I seriously can't figure out why the people in Germany haven't revolted against their government...

I seriously can't figure out why the people in Germany haven't revolted against their government, killed Angela Merkel and committed a second holocaust against Islamic Mudslimes.

I just don't get it. Do you enjoy being cucked?

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After 70 years of state-sanctioned anti-German propaganda, they are brainwashed beyond redemption. Germans are like North Koreans, but in reverse.

You say that, but everything I'm hearing from the Germany crisis right now is that they DON'T want anymore refugees.

Why are they such huge pussies? We will see a second coming of Hitler in our life times? Or will Germany citizens flee their own country?

do you enjoy being paranoid OP ?
the alt right faggots are so easy to manipulate

I miss frogs

How's France these days Ahkmed?

Yes, they are horrified, AND YET only a precious few are willing to speak out about it. Most are afraid of being labeled "racist" (oh no!), or worse, actually being arrested for "hate speech". The German state is rapidly becoming fascist, under the guise of leftism.

There WILL be a "point of no return" for them, and it approaches rapidly; if the German people cannot overcome their social conditioning and fight for the right of their own people to live safely in their own land, then all will be lost.

Lets hope another Hitler rises. They need one.

good one, achmed

Nobody of consequence has died or been raped, just some nobody girls screwed and a few random people killed.

If Emma Watson actually did get sent to a rapefugee camp and was brutally raped and murdered(preferable with a video leak) everyone would go apeshit.

Europe is in the process of soaking itself with gasoline, the spark to set it ablaze is enviable.

Seriously, If I lived in Germany right now I swear to god I'd be spear heading a militia to fight them back. Though you can cut off the rot all you want, the issue needs to be addressed at the head. Angela Merkel and her leftist cronies need to go.

And fuck, I don't know if even Hitler himself could clean this mess. But they do need a re-incarnation of him now more than ever.

They're cucks.

They don't have guns.

The lion will wake.


They've quite literally had the fight 'beaten' out of them over the last seven decades.

Nobody wants to take the initiative, they are scared.

I look at the state of the world today and get pretty sad too user. BLM activists, First-World Feminist, Islamic Refugees etcetera.

I'm just kinda glad those sorts of problems haven't reached Australia yet, though it does it me up at night sometimes thinking of how we'd even react to those threats.

I hope to fucking god it does, and that when it happens, the world joins in with them.

Yeah but how beaten do you have to be to actually let the criminal severity the refugees are committing to get away with it?

>Let Achmed rape your girlfriend or be called racist for not letting him cultrally enrich her orifices.

This is an actual dilemma in Germany

I'm surprised there hasn't been some kind of nationalist massacre, Breivik style. You'd think they'd try to attack the parliament & kill the politicians, maybe plant bombs in migrant camps too.

I think the reality is, for many Germans, things just haven't got bad enough yet, life is still comfortable, but the breaking point will come. I don't know if you can actually condition people to literally lay down to their own death, if Germans actually felt REAL threat & were backed into a corner, they would respond, but right now they don't feel that.

There will be major terrorist attacks in the coming years, migration only slowed down because other European countries closed their boarders. Merkel wants to keep going, it's other Europeans nations that are stopping her.

Things will come to a head somewhere in Europe eventually, most likely Southern Europe, but it will have a domino effect & shit will hit the fan elsewhere.

Well, Dutch news to begin with is a bit strange and often lefty, state sanctioned stuff.
Germany often makes it look quite right wing. The media released to the public there can and does reach bizarro levels of absurdity, and that's just 2 km away.

Most people get their news on the way to work or when sitting back on the couch.
Few actively seek out what's true or not.

I seriously can't figure out why the working class in America haven't revolted against their government, killed the CEOs, and committed a second holocaust against the bankers

I just don't get it. Do you enjoy being oppressed?

>mfw "cucked" is the Sup Forums equivalent to oppressed

Breivik was a hero and a true patriot.

I wonder how he's reacting to what's becoming of his Germany?


If that happened to Emma Watson people would blame her white security detail. And if her detail was black they'd blame the white camera man. All cameramen are black (not likely) then all the white people that signed the petition.

>Do you enjoy being cucked?

Honestly, yes.

I can't even get hard anymore without watching porn of Arabs fucking German virgin teen girls.

Don't you have a population of 15% Muslim?
You aren't welcome here

Merkel is center-right by German standards. It can get so much worse, you have no idea.

If you have a fucking brain you should be supporting her.

I know you're shitposting, but I'll give you an honest answer anyway--- nobody is starving yet. Americans are comfortable at the moment: lots of food (obviously), and lots of entertainment. The old Bread & Circuses routine keeps us docile.

If the food eventually runs out, however... it will be fucking CHAOS. Nigs will nig like there's no tomorrow, to start with; they'll become EVERYBODY'S problem, and suddenly all those guns we buy will become genuine self-defense weapons.

cool story bro, tell us another

I spoke to a German cuck once and I asked him how irresponsible letting in 1 million people was and his response was

> we have 80 million people! 1 million is nothing!

He then went on to talk about gay hating Russia.

They don't think it's bad yet

because we live in a society of self interest and the one who takes the initiative will be beaten down for the benefit of those who rise up 2nd or 3rd will be the ones to bring it home.

It's time to kill yourself user.

I seriously can't figure out why the people of Australia didn't revolt against their government, killed John Howard and took back their guns.

I just don't get it. Do you enjoy being cucked?

See that is how stupid you sound please never post again you fucking retard.

honestly most of the people have no fucking clue what is going on. they only see poor children and womens fleeing for their lives from a war we funded.

They've been disarmed, but even if they had guns they do enjoy being cucked.

24/7 Propaganda made people apologetic to government and their Tiranny.
People try to rationalize why government is good and why we need more, why we need more regulations and speech laws.
Our government has effectivly emasculated us to become Cucks and obey.

Merkel is psyhopatic whore. I wouldn't never let women without children lead nation.


Though you can still buy guns in Australia you bumble wombat fucking abo.

I think you missed the centrelink website, try checking your bookmarks.

>do you enjoy being cucked
You're the one with male genital mutilation on your computer. You tell me.

>look at me guys I browse Sup Forums I must be intelligent

Nice one, now fuck off. We're full.

Ding ding ding.

The german people are so dissarmed at this point, any civilian uprising will just get swept under the rug.

Haha make a dumb post expect responses like this you fucking tard.

>We will see a second coming of Hitler in our life times?

We will, but he will be a Muslim.

Terrible. More leftists and sandniggers than ever. Couldnt we transfer them to your shithole while you come back to Europe, your homeland? Please?

decades of hardcore jewish brainwashing as part of a deliberate policy of cuckening Germany into a state of impotence from both sides in the cold war

>Using click bait Sup Forums lingo to post a thread
>Ridiculed for not typing it as if it were my resume

Keep going user

Germans love sexual perversion. Muslims are the most perverted people on earth.

>I was k-kidding guys I wasn't actually being serious

finally someone who gets it

On a scale from retard to very retard how retardet are you?

Who said I was kidding?
I'm serious, just casually wording my question you fucking autist.

Defend the immigration of mudslimes and the destruction of your culture, rape of your woman etcetera.