The Handmaid’s Tale

Are you guys ready for SJW: The Show?

>The 10-episode series follows Offred as she tries to survive in a male-dominated totalitarian regime. She is one of the few remaining fertile women who is forced into sexual servitude as a last desperate attempt to repopulate the world. In hopes of surviving and finding the daughter that was taken from her, she will go from one miserable situation to the next.


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How much anti-man shit will be in this?

The "Evil white man" dial is probably gonna be turned way past eleven

why did they adapt this Atwood novel instead of Oryx and Crake?

Did she lose some weight?

>depressing as fuck: the show



They made us read this in high school and then again in college. It wasn't a fun read either time.

The book is great. I didn't know there even was a show coming out. I'm excited to see it.

I'm also excited to see how triggered Sup Forums gets over it.

There won't be a single evil man that's a minority. I guarantee that.

Had to read this for class, it made me despise dystopian literature with a burning passion. I could not suspend my disbelief enough to swallow the premise of America going roided Shariah Law on itself. And the author claims not to be a feminist, maybe she just has a massive victim complex, but God knows she's fanning the flames with this shit.

You can see that cameltoe from fucking space

>black handmaid in background


>show puts fascism and forced gender roles in a bad light
>they must be talking about me!

why are white """"""""males"""""""" such autistic tyrannical sociopaths

If she takes dick every episode, maybe.

Black bitches have kids if you look at them. It makes sense they are among the fertile ones. The rest of the women are Latinos.

I read the book as part of my English Lit. class and for what its worth the main character literally takes part in cuckoldry. Take that as you will

>ywn impregnate fertile, young pussy, while she lays between your cuckqueen wife's tits

why live?

"Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them."

Is Margaret Atwood right?


Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men wont give them their money

Is this my Madfu?


Jesus the novel was drawn out as it was.

Had to read it for school, can confirm it is literally: "your a fucking white male" the book.

>Christian Saudi Arabia: The Book


What are some of the worst parts of it?

well the original adaptation isn't very good so it was worth redoing.

they should just adapt all Atwood novels.

we need Atwoodkino.

>The Commander is a high-ranking official in Gilead. Although he is supposed to have contact with Offred only during "the ceremony", a ritual of sexual intercourse intended to result in conception and at which his wife is present, he begins an illegal and ambiguous relationship with her. He offers her hidden or contraband products, such as old (1970s) fashion magazines, cosmetics and clothes, takes her to a secret brothel run by the government, and furtively meets with her in his study, where he allows her to read, an activity otherwise prohibited for women.

Sounds like she was really well provided for, I guess she could really count herself lucky to have a man take care of her in this wa-

>After Offred's initial meeting with Nick, they begin to rendezvous more frequently. Offred discovers she enjoys sex with Nick, despite her indoctrination and her memories of her husband.


>All this SJW bitching.

Has anyone actually read the book? It's a allegory for Cromwell's England. You guys are freaking out over nothing.

>Offred observes that Jews refusing to convert are allowed to emigrate to Israel, and most choose to leave. However, in the Epilogue, Professor Pieixoto reveals that many of the emigrating Jews ended up being dumped into the sea while on the ships ostensibly tasked with transporting them to Israel, due to privatization of the "repatriation program" and capitalists' effort to maximize profits


Sup Forums can't read.

everything they don't understand is "SJW"

All people see is SJW now, same shit happened with Rogue One

Yes, women tend to be extremely irrational.

Why the fuck wouldn't they just do Blind Assasin? Faggots

I'm okay with that if she has some nude scenes

> Canadian author shames the US again

She actually just ripped this off straight from history.

Blacks from Africa would be dumped directly into the sea, and you could still collect insurance from Lloyd's Bank, a bank that is still around.

>Blacks from Africa would be dumped directly into the sea
We need a Godzilla type movie about the repercussions

>And the author claims not to be a feminist
There's nothing new under the sun, she's basically the caricature of a tattooed hipster under a paper mask

Her politics are "I'm not liberal at all, I'm a good old fashioned conservative environmentalist misandrist atheist communist"

Reminds me of David Brooks, the loyal conservative who is always on hand to tell us how Ronald Reagan was a huge disappointment to conservatism and George W. Bush was a huge disappointment to conservatism and Donald Trump is a huge disappointment to conservatism but there's plenty of good reasons for conscientious conservatives to support Barack Obama and Bill/Hillary Clinton

Godzilla get woken up by gunshots and rap music on the seabed

> Canadian """literature"""

>portrays a society where women are forced in the secondary roles
>automatically SJW

Would that mean The Master is MRA: the movie because it portrays a matriarch in an unflattering light?

>Women are afraid that men will kill them
Yeah sure, that's why every woman gets wet thinking about some prison chimp gagging her and fucking her, and every single female sexual fantasy involves extreme violence and sadism.

Women don't have enough situational awareness to be afraid for their lives.

>She is one of the few remaining fertile women

eww, welp, looks like we're going extinct bros

Tbh, I would love to the see The Fifth Business adapted into a movie

It's actually absurd that the woman wrote a story about Saudi Arabia and then filled it with white people so she could complain about their barbarism without being racist

That I agree is pretty damn retarded. But at least Mustang covered some of those issues.

>Elizabeth Moss

>women would rather complain and let the human race die than be forced to repopulate
>even if it means the literal demise of the human race

Am I on the right track here?

53% did :^)

It's almost like they read the news or pay attention to modern culture where white men are constantly demonised while non whites and women are treated like they shit out rainbows.

Some guy (who is a spy) gets kicked to death in a circle of women.
the people who take control of this are all white men...almost certain they expelled or murdered minorities

havent read this in a while, good to see a modern twist to it