ITT: actors who have never been in a good movie

ITT: actors who have never been in a good movie

You forgot to add

>pic unrelated

ITT: dead careers

all of Sup Forumss waifus

>Grand Budapest Hotel wasn't an incredible movie

i HOPE this is bait boy!

Imagine looking in those eyes while she is sucking your cock

rather look into her eyes while sucking her cock desu

Isn't that nickey hunstman?

Jessica Biel.

Jason Bateman.

Literally can't prove me wrong

lego movie

but voice acting isn't really real acting so your still sort of right

what are Hanna, The Lovely Bones, and The Grand Budapest Hotel

Pic unrelated obviously you faggot

Mate of mine fingered her outside an underage disco in Carlow once.

Do you enjoy the flicks of wes anderson?

>when the sersh fags come out the woodwork


>he hasn't seen the movie I made with her

kill yourself

I liked Byzantium and Brooklyn. Also Violet and Daisy but thats more of a niche movie that pretty subjective on whether or not its "good"


Sershfrog post your fucking chin already.


Who's this chubbster?

go on

he's a liar

It happened lad. His fingers smelled of chips for weeks.

Are those curry cheese chips you have there? Mind if I have one or two I'm starving I've only had a SuperMacs snackbox to eat all hour.
*snatches takeaway out your hands and gobbles it in seconds*
Thanks user.


watch more movies

laugh if you like but she's on a career track that follows jennifer lawrence but with meryl streep sensibilities and talent

watch more movies2

Nah she was in Hann... um Byzanti...The Grand Buda...ok fair point OP

under age detected

mfw this meme made it out of /éire/

>big nose
>NO ass
>NO tits

what do you guys find attractive about her anyway?

>she will NEVER castrate you with her teeth
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)

thanks for the thread lad
also wat is brooklyn and hanna and lost river and the way back and tgbh