The day RedLetterMedia died
December 20th, 2015
>implying I care about star wars
True patricians follow RLM cause of the Star Trek Plinketts
>Hey guys! Star wars the force awakens s the best star wars movie to date
>Isn't it just a new hope rip off tho?
>Shut up you fucking sexist pig
Why do you faggots idolize these kikes so much?
They used to have balls and fangs.
Now they're just a catatonic alcoholic and a homo editor.
They're about six months away from the only videos they release being the "we've been busy, send more betabux" variety.
>Hype up a Plinkett review about The Force Awakens
>It's 2 hours long
>Nearly 1 hour of it is Plinkett rightfully trashing on the shitty prequels some more
Sup Forums was so utterly blown the fuck out. I loved it.
Red Letter Media died years ago.
Now I wonder how they will react to the new movie.
>mfw that review pissed off SJWs with that "kids don't care about diversity" remark
>mfw it also ended up pissing off the Sup Forumstards for complaining about the lack of romance between Rey and Finn
That review was a masterpiece desu
Did he? It was more like he pointing out why prequels are masterpieces and how shit is Force Awakens
>he's still mad his friend simulator disagreed with him
top fucking kek
Based Plinketto.
too bad thse shill threads didnt die 5 years ago
fuck all of you
The ending proved they hated it
Your green text has literally nothing to do with RLM tho
nice, Adolf
>Mike is going to hate Rogue One because it's too dark for him
>Jay is going to hate Rogue One because he's still trying to keep up his facade of a cultured film critic
>implying they wont both say it was ok and then rehash another disney paycheck joke
too bad you only just came here about 4 weeks ago you dumb reddit contrarian
You clearly didn't watch the review or forgot it. Or you're a complete retard.
He was much more cruel to the prequels and any prequel apologism than he was to The Force Awakens, which he even admits is a good movie on the rant.
RIP Ritch Evars
Literally the entire point of the video is that the prequels are still fucking garbage and people only pretend to love them out of nostalgia/pseudointellectual clickbait
The worst Plinkett said about TFA is that it was safely made to pander to OT sensibilities, it's still a good and competent movie
i cannot stand these paid-off sons of bitches
Because they're funny and make good points. Get over it.
What's wrong, did they like something you don't like?
i'm angry
They'll like it. That's about it. No biggie. Move on.