Alex Jones good source of news?

Alex Jones good source of news?

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One of the few good sources, yes.

Fuck no.

He's an r tard level source

he spits out too many conspiracy theories that he cannot back up.

Try steven crowder

Even if he has good sources, his rhetoric scares people away.
He is someone who you wouldn't want to reference in a debate. Really vulnerable to as hominem

Even thought he's mostly right he's still what happens when you OD on redpills so you shouldn't listen to him too much

Dont know. He is one of the greatest sources of memes which are much more important than news

video source of these images?

Literally a more bat shit crazy Glenn Beck.




if you've got your tinfoil hat on, sure
but he's funny to watch for comedic value tbqh

Did glenn get his radio show back?

He is controlled oposition/gatekeeper take anything what he says with grain of salt.

He is goverment shill who is trying to reach out half-awaken people just to keep them in a cage so they won't ever wake up.

I'd recommend that channel instead shill jones

hes controlled opposition

dont watch his trash

The main criticism against him seems to be "he sells stupid stuff on his show so he must be full of shit". That criticism is a pure misdirection, it does nothing to address the substance of his reporting and editorialising and focuses only on the credibility of his products, or even questioning his personal credibility because he is profiting from his media output.

If selling stupid shit cancels the credibility of a news source then there simply aren't any credible news sources in the world, excepting perhaps some state-run propaganda news operations that don't do it for ad revenue. Everything else, including network news, cable news, online news, print news, magazines, journals, and talk and news radio is at least as commercial, and usually far more commercial, than anything AJ has done. If that is your criteria for validity than the ONLY valid news source left is blogs, twitter, and official state media.

He's goofy and weird and has a funny voice and gets really hyped and hysterical sometimes but whatever. He's more interesting than anything you'll find on TV, and the topics he talks about are more relevant to the real world than CNN and its hard-hitting "50% celebrity gossip unless there's a tragedy to cover" formula.

Alex is like a gateway drug that leads to harder red pills. He pretty much started out as a cover band of pic related . They even had a little beef going before Bill died.

I can't tell, is he fat or ripped?


Watching an Alex jones video before bed is like having a bed time story read to you

t b h


he is entertaining though.

Such a Jew....

This reaction is to good.

he's like 70% right, but he's one of those people that gets discarded because he pisses off Stormcucks and liberals.

Don't use him as your only news source, but he's worth listening to

This just happened.


he used to be a body builder.

So good it's fake

False oppo shill and shameless Trump surrogate, but occasionally his guests have real info. you have to be on high alert for limited hangout and spin, but as with most quasi-alt media he gets into more real meat than the MSM media. You just can't get trapped into thinking it's the gospel, and that he's not controlled by an agenda.

He spews crazy nonsense to sell gold, water filters and survival kits to morons.

Whatever you think of him, he has a gift for comedy.

He's thicc

>has a gift for comedy

I used to be a lifeguard at a pool in Austin and one summer he started showing up regularly. It was a pretty chill place, but occasionally we had to throw out drunks / belligerent assholes. Every so often cops do walk throughs.

I happen to be in range of him when some cops walked by and he started going on a "muh police state" rant. Pretending I didn't know who he was and trolling him was one of the more entertaining moments I had at that job.

jew wife Jones ahahahaha.

He's been divorced for years now.

(cable news network) spews crazy nonsense to sell cell phones and boner pills

(network news) spews crazy nonsense to sell used cars and fast food

(mainstream internet news) spews crazy nonsense and sells information about its readers to data miners

lol alex jones tried to sell me a filter what a fool I'll be over here with the smart people reading CNNBCFOXBMNBBC and reading lmao idiots reading unapproved commercial news sources how are you so stupid real news only has advertisementes from legitimate products like Gatorade, Nike, Beats by Dre, and Verizon.

she hot?

whale just like him

Controlled opposition

I preferred it when Alex Jones he was Bill Hicks. He should go back to standup and stop being such a pussy.

he's fucking great, memes are great too

he was ripped m8

He never fails to entertain


He infiltrated Bohemian Grove. He's an excellent reporter.

he's not selling shake weights, he's sells shit that he says does specific things that does not do those things, like filters that do nothing and anti radiation drugs that do nothing

>CNN sells diet pills
>MSNBC sells pro-biotic bullshit
>Fox News sells copper-lined shirts to "ease pain"
>legitimate products that perform as claimed
its the same shit retard

to be honest he does talk about things that the media will not delve into, a little crazy but in a good way.

he is more honest than Glenn beck, Beck was despised even by his close friends, many people claim he was a pathological liar, Machiavellian, and a backstabber, he has had alot of people come forward that he has worked with that outright hate the guy, i did a lot of research on the guy a couple years back for a friend whos dad was pretty much brainwashed by the guy.

he is the ultimate happenings guy

he atleast calls out Islam this was just posted
>"All religions have their crazies, but man Islam is just setup to be a system of slavery in my view"

>Fox News sells copper-lined shirts to "ease pain"

wait what


Brainforce really is a great product. Best energy supplement I have tried and gives an amazing boost to my mental "processing power". Didn't expect much on trying it because I am used to herbal products being somewhat of a letdown. I figured what the hell since I get a lot of entertainment out of Alex's show. Very pleasant surprise.

Haven't tried anything else, though.

I've heard about the bracelets for a long time but no clue they were selling shirts. The copper bracelets were all the rage with my dad's golf buddies back in the day. No use for one so I couldn't tell you if legit or just for fun. Copper-lined(?) shirts sound pretty weird, though.

not really a good source of news but I watch his YouTube vids anyway for reasons I can't entirely explain

Did he lose his job?

That was him after Ted Cruz dropped out.


I think shes pretty. Hard to get any images of her.