What happened to the American dream?
What happened to the American dream?
i ate it lol
It came true. You're lookin at it
>Believing in the American dream
Well played, Goy.
It got Lucille'd
FDR defined it and Johnson wanted to suck his dick so hard he ruined us.
Is that what your dad told you?
uhhhhhhhh american dream?
It came true.
its called reality
want to know how much of a leftist cuck FDR was? check out his new bill of rights he wanted to pass.
You mean the Russian dream?
Da, comrade. Am American like baseball pie. Oh say can you see, oh say can you see!
We made it true *commits police brutality*
Jews happened.
Trump won
FDR's 2nd Bill of Rights:
Employment (right to work)
Food, clothing, and leisure by enough income to support them
Farmers' rights to a fair income
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies
Medical care
Social security
Yeah, user. That's just terrrrrible.
I'M YOUR BOOGIE MAN starts playing
>I'm anti semetic
Sup, Reddit
You just know that at least 5 of those guys are over 300 years old
>Be poor as fuck
>Work minimum wage
>Start dating woman from the building next to my work
>We move in together and eventually get married
>Buy shitty almost condemned house
>Both spend time fixing it up
>Build picket fence over 6 months
>Adopt dog
>Wife is pregnant
Fuck you I made it, and all I had to do was apply for welfare and foodstamps
Bankers and their neo-cons/neo-liberal puppets stole the future of the average American to enrich themselves and expand their power
How do they live so long?
>the kings of this planet have the best possible healthcare imaginable
It's a mystery
For the record, I don't agree with the "jew" angle. Rockefeller isn't a jew and neither are other men of equal power who you left out.
Good thing you can't beat cancer until we get brain uploading
Everything's there
Good thing they don't consume the same carcinogenic consumer goods as the plebs
cyka blyat
We all get cancer some day, even if you're 120, your cells will get fucked up
Sure, but most of those men are just over 100 or below.
But, no matter how they may think otherwise, they aren't immortal
Their families will always rule the world, they will never be deposed. These individuals may be mortal, but their families are immortal. If humanity faces some massive extinction, their families will survive, ours won't. Anything short of a gamma ray burst and they'll make it.
When you reach that point, you stop giving a shit about anything but yourself. They will die thrashing against fate.
Lol dude they won a long time ago, anyone finding out now is late to the party. There's literally nothing anyone can do, they've built global society around not only the enrichment of their wealth and expansion of their power, but also to sustain their existence and rule for all eternity. They make more money than god, they use the world like a chessboard, they use famous female celebrities as their personal prostitutes, they get away with literally whatever they want. They won.
>I have no response.
Spoken like a true slave. They won in the arena they organized you to fight in but they're so far away from anything human, wretched ego-beasts, that they pretend there are no other arenas in which to fight. You have to bring them to the new arenas.
Lol good luck with your exploits bud, I'll enjoy life as free range cattle who can fuck a lot of girl cows, drink cow beer and smoke cow weed
I hope you sound less bitter when you do those other things. Someone might think you're actually miserable.
My father grew up a dirt poor farmboy in Kentucky, had to drive an hour to see movies (which was a rare event at that), and had to pick tobacco for 12 hours a day to pay for college. I went to private school, have never held a job in my life besides some nice internships, and currently attend a pretty well-respected, private university.
The American Dream still exists. It's not easy at all, but it can happen. I'm proof of that shit.
I just read an article in some neoliberal rag (I think it was The Economist) that college wasn't overpriced and wouldn't be overpriced until it cost as much as your expected lifetime increase in earnings from possessing a degree (i.e. that if going to college means you'll make $500,000 more in your life, college should cost $500,000)
That kind of thinking, applied to every sphere of society by "think tanks" that all believe in this idiotic neoliberalism, has been running the country into the ground for at least fifty years.
Even WITH Trump in office NONE of you Neo-nazi faggots are gonna get laid
>dude i'm poor therefore the dream is dead lmao
There are RETARDS that wiggle their way into 6 figure jobs. You can too. Stop being lazy.
>Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!
Yes but unironically.
poor people really piss me off about this too, because like literally all you had to do was get A's in your shitty high school and you would get a tuition free ride to any good school in the country, like literally most schools in the Top 50 will cover your tuition if your parents make less than six figures.
If you're an adult and you're poor it's 100% your fault.
you make 6 figures too?
plus they think you even have to go to college, there are tons of trade careers out there that just require some certification that takes under a year to get
Yes. Starting right now, work on learning object oriented programming and web development. You can learn it all from books and resources found 100% free online. When you're good enough, you can get a $60k/year job starting out.
>it's friday night though!
This is why you're poor and always will be poor.
what what you did, stud?
That is why you fail.
enjoy your future divorce
Ozy did plenty wrong
>When you're good enough, you can get a $60k/year job starting out.
There are virtually no more slots for junior devs, especially self-taught/coding camp devs, ESPECIALLY making 60k right out of the gate.
you fucked up somehow, i was making $60k/year starting out last year
those aern't rights fuck face
It was fuckin' gay lmao
This movie's soundtrack is so fucking bad. Almost every scene with music playing in the background ruined it.
Some hardcore projection coming from you
not as bad as suicide squad. But few movies are that awful
If people used welfare and food stamps as they were intended (assistance while you attain an education/find a better job) there would be no need to reform them. The problem is these programs are easily abused and people leech off the government teat for life, causing underemployment and bloated funding for said programs (people get on, never get off, and end up not contributing to the economy)
People talk shit about the US not being a first world country but there are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people abusing government assistance and despite that we're still the most influential economic and cultural force in the world. Essentially on the backs of the "middle class" (which is slowly being eliminated anyway)
And the left will keep fostering government dependency to get votes and then naturalize more poor foreigners who will leech off the system and continue to vote for them. Gr8 way to ruin a country imho
drinking the blood of the young
Hated this moment in the comics. It leaves too much of an "ambiguous meaning" to Doc's final words. I think it's just lazy writing.
Was he talking about the Cold War?
Was he talking about human nature?
Was he talking about how according to determinism there is no way to escape our way of life as we're hardwired to live and think in a certain way?
Dubs happen
Try again
what's mediocre? these dubs
The movie was good, but it's nothing compared to the comic.
Transition from comic to movie is hard to pull off. I loved WATCHMEN, give it a solid 9/10.
It's barely a step above communism, buckaroo.
heh, nice try kid..
The answer to all of that is "Yes".
>that absolute 10/10 opening sequence with "The Times They Are A-Changin'"
Crashed with no survivors.
Good morning, Smallville. The American conscience died with Robert, Martin and John.
You had to be asleep to believe it.
>liking hippy jew music
you woke up
>the milkman
>the paperboy
>Duh lets antagonize Russia because the politicians I'm brainwashed to support need their "donors" to keep selling weapons to Baltic states tricked into joining NATO
Fuck, I think I got bitten by a Sup Forumsack