How do we fix this shithole?
How do we fix this shithole?
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We really can't unless we terraform the country to become more habitable.
teetotalling for a decade
Get rid of the abbos. With all the money we save from their parasitic welfare gibs we could fix the country eventually.
High speed maglev trains.
Aborigines will make Australia great again
Australia is literally the greatest place on earth.
The only thing we need to fix is our fucking housing prices, which was fucking perfectly fine up until 12-13 years ago.
Less censorship of video games?
It's hard to find a good complaint, you're one of only two countries on Earth that has representative democracy. I fucking wish my country's government was as legitimate as yours.
Turn it into a giant solar panel.
Also, Burn Melbourne to the ground.
what city are or town are you from?
Guns. You need more guns with larger capacity magazines.
Change the names of your cities/town to sound less ridiculous.
>How do we fix this shithole?
1. Quit trying to be British.
2. Understand that Kiwis and Americans are superior.
3. Genocide abos
delete this
Give the abos their own state and government.
When they burn it to the ground we walk in and are justified in wiping them out ;)
1: Elect Australaia first
2: gas the greens, fags, kikes, coalburners, gypses and other subhumans (leave the abos though they cant really do any harm)
3: National socialism
4: we win
How the fuck did Melbourne get so bad?
The train system?
Build a line connecting bomaderry to bairnsdale running through Canberra. That way people can travel to the ACT and to Sydney/Melbourne without having to go through fucking Wagga. The whole south eastern coast is a fucking black hole for trains, and it really doesn't need to be.That map is out of scale, bomaderry is much more north of that, and a lot of people have trouble getting too a from those areas down there like Nowra and Bega, where there is some work going.
remove your version of the labor party and Democrat Party.
>How do we fix this shithole?
Some refugees will make Australia great again.
Results guaranteed.
Get better leadership
Undo the last however many years of bullshit
Exterminate the abos
-introduce a central government bank to create competition among privatized banks
-reintroduce corporal punishment
-reintroduce castle law
-make all incarcerated criminals work in chain gangs for free manual labor
-develop a nuclear material mining/refining/disposal industry and charge every other country to manage their nuclear fuel and waste
-construct nuclear powerplants in each state and shift focus to 100% renewable and nuclear power
-support Australias science and technology sector and encourage researchers to stay in the country
-tax reform to address mining and industry superprofits and restrict cash going offshore
-audit any cash and family businesses with significant assets
-overhaul and restructure welfare with the aim of creating a smaller more efficient welfare system
-closely review all current welfare recipients and rout out migrants milking the system
-change immigration laws to zone unskilled migrants to rural and developing areas
-greater federal involvement in large scale state infrastructure (road, rail ect) to force development and improvement
-higher speed limits
-sweeping legal reform to address outdated and contradictory laws
far fetched but i can dream cunt
In all my plans as a kid for taking over the world I wanted to use the entirety of Australia as a nuclear testing ground. We could start with that.
In the deep inner continent, do abbos still rape and eat their children? or did you take all the kids away?
Seize all chink property, deport all chinks.
t. Melbourne
We tried but then angry lesbians got involved and ruined it all.
I always thought since the native population is already pretty much completely fucked and the environment is already basically a death match arena we should just evacuate Australia and use it for the world's wars so civilians don't get caught in the crossfire and armies can just fly there and then bomb the fuck outta each other all they like
kinda want to live the rest of my life in alice springs, maily it has the saem climate as my hometown minus Mexicans, any aussies got input on the place. I've only been too Sydney, Townsville, & Cairns
This is actually a good idea. Terraform an oasis in the middle of the desert, and all the white people move there so there's an entire desert guarding them from the non-white scourge.
>1. Quit trying to be British.
You've got the wrong end of the stick there mate. Australia has a huge British influence for sure, but it has a culture just as distinct from Britain's as USA does.
>2. Understand that Kiwis and Americans are superior.
NZ is Australia's younger and slightly retarded brother - the super retard strength helps with rugby but fuck all else. We all know this. Also you cunts aren't Australia's superior either.
>3. Genocide abos
Yeah you might have a point there. Offering free alcohol with some sort of oral contraceptive would acheive the same result more humanely though.
Come and conquer us, I wanna be cucked.
Abos. Abos everywhere.
Move Melbourne into Quebec so we get two birds with one stone with the nukes.
That's the abo capital m8, the feral bush ones
Australians never reach any heights. You are constantly low. In the dumps. And you keep getting lower, because you're all scum.
We'll send more prisoners, unfortunately nearly 90% of our prisons are full of Muslims so you'll have to make do with them.
What are you gonna do when an emu sneaks onboard your faggot train?
Enjoying your wifi maplenigger?
Careful, if any of that salt ends up in the maple syrup your economy might not be able to take it
fill it with jews muslims and niggers then nuke it, take out most of the earths pests in one go
Have the world go nuclear and drive around in armored Utes and Falcons.
There's probably room enough to do this without us all leaving. We'll just keep the east coast as a neutral R&R territory and our economy will boom on the back of prostitution and booze.
what's wrong with this coast? coastal areas are usually desirable.
cyclones, no trees, desert and no water
>indian ocean
No one wants to live by poopoo water.
remove salt but keep nutritious poo in water. grow trees and crops. start at coast and gradually transform all of australia into white man's oasis.
exterminate the abos and Labour.
>A fucking leaf
we could call it burgerland.
>Trying to hurt Australian feelings
Why did the mods have to ban the ruskies?
Could you imagine if we could terraform this country to look like Europe's green landscape? Hhnnnnnnnngg. I can guarantee you we'd be flooded by Europeans, not that I'm complaining.
Come home, white fella.
the capital of burgerland would be burgerville.
No, Burgerton
We need a half decent party in Parliament, at this rate we get a new pm every 6 months and it all starts with labour.
I live in Melbourne and it's actually the best.
we would write a constitution with a bill of burger rights.
1st amendment: freedom of burger speech
>No, Burgerton
yes thank you. I nominate you for president of burgerland.
We ship in another 22 million.
Then we'd be kangs.
I used to live in Melbourne when I first joined the Navy, it was a literal shit hole. Fucking Mount Druit is better than that leftist shit hole.
second amendment: the right to keep and bear burger shall not be infringed because well-regulated militia can get pretty hungry when fighting emu armie
I accept this nomination and furthermore I elect you as chairman of the Burger Board of Trustees
Do you guys mind tourists, I'm an American and pretty chill, I would like to see the desert since I've spent most of my life in cold places.
Full of crocodiles and abos own much of the land along the north coast.
It's also hot as fuck and cyclones.
3rd amendment: are burger are NOT created equally. anyone complaining about this will answer to president burger and his loyal crew of burgermeisters.
In dinosaur times aus actually had a inland sea.
the area is ruled by aboriginal heavy metal gangs, the north side is ruled by the Metallica gang and western side is ruled by the 'Jon Bon Jovi gang'. Its legit look it up if you don't believe me
Import more American culture that is easily digestible for white Australians.
So bring everything in the south. Though I'm probably just biased because my partner is originally from Florida, Floridians are fucking based.
>Floridians are fucking based.
After all, it is where the pisslord Jason 'sith lord' Giovanni lives
The liberals are corporate whores though, it's pretty obvious why people are becoming left wing in this country.
The libs are scum. Sure, if we had someone like trump I'd vote for them but the liberals ruin fucking everything. I have the NBN and now I can't move without having to sacrifice it. Seriously fuck them.
thank you I am proud to serve in your burger aministration.
4th amendment: free trade of burger shall not be regulated by the federal government and no burger tax shall be leveed.
Then we have White Aboriginal running around
implying Bill 'texts while driving' Shorten and his pandering to tumblr tier issues and unions party is any better
I'd say burn it to the ground but the abbos already did that
maybe start planing some trees or summat
Non whites are heat resistant though
As my first declaration in office I will be using my powers unilaterally to secure our borders as well as burgers from the hungry eyes of neer-do-well salad eaters and other such rogues.
5th amendment: abos shall be granted full burger rights upon passing burger exam showing knowledge of condiments and how to hold burger. any abo using knife and fork to eat burger shall be imprisoned for his natural born life.
>Import more American culture that is easily digestible for white Australians.
Depends on the culture. The shit we're importing now? Yeah nah, no thanks. Ever since 2006, everyone in Sydney has become rather on edge, too stuck up. I honestly have no idea what happened.
I am forming an army to confront the salad rouges as we speak
Why do Aussie sloots love Americans so much?
No man should be denied burger without due process of law. I respectfully disagree with your cavalier attitude to people who are less fortunate than us who do not have or cannot afford burger.
we must mend this riff in our burger alliance before burger war break out.
Same reason american sloots love aussie's so much. They're different to what they're used to. Exotic isn't quite the right word but somewhat the right direction.
As my second act I shall be offering full habeas burgerus to all imprisoned burgers within the mother country of Kangarooland.
I propose a compromise so we can preserve our union. non-burger entities shall be granted full burger status if they throw a cookout where nobody gets beat up
As someone who lives here, its fucking hot with no rain. If you building something a cyclone will come knock it down, or abos will rob it. The beaches are nice if you like tiger sharks and jellyfish.
That seems perfectly reasonable assuming of course at said cookout burgers are served.
>if you like tiger sharks and jellyfish.
in burger land tigers and sharks and fish will enjoy all the rights and liberties as long as they provide good burger.
execellent point. would you like to draft a document with said provisions stated in both english, australian, and whaterver abos use?
As President Burger I assure you that all cookouts shall be in excess of burgers and burger condiments.
6th amendment: president burger shall be president-for-life due to excellent ideas for cookout
Tourists are fine, they spend all their money and then fuck off.
Pakistan has low crime rate because of strong islamic values
How obese is the average Aussie sloot? Are they all raging land whales like here in burger land?