Star Wars thread#274738:
Which film did /tv like more?
NOTE: based only on your first viewing experience, no overanalyzed bullshit
Star Wars thread#274738:
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One on the left is a fully-realized character with weaknesses and strengths that are appropriate for someone with her backstory.
The one of the right is Rey.
I liked that Jyn died a virgin instead of losing it to that dirty Spaniard.
Best one as far as quality goes: Empire Strikes Back
Best one for memes: Revenge of the Sith
R1 because it far exceeded my expectations.
Don't get me wrong watching TFA opening night was great but R1 had several scenes that were far memorable
The Force Awakens by far. Rogue One was fine and not embarrassing like the prequels, TFA was an actual fucking Star Wars movie that exceeded expectations that nailed the aesthetic and themes of the OT perfectly
Don't watch it guys. It was absolute shit.
overall probably TFA
but at least rogue one wasn't a complete rehash
the characters were pretty shit, rey tier shit
it was fucking rehashed garbage you Disney shill faggot
It's all jewish propaganda, so who cares?
Rey is a far more complete and likeable character.
Force Awakens was the better movie, Jyn was a better character
The choice is obvious
I want to fuck that rabbit
they're both shit
>Which one is better, the green turd or the brown turd?
Rogue One was better simply because it was original and had no Dutch angles.
Also the final battle was one of the best I've ever seen in a Sci Fi movie
>One on the left is a fully-realized character with weaknesses and strengths that are appropriate for someone with her backstory.
What the fuck are you talking about?
She's not as bad as Rey, but that's only because they couldn't shoehorn her into being a Jedi. This stupid cunt goes pretty much unchallenged throughout the entire movie and her 180 on helping the Rebels was weak as fuck.
TFA had iTroopers and a multitude of characters with no personality nor background. It was literally saved by Harrison Ford.
R1 had cool scenes, characters with life blown into them. Also... Vader kicking ass!
TFA, Star Wars is Jedi vs Sith, I don't give a fuck about rebels scum.
Her helping the Rebels made perfect sense after seeing her dad's message. She just wanted to make Papa proud.
As far as her going "unchallenged", it made sense as well. She had years of experience fighting Stormtroopers as a member of Saw Gerrera's resistance band. She didn't instantly know how to use skills like lightsaber combat, Jedi mind tricks, or ship maintenance despite never experiencing any of these things.
>it was original
>movie exists just to set up ANH
>hamfisted cameos (he doesn't like you guy, really?)
>a movie that ended with CGI monstrosity Leia mugging the camera and yelling HOPE!!
TFA was more emotional to me, but I liked RO more.
You are one mad little faggot kek
No it fucking didn't.
>lol fuck you guys I don't give a fuck I'm only here because I was forced to be
10 minutes later
>omg daddy told to me to blow up the death star, we gotta do it guys, even if it's a suicide mission, come on we're the rebels right?
The whole movie they're trying to portray this cunt as a strong, independent woman, then the second her "Papa" tells her do something, she instantly drops all her ideals and values (or lack thereof) to take up his cause. Her father's death and dying wish being the catalyst for her transformation is perfectly fine, but it's not a catalyst so much as a flip of a switch. If this were a well-written film, her father's death would lead to introspection on Jyn's part, where she'd struggle with the fact that both father figures in her life essentially abandoned her, and now they're dead. I'm not saying the film needs to turn into a character study, but she never even reacted to her foster father or her real father's death. She just got kind of mad at what's his face for almost killing her father. But hey, who needs gay shit like emotional depth and character development when you can two-thirds of the movie be overdrawn action sequences?
>As far as her going "unchallenged", it made sense as well. She had years of experience fighting Stormtroopers as a member of Saw Gerrera's resistance band.
That's not what I'm referring to at all, idiot. I don't care how good she is at killing things. I'm talking about how she always gets the last word in edgewise, is always right, and generally acts like an immature child and never receives any comeuppance for it.
do cute girls vagina smell?
>omg daddy told to me to blow up the death star, we gotta do it guys, even if it's a suicide mission, come on we're the rebels right?
Yeah, I wonder what could have happened in her childhood to give her such tragic father issues, as well as a burning resentment for the Empire?
Oh well, guess we'll never know.
Were any of the imperials in R1 not white? I can't think of a single one
Reeks of Jewish propaganda
>omg daddy told to me to blow up the death star, we gotta do it guys, even if it's a suicide mission, come on we're the rebels right?
Yeah, I wonder what could have happened in her childhood to give her such tragic father issues, as well as a burning resentment for the Empire?
Oh well, guess we'll never know.
The pilot.
There was also a black guy and an Indian girl in the New Order in TFA.
Rey was more fleshed out simply because she had more screen time, but Jynn was a more balanced character. Also Felicity at 31 looks better than Daisy at 22
God you're a fucking idiot. Human beings aren't so simple that they can do a complete ideological 180 at the drop of a hat, warranted or no.
>a burning resentment for the Empire
Where was that in the first half of the film?
Rogue One, easily.
Every chance, every opportunity and yet so far no female protagonist can match the one and only Princess.
even if its a rehash with mary sue
it stomps RO
The Darth Vader sequence at the end alone made the film worth it for me. Holy shit. It was almost like a horror film.
TFA was okay but Rogue One was defo better for the simply fact they didn't have Mary Surey
Also Felicity > Daisy
Rogue 1, and it's not even close.
ANH > TESB > ROTJ > ROTS > TFA > TPM > AOTC > shit >> RO
Rogue One was the worst film I've seen this entire year. It was complete garbage. I wanted to walk out.
>waste five hours on forest whitaker being crazy then have that plot go no where
>horrible leads you don't care about
>most boring, slapped together heist in modern history
>be careful not to choke on your ambitions
Rogue One is pure shit, and if you liked any part of it, fuck off.
make me
The robot was funny.
and seeing Vader fuck shit up is always cool. and, personally speaking, I like it when heroes die. The fact that everyone faded out after not even establishing actual character was icing on the cake.
It's Star Wars, bro. It's dumb as fuck no matter what. Just turn off your brain!
>It's Star Wars, bro. It's dumb as fuck no matter what. Just turn off your brain!
I gotta tell Jaesa about this later!
>>The Darth Vader sequence at the end alone made the film worth it for me. Holy shit. It was almost like a horror film.
>Posts a picture of a retarded baby
What did he mean by this?
>and seeing Vader fuck shit up is always cool.
No, it wasn't. It was hamfisted nostalgia porn.
> I like it when heroes die. The fact that everyone faded out after not even establishing actual character was icing
Character deaths only mean anything if the characters are developed you stupid cuckold.
Star Wars > The Empire Strikes Back
So many great scenes from the trailers were cut from the movie. It ruined it for me.
>Your very rebellious.
>Isn't this a REBELLION.
>first viewing
Force Awakens
>better star wars movie
Rogue One
I'm excited for the Future of Star Wars, to be honest.
i'll be in the minority by saying that i liked the force awakens more
There are more scenes but this take too long.
>implying she didn't give it up before the movie's events began
It's a pretty common arc for a character to hate an evil empire because they realize they're responsible for the murder of their loved ones.
It's a cliche really.
The scene where the tie fighter shows up infront of her cut
The scene of Jyn running at an AT-AT cut
Vader looking at computer shit cut
Death star beaming the surface cut
Her standing up in the tunnel as it lights up cut
Jesus the trailers were another movie.
Dude... how do you know she died a virgin just because we didn't see her get banged on screen?
Jyn is Rule 64 Viggo Mortensen
Why are things cut from the trailer a bad thing?
Am i the only one who loves this?
where the trailer is almost like a free extra 3 minutes of the movie?
i hate it when trailers show bits from the movie or give away the plot or show you the best parts of the movie before you even see it, feels lazy and like i got ripped off
they need to do this more often, have trailers made out of good stuff but not stuff that's in the movie
or better yet have a 3 minute trailer that is a part of the story and adds to the experience or just plain made out of bits that they had to cut from the final film
>it was fucking rehashed garbage you Disney shill faggot REEEEEEEEEEEE NORMIES GET OUT REEEEEEEE!!!
Woah just take it easy man.
Yeah, those too. Hopefully they will release a Director's cut or something similar.
They looked more interesting than what we got, also false advertising. I just rewatched trailer 1 and 99% of it is cut.
Where are the webms?
I was so glad about most of that shit being cut
I can understand your initial point but that's modern trailers period. They always look better than the movie. Every movie is going to have deleted scenes and a lot of good movies have theatrical editions.
Rogue One by far. The Force Awakens was fine and not embarrassing like the prequels, Rogue One was an actual fucking Star Wars movie that exceeded expectations that nailed the aesthetic and themes of the OT perfectly
Fixed that for you.
What you're describing is a neat idea, but it backfires pretty hard when the trailers wind up being more interesting than the film itself.
In this movie's case I will argue that trailer 1 came out before the reshoots. I feel like this movie went through a major shift. I did not dislike the movie, but trailer 1 painted a much better movie and none of what was in that trailer was in. So I'm guessing a lot of trailer one was pre-reshooting
If they made Rogue for the Vader scene to compensate for the shitty villain Kylo Ren was, then they achieved their goal
Yeah they did reshoots out the ass. Still better than TFA even if SJWs don't think so.
I don't know. When critiquing the movie I don't really take into account what the trailer's did unless it was completely different.
I hated on TFA a lot, but at least Kylo's story was done well and brought in new SW lore concepts (the "draw of the light side").
All this shit today had was pretty colors and explosions.
>TFA is better because one character
Yeah okay
Movies with one good character are generally better than movies with no good characters, yeah.
Clearly you missed:
>one character
Jyn > Rey (the main character)
Everyone > TFA Leia
So by your own logic...
She's probably gotten fucked so many times by aliens in prison her pussy is looser than the rules of Star Wars canon
i think you guys watch a trailer then let your mind run away with it's own expectations of what the movie is going to be.
How do you know if the trailer was shot with the scenes in the movie and the trailer scenes were in their place that you wouldn't be saying the exact same thing?
Trailers get you hype. That's their point.
It's not hard to take a movies worth of film and cut it into 3 minutes of hype.
No idea what you're trying to say. Hated all the characters in this movie. Liked one character in TFA. 1>0.
Both Jyn and Rey sucked complete ass as leads for similar reasons so no idea why you're trying to put that into my point.
>similar reasons
Rey sucked because she was a big time Mary Sue. Jyn isn't one at all. Jyn can also actually act not go hurr durr i bypassed the compressor. So what are you trying to say?
If you hated all the characters you just sound bitter and edgy which is why you relate to Kylo Ren. R1 had some decent characters and Kylo wasn't even that good. Bit of a cringe fest.
A better question would be which movie I hated less, and that would be Rogue one. As shitty as Rogue one is, and boy is it shitty, but as shitty as it was, TFA was an absolute piece of shit.
Nice Job disney shill. But seriously, TFA was shit. I could go into details with you but who has the time.
Just watch this, you RLM faggot you.
Comparing movies Rogue One is far better. TFA is a remake of A New Hope for people who read The Mary Sue and Huffington Post
Comparing women Felicity Jones looks horrible without makeup and isn't nearly as good waifu material as Daisy Ridley
when will we see SW armies not using shit-tier tactics?
>Walkers show up
>run away, to be still in the firing zone of the walker
>you could literally just run under it and it would be helpless
>Not shooting out imperial's landed TIE fighters and AA defenses first, neutering their capability to fight back when launching a stealth attack
>Instead shoot random noncombat targets and allow imperials have enough time to launch fighters and push rebel shit in.
Movie was still fine, but I would like it more if the rebel's shitty decisions weren't the cause of them getting fucked every time
Rogue one. Didn't feel like a complete re hash of the original Star Wars movie. I remember being disappointed as I watch TFA realizing that it was A New Hope 2:Electric boogaloo. Rogue One still re hashed a ton of shit, but it was more interesting. Also, it wasn't such an obvious cash grab for nostalgia. There were still blatantly dropped in parts which were nothing but nostalgia bait, but those were few and far between. It wasn't an incredible movie, but I enjoyed it and didn't get distracted by shitty things. The girl was annoying at times, but because the other characters were given screen time, it wasn't as bad as rey. I thought it was pretty amusing that they killed everyone at the end. The planetary explosions were pretty cool, and the side characters were entertaining. A massive improvement from TFA, which felt like a big pile of shit when I watched it.
I thought Darth Vaders evil fortress on the lava planet was fucking rad.
>ill just call you names because i disagree with you
You have to admit TFA spent more time and energy developing Kylo as a character than this movie even could with the large ensemble cast it had, so why is it so surprising that I thought Kylo had a better story arc than anyone in R1?
I know you're butthurt that I have a different opinion than you, but I don't know what's so hard to believe that a movie where the climax is a main character deciding to kill his own father is a better written character than a large group cast that didn't have nearly enough screentime.
Worse than ep3?
Who's story arc are you comparing Kylo's to? He has a place in a trilogy while this is a standalone spin off? His arc is fine but his acting is pretty bad.
Cinematography trumps actual battlefield tactics but the real fault is that the movie tries to do 2 things at once, gritty dark realism and action space opera. You cant make a battle with metal dinosaurs in a jungle realistic and they certainly tried their hardest.
What's the deal with bland self-insertish female protagonists with an annoying Britbong accent anyway?
Is this a new trend?
Do you have photographic evidence you would like to share with class my boy?
>You cant make a battle with metal dinosaurs in a jungle realistic
Why not?
But TFA was pure shit though, fucking the first scene made no sense, the entire thing about slaughtering the villagers made no sense, this entire fucking movie made no sense. At least Rogue one suffered from a poorly executed story and not an absolute crappy shit film.
Like Rogue one, Phantom Menace was poorly executed. Fucking TFA was shitty, it made no fucking sense, at all.
Something about an imperial officer with a lisp wielding power enough to destroy entire solar systems is funny. R.I.P. you will be missed autistic space nazi.
> You cant make a battle with metal dinosaurs in a jungle realistic and they certainly tried their hardest.
I thought that was the most realistic point of the movie. The Death Star looked wired to me in high definition CGI.
is English your first language, how about you actually make a point with your words instead of "fucking pure shit no sense it was poorly executed but not absolutely crappy".
>baiting for another mecha arugment
At least the prequels made some kind of sense, at least the Original Trilogy made sense, but TFA from beginning to end was so fucking dumb.
Fuck you, you piece of disney shit fuck! I waited thirty fucking years for this movie and it was so fucking dumb and dreadful, i literally wanted to punch the person sitting next to me who kept clapping and smiling like a fucking moron. I fucking hate losers like you......fuck
I would generally agree that the cinematography is going to be more important, but for me I had significantly less shits to give about these rebel fighters getting gunned down when they are all running around like coke'd up toddlers.
Instead I am just sitting there thinking "well that's what happens you dumbasses"
I think more could be done to have both good cinematography while still having good battle strategy shown. Just look at black hawk down. Its completely possible