Why do they keep trying to push this narrative that omar is gay? They attempt this with everyone who does something anti-gay. Its a really strange thing to try and find reasons to equate your with yourself. Normal people look for reason why they are not like their enemies. His family said hes not gay but i guess all the armchair psychologists know better.
Why do they keep trying to push this narrative that omar is gay...
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that was meant to say "your enemies with yourself"
If you kill your enemies, they win.
I don't know, it's always the same.
Get's me fucking mad.
Because then the argument isn't about radical islam. Which it absolutely is. Anyone who denies that is a petulant child who has no idea how the real world works.
They want people to have their guard down with islam. Makes it easier for a lion to kill its prey when they arent panicking.
Because there's no such thing as radical Islam
he was sighted at the club and on grindr, but honestly, it could be taqiya, tit could be that he was actually gay and killed em al so he'd still go to heaven, he could be a normal terrorist or he could be a false flag.
so many possibilities
And he has a kid
And an ex wife/partner
Though are you able to (/want to) go to a gay club if you weren't gay? Tbh, id feel wayyyy to uncomfortable with it. I guess if there's photo evidence of him actually inside on another day i'd believe it.
It sounds like he was casing the place, so he could know the layout and possible escape routes for people. Tactically taking out people, blocking those escape routes with dead bodies.
It exonerates Muslims. Win for the left.
It exonerates homophobia. It's just a gay guy killing other gays. Win for the right, sort of.
In the end nobody really cared about fags unless they could spin their narratives.
Because it makes a sensational story. Even good reporters find their integrity being strained when they have a good story that isn't particularly credible (since it relies almost entirely on what is probably false memories).
There's one agenda which all media shares: the agenda of making profit (by means of readership/viewership).
>Why do they keep trying to push this narrative that omar is gay?
Because people are too stupid to be able to admit they were wrong about Islam being a cancerous ideology so they are coughing up garbage to defend it.
This garbage is doubly good because it also spins the attack to make it look like he was just oppressed himself by the right.
Something like this requires planning. He wouldn't know where gays gather if he didn't use their own tools against them.
He was probably gay
Most normal people just think that faggots are retarded and move on. He got all worked up and gave his life up over it
It doesn't exonerate Muslims at all. It makes their intolerant ideology responsible for this dude's self hatred, which motivated the attack.
Everyone who says this seems to miss the part about him visiting the bar for 3 years.
They are trying to spin it away from he did it for allah.
To deflect from the fact that he was a mossad patsy being used to gut punch G4S' stock prices.
>And he has a kid
>And an ex wife/partner
Ted Haggard has a wife and 5 kids and is a faggot.
Mateen is a cocksucker - get over it.
Choosing to believe something despite all evidence pointing to the contrary is called a delusion
It's an old liberal meme
>he hates gays...
>because he's secretly gay!
It makes sense
He was gay, found out gay was haram, go to nearest club and try to cleanse the world of haram filth including himself
Because he had gay dating apps.
His wife has been quoted saying he was scoping the venue out. She says she tried to talk him out of it.
Mfw she is probably getting charged with not reporting what she knew.
Has anyone ever actually committed a mass shooting because of "homophobia" or "repressed gayness"?
I mean, the obvious explanation - radical Islam - is like right there in your face, and has plenty of precedents. I don't think any person in the US, no matter how virulently anti-gay they are, has ever decided to go shoot 100 people just because s/he was a homophobe. While radical muslims have gone on multiple killing sprees in the name of their religion.
>gut punch G4S' stock prices.
That's funny, it reminds me that I saw a sticker on a lamppost in my city declaring that G4S is an evil company for apparently oppressing Palestinians.
>In March 2016, the company revoked its contract with Israel
So would this be the reason G4S was "punished"?
Oh, no, that bitch is going down. You don't just "try to talk [your husband] out of" going on a killing spree while driving him to case potential targets and think you can walk away with a clean conscious. 49 cases of aiding and abetting murder and 53 of attempted murder, refusing to come forward with information about a terrorist attack at the very least.
This is an user's response to the notion that he was actually gay. It doesn't actually change a thing, if anything it makes it worse.
Obama will intervene and protect his precious Muslim.
She would've been fine if she didn't cooperate with their investigation. Her real crime is not remaining silent and getting a lawyer.
We accept black on black violence as normal because we see it so often. I think they are trying to do the same thing with gays and terrorist
Frankly, I'd be fine with that. The spousal relationship is subject to a great degree of privacy and even though it doesn't and shouldn't apply to something like this, if you play your cards coyly then we'll probably leave our suspicions as suspicions. It's the audacity that really gets me. She says these things and thinks it doesn't matter. That she didn't do it so her conscience is clear. No dice.
Only thing she didn't do was HODOR.
As a gay guy it really upsets me that the focus has been on whether he is homophobic. Note there is no word for Islamic people who are irrationally fearful of the west or our culture but Islamophobia is the bad part, not that he was a Muslim terrorist, and gun control is the answer, when that wouldn't have changed anything. If we banned all Muslims from the U.S. it DEFINITELY wouldn't have happened, but saying that makes me (insert liberal name-calling here).
Liberals want to avoid how discussing Islam is to blame and shift the focus on how this man was actually a crazy self-hating gay despite zero proof.
I want to know, if he's really gay why hasn't any past partners come forward? The only evidence the libcuck media has are witness accounts of him scoping his victims and that isn't enough to prove he was some self-hating gay.
He was reported to suffer bipolar.
He was reported to have said to work colleagues (at various times throughout the last few years) that he had links to Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and ISIS. Organizations that disagree with one another.
He was uninformed but chose to pin his rationale to Islam.
Cristian religions are well known to be similarly cold towards LGTBs, just not salty like Islam.
It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds.
Anything to avoid discussing his religious and political views!