Clearly gay muslims are the master race

>Be Omar Shamalamadingdong
>Be gay
>Be in NYPD academy
>Be investigated by FBI 3 times, still cas has a gun
>Shoot and reload 30 30rd mags in 7 minutes
>Impress police so much they stand around for 3 hours in awe
>Be so good at shooting people they start caring bodies a block away TOWARDS the scene of the crime

Come on, he's clearly set us up the bomb and all our base are belong to him now.

Or it's all a false flag.

Make up your mind /pol fags

Other urls found in this thread:


That image incites a curiosity inside my brain.... perhaps....

Its easy.

He shot few people.

Then police arriwed and started shooting at the club. Result 50 dead 50 injured - all obviously "shot" by the terrorist.

I assume its a false flag. I trust nothing anymore

i wonder if ballistics will ever be released to public, i would love to see how many different guns fired bullets that night (barrel striations on the bullet)

There were other shooters.
They didn't want to cause a panic, and want to keep the "lone-wolf" narrative.

also keep in mind the supposed number of rounds fired vs heat buildup in that gun
that shit would have been white hot

>Shoot and reload 30 30rd mags in 7 minutes
Is this supposed to be impossible or something?

reloading only takes a couple seconds

The only thing awkward is firing that much semi-auto

It's shooting fags in a barrel, they can't escape, its a club so most people don't hear shit until like 20 queers are already dead

It's .223 rounds so its going straight through people

He had 3 hours after all.

>reloading only takes a couple seconds
>while i'm carrying 30 mags worth of ammo on me somehow
do you have any idea how much 30 fully laded mags would weigh?
of course not i'm talking to a child.

that'll never happen unfortunately

Where is your source for how many mags he was carrying?

The guy was't skinny, carrying 40 lbs of ammo is nothing impossible.

no, you hear and understand the sound of an AR firing, after one. Wouldn't take that many shots.

I think a lot of the people shot many times are people who just sponged up additional bullets once the gun fight started with police. People seem to think there was more than one guy, but that leaves the question as to where the fuck they buggered off too in that case.

seems too perfect, someone would have leaked that to the media by now... gays love attention

I agree, he did set up us the bomb. So now we must take off every zig, move zig, you know what you doing zig.

12 rounds of .223 and still alive? I don't believe that.

That shit would be pretty hot, maybe tot hot to handle and here is a realistic test with some decent gear.

Also, I could carry about 18 magazines fully loaded.

I believe he used explosives and blasted a few fags to hell. They just have to spin it as a legally purchased gun using current background checks etc. The reason I say this is they still havent identified all the bodies or confirmed the count.

As you can see. An AR 15 will fail in about 6 minutes with heavy sustained fire. It would take a picnic table to carry all those magazines. Guess he had a duffle bag for the mags and pipe bombs.

And the thread dies with some videos hammering the point OP made home.

really made my brain do that thing
perhaps he had assistance?

Got a question for the burgers - been hearing mixed reports during all this leftist shitstorming on exactly whether he had 30 mags already loaded, or actually reloaded the spent mags themselves during the allah gaybar incident.
What's the current narrative actually saying?

>what's the current narrative
a bunch of lies

>reloading spent mags
That shit would take way too long m8, he would have had to have them already loaded

Figured as much. Admittedly I'm uncoordinated as fuck but I know how long it takes me to reload a ten round mag with 22lr and can't fathom reloading while punching out that many rounds in under 7 minutes.

where do the 7 minutes and 900 rounds figures come from?