quote me, alright?
Alfred: Master Wayne, since the age of seven you've been into the art of deception like Mozart to the harpsichord, but you've never been too hot at lying to me.
Batman: You're not brave... men are brave. You say that you want to help people, but you can't feel their pain... their mortality... It's time you learn what it means to be a man.
Lex Luthor: See, what we call God depends upon our tribe, Clark Jo, 'cause God is tribal. God takes sides. No man in the sky intervened when I was a boy to deliver me from Daddy's fist and abominations. I figured out way back if God is all-powerful, He cannot be all good. And if He is all good, then He cannot be all-powerful. And neither can you be.
>That's all it is and all it will ever be.
For you
Perfect Lex origin story. Starts off proto-Lex, fucks Batman and Superman's shit up, Creates a God monster, learns the knowledge of the cosmos, and finally jailed and shaves his head.
NOW he's Lex Luthor.
Apparently he'll be back for Justice League.
Really wish HBO showed the extended edition instead of the butchered one