It's coming
It's coming
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I know.
Explain, I'm kind of falling asleep and not thinking clearly.
I don't, but I guess I should carry a 4 of clubs on my person.
I would highly suggest it.
Then kys
When shit hits the fan, are we all just going to run around waving cards at each other looking for Sup Forumsacks? How would the Path of Light idea work?
lol wat
so what's going on then?
shitty card for blackjack
how bout a king or an ace?
Your hand is now 12. Hit or fold?
>The ash has stopped falling but the sun is still blocked out
>Awaken yellowstonefags were right
>Only ally is my moist nugget and a knapsack full of my last tendies
>I left moms house two days ago in search of food and water. It has been a week since the disaster
>As I am walking down a street towards my destination I see another lone figure in the distance
>I raise my nugget and he raises his
>The midday heat beats down on us as we look each other in the eye wondering who will pull the trigger
>"Thats a big gun" I say to him
>"For you" He responds
>This is what I was hoping for. I cautiously raise my left arm from the stock of my gun and bring my hand to my shirt pocket
>So much tension you could spread it on a bagel
>Pull something out of my pocket and show it to the figure
>He does the same
>Both of us are holding the 4 of clubs
>He tells me of a safe place to get food and water a mere 3 miles from where we stand
>I tell him about the road ahead of him
>We depart from our encounter smug and alive.
>on 12
Is anyone that stupid?
Also, nice backup card for meeting cripplechan folks.
This post makes me happy, in an autistic way.
I've kept mine in my wallet since I first learned of it.
I hope those of you who lurk here realize how different you truly are from the rest... I'd recommend hopping on board.
4 of Clubs.
That's pretty cute
>linking reddit
Any asshole can carry a King or Ace.
Few would pick 4 by chance.
He comes
Does it have to be a plain set, or can I just use the ones I have with the pictures of tractors on em?
Someone explain to me what a 4 of clubs mean and why you guys carry it with you? Been seeing it on here every once in a while and can't find an answer
>apocalypse happens
Oh shit better get together with a bunch of neets from the Internet so we can fight degeneracy
Newfag detected
I get it know...just clicked