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The critics are raping this movie, amirite bros?
Are people seriously upset over hidden rape culture messages in this movie or is Sup Forums just memeing?
Look up the reviews.
so is that why the movie's getting shit reviews? is it because chris pratt's character is a creepy stalker?
So what exactly is in the movie that promotes """"""rape culture"""""". I never plan on watching it so spoil away.
Look at some of these words
>Stockholm syndrome
>male captivity fantasy
why does jennifer lawrences face look so weird in that
>in that
extreme photoshop
damn she's ugly
The trailers make the movie look like Pratt and Jlaw woke up from hibernation 90 years early for some mysterious reason and both are trying to figure out how and search for a darker secret the ship holds.
In actuality, Pratt's hibernation chamber is the only one that fucks up and he wakes up early, spends a year on the ship all alone, and then decides to wake up Jlaw because he's lonely. He lies to her to make her believe that her hibernation fucked up at the same time that Pratt's fucked up.
I don't know anything about this movie, but my tumblr-using SJW friend retweeted someone saying "I might have enjoyed Passengers more if the roles were reversed."
Pratt's cryo pod malfunctions and ejects him 9 years early during a 100 year space journey, apparently he woke up Jlaw's pod because he was going stir crazy
That sounds like a good plot. What goes wrong?
He metaphorically rapes her
I might have to actually watch this movie if this is what all the negative reviews are
>people board space ship to start new life on a new planet
>trip is a long time, passengers go into cry-sleep
>Chris Pratt's cryo tube malfunctions and he wakes up
>is alone for a whole year
>see Jlaw, has the hots for her
>wakes her up, telling her that her tube malfunctioned as well
>basically doomed her too because theres still like 90 years left in the trip
"The third act shelves this conflict with some infuriating dialogue that essentially boils down to: What Jim did was wrong, but Aurora is so beautiful, can you really blame him? Yes. Yes. Yes. Over and over again. Just because he was attracted to her doesn’t make it OK for him to steal her. But sure, let’s ignore this and rush into a ticking-clock save-the-ship finale so we can have some cool action shots for the trailer while avoiding the rape culture-promoting plot twist that lingers over this film like a child predator at the edge of a playground.
Considering director Morten Tyldum’s last film managed to wedge a heterosexual romance subplot into the life story of gay scientist Alan Turing, perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised that the promised romance of “Passengers” is bungled so spectacularly. But frankly, I’m outraged that a film that boasts such unique and captivating vision of space travel is wasted on a such an infuriating plot. Screenwriter Jon Spaihts pitching Jim and Aurora into life-or-death peril for a high-stakes finale is a blatant attempt to derail the conversation he sets up with Jim’s decision. But neither the heavy-handed expositional dialogue nor fire and late-in-the-day heroics can shake off the ick and sexist bullshit of “Passengers'” disastrous second act." -Kristy Puchko
I'm guessing critics are put off by Pratt being able to pick and choose which gril he wants to unfreeze for himself and build a relationship with
It's literally rape!
9 or 90?
Which of course isn't sexist at all in this darkest of timelines.
So much concentrated cancer
She's okay when she's not talking about politics. Unfortunately, on twitter she's always talking about politics, so I try to stay away. I check in every now and then to see what she's complaining about now. She's not like that in real life.
90 does seem more dire so I'm probably deaf
Just fuck her and move on
- love from Dad
Kek. If they're this mad about it I'll see it. It's probably still not very good, but I'll give it a shot.
he's a white male which makes him a rapist by SJW standards.
I'm also thinking that it's a bait-and-switch from the trailers, which make it look wholesome and futuristic instead of making it look like what could be a good psychological drama.
Thats pretty fucked up tbqh
>high tech society
>interstellar travel
>no redundancy when a cryo tube malfunctions
No, she's fat.
>It’s not that I have no sympathy for Jim’s dilemma and pain. But the moment he breaks Aurora from her hibernation, the film crosses a line it refuses to fully acknowledge, and so the romance is not fun, but FUBAR. This is not the premise of a love story: Boy sees girl. Boy becomes obsessed with girl from afar, decides he loves her, decides they are made for each other, she just doesn’t know it yet. Guy rips the girl out of her life, abducts her to live with him in a bunker she can’t escape.
>This is cyberstalking, and then kidnapping. “Passengers” abruptly becomes a horror movie, but hopes you’ll be so caught up in the beauty of its sci-fi visuals and gorgeous stars — who repeatedly engage in make-out sessions and off-camera sex — to notice.
>The third act shelves this conflict with some infuriating dialogue that essentially boils down to: What Jim did was wrong, but Aurora is so beautiful, can you really blame him? Yes. Yes. Yes. Over and over again. Just because he was attracted to her doesn’t make it OK for him to steal her.
Why are RottenTomatoe critics so cancerous?
Tried and failed to make her look like she should be starring oppposite Pratt and not playing Woman On Phone #2
what did xhe mean by this?
Forced Unwanted Brutal Anal Rape
With that look, i'd likely eject her cryopod into space.
That sounds like a good plot.
that makes sense
I'd be pissed and feel violated too if some cunt doomed me to premature death and robbed me of a proper life because they had a crush on me
fucked up beyond all recognition
what did the mean by this
It sounds like it could have been a really good movie if they dealt with how fucked up that he did what he did, instead it sounds boring tbqh
I'd be pissed to, but it's also understandable that they'd be desperate for companionship and going absolutely fucking insane. No human contact will literally turn you into a shell of a person
The problem is that the reviewer fails to have any sympathy for him. Yes what he did was horrible, but it's also easy to comprehend. He's only human, he's not some fucking white knight.
Or maybe they did but the feminist wasn't prepared for it. Probably not though. Too bad then. I'll still give it a shot.
Are the critic going to ignore that literally any person would have done this. Whether for lonliness or sexual need. Male or female, anyone would of done the same after enough time.
A woman would have done worse, probably panic and wake everyone up.
>He's only human, he's not some fucking white knight.
Actually, retard, he's a make believe cartoon character.
>we aren't allowed complex morally-ambiguous plots that make you think in movies anymore
why would you have sympathy? he was selfish leering manipulative cunt.
good people wouldn't have done what he did.
>Rottentomatoes buttblasted
Wtf I love Passengers now...
wait, he's fictional? I seriously thought it was some kind of documentary
thank you for informing me
Yes they would. Maybe you're too autistic to tell, but lonliness sucks. Most people would eventually wake someone up. Guy, girl, it wouldn't matter. In this case it was a guy looking for love, if the roles were reversed, she probably would have woken several people to fulfill her vain need for attention.
because 99% of people would have done the same thing, maybe it would take them longer to crack, but there it is
morality doesn't supersede human needs, and if the sexes were reversed I doubt the tumblrina reviewer would have made such a big deal out of it
It's weird that critics today react to stories the way highschool students do.
>that character did a bad thing! This movie is sexist!!
It sounds like an interesting plot, but I can't comment on whether or not they fully explored the nuances of Pratt's decision. Preferably, it would go into how fucked up it was, but also how understandable it was (not because 'she's so beautiful,' but because he'd been alone for a year.)
no you won't idiot
It really grinds my gears that Rottentomatoe critics only metric for rating a movie is weather it fits their political naritive. RottenTomatoes was a mistake.
>she's so beautiful
Science-Fiction at it's best.
I'm torn. Plot sounds neat, but I don't care for jlaw and memelord.
Anybody see it? Was it actually well done?
>Sup Forums uniformly criticizes this movie since it's announced
>critics don't like and SJWs sperg
>suddenly its "based"
Never change, Sup Forums
It's the same way random texts like To Kill A Mockingbird get banned in schools these days cause "racism". That's kind of the point. Art shouldn't just be "everything's nice and these are the nice things people should think".
about as bad as when people say "if i lived back in the 1800's i wouldn't have been a supporter of slavery! i would've had my same widespread views on what is morally unconscionable at a time when they weren't widespread!"
I thought that women were ok with this kind of shit as long as the guy was good looking
No one has outright defended the movie. Thread is just calling SJW critics on their bullshit metric for rating movies, as it always does.
Pretty sure the movie is really shit, probably not because "Lel muh rape culture"
that's actually really fucking cool
imagine a woman picking Pratt to stop her from being lonely? Nothing wrong with that
only in real life
>there are people who still think we live in a rape culture
Yeah, I still remember that time I just picked up and raped some random girl and the police did nothing about it whatsoever. In fact, the people watching me rape her were cheering and everything, complimenting me on my raping skills.
here's a more accurate version of it
>trailer looks trite and gimmicky, but potentially could not be horrible. no reason to be hyped for it
>turns out that there's an actually more interesting premise than just the trailer had outlined
>SJWs hate the premise, even though it's provoking
>combined hatred of this retarded SJW mindset and a renewed interest in the film itself = fullstop shilling for it as both sincere enjoyment and ironic trolling collide
>guy and girl have consensual sex while drunk
>guy ends up making the girl angry for whatever mundane reason
>girl goes to police and reports that he raped her
>literally nothing the guy can do
This has been echoed a million times, but it still baffles me that Leftists defend Islam, the only real rape culture left.
>But the moment he breaks Aurora from her hibernation, the film crosses a line
Stopped here. The film? The whole film? Not just the character that does something that leaves the audience in a moral grey area?
The whole thing is bad now for broadening her perspective to situation she'll never deal with in this lifetime anyway?
tfw to intelligent to watch chris pratt films
way to go, Sup Forums. you are memeing yourselves into liking a terrible movie with actors whom you hate that you wanted to see bomb just because critics said it was "rape culture".
sup reddit
We have no idea how good the movie is. And we dislike Pratt and JLaw because they represent things we don't like (Reddit). If, it turns out, that they are representing things we do like (anti-SJW), then we would have no reason to hate them.
>ctrl+ "based"
>1 result
looks like you fucked up you moron
but does he jam it in
god this place has become pathetic
If you post on Sup Forums, you are part of Sup Forums, and thus "we" is the only grammatically correct pronoun to use when referring to anons of Sup Forums as a whole
I think what reviewer missed was that pratts decision revolved around human weakness. Not a male one
literally the first 2 comments after thisare blaming reddit boogeyman. Never change Sup Forums.
Ikr!! So much this!!!! God!!!
>complimenting me on my raping skills
I never get complemented when I rape someone!
>I think what reviewer missed was that pratts decision revolved around human weakness. Not a male one
Men aren't human
Trips of logic.
Try migrating from Syria to Germany.
sup reddit
hola reddit
Are you buttmad because you can't downvote those two comments?
Except then why didn't he awaken a random person, or everyone? Why did he specifically awaken one girl of his choosing and lie about why he woke her up?
>rape culture-promoting plot twist
the only rape culture that exists is sharia what the fuck are these people on. did they learn nothing from november 8
>nov 8
What habben?
Dude you'd be more then just fuckin pissed. And you know damn well it'd be some fat chick who woke you up and you'd be stuck with her until you die.
Most libs and liberal publications are doubling down on their evidently delusional rhetoric now that Trump won. Don't worry, it'll be beaten out of them after 16 year of Trump presidency.
>and lie about why he woke her up?
"hey i basically just doomed you to die of old age with along with me on this empty ship and i did it on purpose to lessen my suffering hope that's ok with u lol"
Do you think no woman, homo, lesbian or tranny would have ever woken someone they are attracted to,
because they are attracted to them?