why is it never the other way around? surely many white men fucked black girls back in the days in africa.
Why is it never the other way around? surely many white men fucked black girls back in the days in africa
Other urls found in this thread:
Because that's racist
>What is Loving
>bongs on suicide watch
White dicks are too small for black woman
I would. And they've never seen White men before so you'd be like exotic to them
They've done studies and found that men of all races rate black women last in attractiveness. Kinda sad.
White and black men are rated top with asian men last, kinda sad.
Asian man + Black women when? you just know comedy will ensure.
Hollywood knows they will never surpass The Bodyguard so they're not going to try
They did but that's boring
Now make a black man + white female and people will start crying and bitching about it, free propaganda
The way the poster is arranged so that he is representing the UK while Rosamund Pike represents Africa really makes me angry
She was African, you narrow-minded buffoon
The right half should have a muslim temple
We were all African's once
Romeo must die
Not anymore
She's so cute
The first 1st lady of both South Korea and Taiwan were both White girls. Where is the Hollywood movie about them?
South Korea's first 1st lady
Because the entire continent of America is daily living proof that the Europeans raped all women, murdered all men and then enslaved the next 20 generations.
Read a fucking book.
I hope the white race is purged from this world before they destroy it like they did to Mars and Venus
Taiwan's first 1st lady
>White and black men are rated top with asian men last, kinda sad.
Where, from the statistics I have seen white men and east asian men are the most popular, black men and women are always last.
Because in the eyes of Jews and feminists, only white women could be tolerant and compassionate. White men are evil. The Jews are doing to the West what they did to Russia in the past.
It's generally
White > universal size powergap > Hispanic > Black > Asian > Middle eastern.
>Orange and Blue
Add it to the list
God I wanna run my tongue along the length of her legs and worship her.
I'm such a pathetic virgin
I never know where this pic belongs so I'll just leave it here. Interdasting thread.
Just in about every sex appeal, dick size, etc. Asians are the lowest 9/10. Try lying elsewhere Cheng.
>der you go chile
>get you some a dat chocolate milk honey
You forgot orientals
lol, even asian women like white men better, go shitpost somewhere else Short round!
Not to shit on your graph, but oh boy how society has changed.
From another site from 2014
>but oh boy how society has changed.
not really Chang, sorry to piss on your bonfire!
What the hell are you talking about? There has been movies about a white guy dating a black woman
>Live by Night
>Something New
>Guess Who?
>White men can't jump
>The Longest Ride (Grandfather)
Black females are going nuts over black men not dating them.
Social justice is becoming just angry black chicks and lesbians and trannies.
They eat each other at every opprotunity.
It's becoming:
Femenists VS MTF Trannies
White Femenists vs Black femenists
Hardcore queers vs moderate homosexuals
atheists vs new agey liberals and feminists
Lesbo trannies get pissed because cis dykes won't sleep with them, lmao.
That said what you said is correct, although the gay male internal conflict is "white teenage boys won't sleep with older/uglier/fatter/HIV+ men." Seriously.
Because black man/white woman couples still make people uncomfortable. Liberals keep pushing this so they can "break new ground", they want it to be "normal". They treat the whole thing as some sort of monopoly
The trend has shown that the more they push this shit, the more people reject it.
We had to get past the massive outcry of faggots during the 80s and early 90s to finally get over fags. Now gay marriage is legal. Why can't liberals just chill.
People thought having a black president would improve race relation. But, since every liberal felt it neccesary to shove his race in your face, racial tension has actually increased.
Every study I've shown shows black men are at the very bottom for their gender. Whites are the very top, then East Asian females, then their males, then indian females, then males, then black males, then females.
Watch Neo Ned, one of my favourite movies.
Actually, a white man and a black women have been way more prominent in Hollywood.
They always felt audiences would be "uncomfortable" with a black man taking their women so the general rule has always been white male, black female for interracial relationships.
>White and black men are rated top with asian men last
hispanic men are more popular than black men and even then, there's ahuge gap between white men and hispanics.
I was about to call you a faggot then I realised you were joking, good one user
sorry to disappoint you but they never fucked
Because heterosexual sex is about power over a woman and it's not popular to show a situation where whitey has it over a black person.
I will never not believe there isn't some conspiracy / agenda behind every advertisement and movie being black male / white woman instead of white male / black woman.
Not shitposting can anyone tell me of even 5 movies that have a white male / black female as the lead couple?
>there's a huge gap between a race and an ethnicity
wew lad
We literally just had one last month.
so this is thr power of british genes.... woahhh