Draco Malfoy should been a cute mean girl

It would have been a sure fire way to make the Harry Potter story better. Draco could have been Harry's rival and eventual love interest after she redeems herself helping him and his friends overthrow Voldemort. This could have also led to a cool redemption arc, redeeming the entirety of Slytherin house this avoiding the trope that all Slytherins are evil

let j k rowling know

Take your garbage Sup Forums ideas home

First for Azor femDraco


why dont you edit the films to correct this and release them in theaters already o'pee

>mfw my dubs got a fresh bread started

Feels good man

should have been played by emma roberts

just think about it

Perhaps then it wouldn't have been the dullest franchise?

Even if Draco was a girl it would still be one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Threadly reminder that Harry JUSTed harder than Brendan Fraser


>Draco Malfoy should been a cute mean girl

Sounds good, but she should sexually enslave young boys, first years.

I dunno, Lucius Malfoy is pretty JUSTed

My pretentious sentiments exactly. Rowling's magic world has no place for the numinous. It is written for people whose imaginative lives are confined to TV cartoons, and the exaggerated (more exciting, not threatening) mirror-worlds of soaps, reality TV and celebrity gossip.
Its values, and everything in it, are, as Gatsby said of his own world when the light had gone out of his dream, ''only personal.'' Nobody is trying to save or destroy anything beyond Harry Potter and his friends and family.

>ginny divorces him and takes half of the gold his parents left him
>he also has to pay child support for his 3 shitty kids
>he ends up living in the small flat above Weasley's Wizard Wheezes like a sad, broken loser and eventually starts shagging teenage fangirls
>it lands him in Azkaban for 10 years

Harry uses sectumsempra, proceeds to molest her.

I want to be roommates with FemRon!

>book series famously made for little kids depicting magical kid life
wow who woulda thought

Reposted from other bread

What's with fanart always giving people red noses?

is female Draco kino?


>remake of harry potter
>all female cast
this is some SJW bullshit I can get behind

Blame tumblr


it's tumblrcore

they don't know how to properly shade in faces, which naturally give the nose a bit of an accent, so to compensate they try to accent the nose by making them Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

tumblr is shit

Is she, dare I say, /ourgirl/?

is that a young Dormer?

for sure. with the obvious sexual undertones I don't understand why so many authors don't just make The Rival female.
sasuke should've been a girl too.

Drakino will save Wand Kino

>uses sectumsempra
>it cuts a long line diagonally down the front of her shirt, exposing her bra, her midriff, and slices open the very top of her skirt
>all undergarments are of the finest lace that galleons can buy

When will mobile posting fanficfag scum be banned for ban evasion?


Sauce ?

Who is this person you speak of?

American Horror Story, Season 3 I think.

well she's sufficiently Sup Forums enough, she's basically wizard christ-chan

I-it's not like I like you or anything...baka!

>they're dueling
>harry casts sectumsempra
>her fine underwear gets exposed
>she blushes beat red, screams at Harry and runs back to her dorm
>she wasn't actually angry at Harry stripping her, just angry that other people saw what should be Harry's exclusive privilege
>she friggs herself to Harry taking her right then and there

>next time they duel, and harry casts sectumsempra
>"Ha! Fooled you, Potter-boy! I'm not wearing underwear this time!"

>Harry casts Sectumsempra
>Malfoy almost bleeds to death and thus cannot act tsundere at all

It doesn't look very horrific desu

its not


She looks like a Barbie villain.

Oh baby


It's more stupid than scary.

Would you say yes Sup Forums? Be honest
I would say _no

I would say yes in the hope that she would ride my dick.

you gay or something?

so is just the femdom general thread?

then she gets gang raped by frat chad bros

i hope so :)

It's not supposed to be.


Cocaine doesn't make your entire nose red.


Thanks for the lesson, druggie trash.


>call other people trash
>has never had fun in his life

Jesus FUCK

Garbage idea, Sup Forumsedditor

>They want an ugly american girl

Remind that Snape was the most beta of all betas

>Lilly won't go out with me? Better go join my fellow betas in the betas uprising literally led by a faggot whose problems stem from no one loving him and kill some mudblood cunts like her!


>kids books can't be good!
Go read Ulysses you racist pleb

Basically this. Shove your gayass tsundere weeb fantasies up your ass faggot

if Malfoy was a girl would she and Harry fuck at some point during their time at Hogwarts?

I would watch a porn version like that.
Just imagine her screaming "Harry you are a parzel mouth" (?)

James Potter should have been black

>implying that Euros are superior in any way

No. They would almost kiss a few times but they wouldn't get together until after Voldemort was ded.

No it would just be gentle but angry caresses in a dark corner before she flees, ashamed but arouses and masturbates herself to sleep while Harry jerks off in the bathroom

but wouldn't this basically turn the series into Mean Girls? Girl Draco would literally be Regina George

Your life lessons are profound indeed, druggie trash.

>babby's first time with books

Female writers prefer GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


but what if they masturbated in front of each other but never touched

>I am so boring that I need cocaine to have fun.

Would have been hot.