Alright bros, lay it on me. How much of a shot has he got, really and why?
Hillary is winning every poll i've seen
Alright bros, lay it on me. How much of a shot has he got, really and why?
Hillary is winning every poll i've seen
Wait till the debates and then you'll see some dramatic numbers.
Until then, nice dubs, and happy Brexit, cuck.
Liberals make a big fuss on pols, facebook, reddit etc but the truth is they don't vote.
Obama was special because he was black and going against McCain/Palin and no one cared.
People who would never admit the support Trump will vote for him because the risks are to high. Being seen as Racist is bad but being racist is better then being dead.
>Being this delusional
Trump will get his ass handed to him in the 1st debate.
still plenty. polls are one thing, but he has had more people of both party turn out to vote for him in the candidacy than democrats have voted for shillary. my GUESS is its going to be close but it's gonna be a rigged election. bots and dead people voting for shillary Simpsons style.
It'll be close, but i believe in the trumpster.
Pic related is why i'm asking. I saw it on here and it rustled my feathers pretty hard. You guys seemed so sure with Mitt Romney yet Obama blew him the fuck out
Mitt Romney choked at the finish line and was only 10% the power of Trump.
Sup Forums is actually shit tier at politics because they think that everybody thinks like they do. At the end of the day it is just trolls and the morons that follow them.
Hillary has this one in the bag. Trump is disguising to the average person while Hillary has made a career of mass appeal.
Unclear at the moment. Wait for the first post-Orlando poll with semi-reasonable sampling of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents to come out without Bloomberg-style loaded questions to prime the respondents and we'll see where things stand.
I believe that Trump has 1-2 months before he's truly in 'beyond hope' territory, but if he can't get an appreciable bump from Orlando, it's a sign that he will need to seriously consider changing his current campaigning strategy.
It all depends on the Berniebots and the brown vote not showing up.
If enough Bernouts go to the Green Party. If the blacks and hispanics dont' show up at Obama levels. Then Trump as the election.
The pic you posted is incredibly relevant. Trump wont get even half of what Romney did. Trump support only exists on the internet. Just look at what happened to Sanders' campaign. All that hype didn't mean shit when it came to actual votes. Bottom line, Hillary's supporters will actual make it out to the booth on election day. She's gonna win in a landslide.
0. Look at these polls. They are before Bernie endorsement and all but 1 are from before she became the presumptive democratic nominee.
>that pic
From my understanding it's all been collected from one Romney general thread. That's why the IDs were cropped out so it looks like hundreds of anons when really its like 10.
You sound like you swallowed too much of Alex Jones' semen.
Please tell me that you guys/gals don't actually support Trump. All these posts about Trump being the savior of America and western civilization are satire, right? I understand that 4 Chan has a large "troll" community, but I can't help but think that some of the post here are serious. Your actions have consequence that may be far more reaching than even you understand. It may be all fun-and-games to some of you, but there are people out there who think that the stuff posted on /Pol is real. Just look at what happened to Reddit. They have an entire subreddit (with 130k followers) dedicated, unironically, to Trump.
Trump is dangerous, yet you don't seem to care. You'd rather cash in your political influence for short term laughs than long term global stability. If Trump gets elected it will be YOUR fault. I only wish that you would put as much energy into making the world a better place as you do into meme'ing for Trump.
We are all responsible for our actions, I just wanted you to understand that.
Depends heavily on debates and uncontrollable events and Trump's reaction to them. He knows what he's doing but right now it is looking like it can go either way.
oddsmakers > pollsters
you want to know his actual chances? check with people that put their money where their mouth is
Except none of that support appears to be going to her according to those polls. This terrorist attack in Orlando will only play into his favour, anyway. I agree that he'd be beaten at the present time, purely because America has so many primarily non-white who will vote blue no matter whose name is on the ticket, but there's no telling what will happen from this time until November.
I have a feeling Hillary is going to have a big fat shit taken ontop of her in the debates.
All of her press appearances are carefully monitored and controlled events with softball questions. She has never confronted ANY substantive challenge to ANY of her positions.
I don't really know who that is. I just get all my political knowledge from /r/The_Donald
Whether anybody here wants her to win is irrelevant. Wanting something to happen doesn't make it so, only a child thinks otherwise.
>$0.01 has been deposited into your PayPal account
>trump support is only online
>fills stadiums with every speech
Stay delusional faggot
shills are out in force today
Why does the (((Bloomberg))) entry have an asterisk next to it? It's got the highest in favor of Hillary, still before the day of the shooting and they sampled only 750 LVs? LVs are "likely voters" it could have been a bunch of teenagers off rebbit!
>Please vote for my female Neo-con who is doing brinksmanship with the Russian Federation.
>She is very trustworthy
America shouldn't get to decide on their own politicians, because time and time again you prove you can't produce anything worthy of a leader.
At least Trump isn't a low test faggot like yourself
Clinton has:
Core Democratic Party members who won't leave the party due to the lack of consequences for Roberta Lange, or Clinton's election fraud against Sanders.
Trump has:
Republican Party members
Outsiders on the far right
Lots of people who normally vote third party
Lots of people voting for the first time because they finally feel like they have a real choice
Every time someone attacks Trump, he gets more popular.
Clinton still can't get people to shut up about Bengazi, emails, and lots of other scandals.
President Elect Trump's main opponent at this point is assassins sent by the Clintons.
Nobody believes this shit outside of Sup Forums and r/The_Donald. If you ever left your room you'd know that normal human beings are repulsed by Trump. I can't wait to see this board implode in November.
I noticed that as well. It seems the (((bloomberg))) polls are always extraordinarily in favor of Hillary.
Can someone explain this meme to me, I saw a meme of some jew shitposting and getting money for it but I never understood where this came from.
Trump never had a chance.
I wonder what that meme means
The trump turnout will be fucking massive. You really think the bernouts will show up to vote, when they could be googling "how to kill myself" at home?
Hillary isn't black. Blacks have no incentive to show up enmasse.
And the Latinos that hate trump are all illegals, so they can't vote
>Implying polls won't change once debates begin.
Hillary was also out polling Obama, but he ended up winning.
Dam pakistani... why u so stupid?
Don't you know that Mitt Shit disappeared from TV screen just month till election?
I can't wait for all the butthurt when Trump wins. I'm a 27 year old who has traditionally voted Democrat and I'm voting Trump in November. All my friends are doing the same too.
>b-but Sup Forums is always right!!1!
Maybe nigger had better rigging
>hillary accused of voter fraud numerous times
>hey Sup Forums please explain why shes up in polls
romney was a failed meme
It will be a landslide. Liberals are going to shit themselves.
>Hillary is winning every poll i've seen
>believing liberal media
Trump will be President of the United States.
Just reading this makes libshits fume
It will change. Once the debates happen, he is going to DESTROY her when he points out that she's bought by GS, especially if she gets indited. Also, Bernfags are gonna split the leftist vote. He will the majority of the country, but he will get more votes than anyone else. He will win.
Vote Brexit.
Trump may be a smart businessman. but he's a horrible campaigner. He could have won on immigration and Terrorism, but his dumb ass made it about racism.
>Being racist is better than being dead
I'd rather have people complain about a trump presidency than have them tweet about "don't fight hate with hate!" every week when an attack happens.
It's one autist/schizo who lurks 24/7 and posts this whenever someone posts something he disagres with
Last night I 5 guys burgered and fries your sister?
No, majority of military support him and majority of Republicans are voting for him because he's not Hillary...
He has a real chance.
Met plenty of Trump supporters IRL. This was before most ppl cared about elections.
I'm voting for Hillary because I want to see liberal states and cities cucked by Islam sharia law. I'll be long dead by the time it affects me.
No point struggling. I just have to live my own life happy instead of political drama.
Islam is not a race though.
Of course she has this one in the bag. After all, corrupt email scandals and hot sauce are a delicious combo.
Trump is not only getting more votes than Romney, but Romney was running against an incumbent. People forget this.
2 to 1 underdog at worst imo
This. Not sure if that's the case but nobody cared about Romney in 2012 like they do Trump.
This. Her history of scandals and fuck ups span a few decades. It's not like you have to search hard for dirt on Hillary, she has always sucked at being sneaky.
I think Trump has a good shot, but I don't think he will win in a landslide like some people are saying, it's going to be a very close election.
The thing about national polls is that they really don't matter, it all comes down to the states in the election. Also polls like (((Bloomberg))) aren't accurate since they oversample democrats and ask leading questions.
He has a shot, but it's going to be tough. The reality is that with demographic change and an overall swing in the nation's ideology to the left it's virtually impossible for any republican to win a national election. The republican party is just a local and regional party now. The advantage Trump has however is that he isn't a traditional republican and is basically running as a nationalist and he doesn't have the traditional political speak filter which a lot of people like. He will swing some voters and ignore demographic voting trends to an extent but he still has the R next to his name which is toxic to a large amount of people in this country. You also can't discredit the fact that the mainstream media is going to be smearing him 24/7 from now until November and basically ignoring any negative story about Hillary.
As of right now I don't think he will win as demographics just flat out favor democrats too much and I wouldn't be surprised if we never have another republican candidate again. However, as mentioned before he isn't a traditional candidate and there is a lot of passion and excitement among his support base which is infectious.
In the end I don't think he can win but it wouldn't shock me if he did so yes, he has a shot.
I'm referring to the "Mexican" judge comments which are indefensible to regular people.
There is a difference between a plurality of Republicans and a majority of the general public. The only poll that ever has or ever will poll Trump ahead is the one made when Bernie supporters were throwing a tantrum over loosing and placing their votes in Trump's pool without actually knowing anything about him.
That's good to hear user, you're doing God's work.
I voted Obama in 2008, Stein (fucking Stein) in 2012. Gonna vote Trump this year, mostly to keep the awful cunt out but I like Donald well enough. Plenty of friends I grew up with are doing the same thing.
Its kinda funny because we all came from very liberal households. I think we'll be shocked how much youth support Trump has come election day
>every poll i've seen
>i've seen
>i've seen
Polls are meaningless.