Anyone here ever been in a happening?
I live in the prefecture worst hit by the 3/11 quake and tsunami, and was here when it happened.
Anyone else have one?
Anyone here ever been in a happening?
I live in the prefecture worst hit by the 3/11 quake and tsunami, and was here when it happened.
Anyone else have one?
how long did did the ground shake?
did you think it was the end of the world?
Ive been through some puny california earthquakes I always run outside and shit my pants. Been through some big wildfires, seen a man get killed by a car. Not really happening level happenings.
nothing. I live across the harbor (in the rich side of charleston) from where the charleston shooting took place, but im not involved
>end of the world
american education
- I was on the 6th floor, the intense shaking was close to 5 minutes, in two distinct waves
- When the second wave of shaking hit, it was a vertical shake, and was the worse I've ever felt. I figured that was the end.
It was a 9.0, no one alive in japan had ever felt a quake of the size. Everyone was pretty panicky.
How did it feel to be victim of such a catastrophe, was it terrifying? At one point did you accept you would probably die?
Not really.
My dad prepped for Y2K though.
Pretty much felt that way during the main shaking. Dragging myself back up 16 stories was pretty hard.
When Fukushima started exploding on TV, one of my co-workers commented it was like bing in the book/movie "Japan Sinks"
Was in dc for september 11th. Was spooky. Freshman year of high school.
My drunk uncle buried his guns in a box because he though the computers would get them.
Wow, whereabouts?
My dad helped prevent Y2K. He got a paperweight saying so and everything. You're welcome.
>- When the second wave of shaking hit, it was a vertical shake, and was the worse I've ever felt. I figured that was the end.
I went through a 6.0 on the 28th floor in california, it only lasted ~45 seconds but seemed like eternity. I can't imagine 5 minutes of a 9.0.
Did anyone you know die? Did you bond with the people you talked with afterwards? I can't imagine it would seem like nothing would be the same afterwords.
how was it spooky? Was there police lockdown?
A few earthquakes. Really mild compared to yours but , yeah people died. I can still hear the screaming. Good times...
I was a witness, and slightly injured in the 2013 Boston Bombing
I suffered from PTSD for a while afterwards and had to leave the city, but I'm back.
I have nothing else to really say about it other than I hope that fucking kid dies a worse death than his brother.
Near the zoo at the third highest point in D.C. I remember it was clear but windy and you could mostly hear the echoes of EMS vehicles. Everyone evacuated downtown, including my parents who both worked downtown, and we didn't have school again till Friday (happened on a Tuesday) and I was pissed we didn't get more time off from school.
Well, what happened in detail was that we had an ordinarily schedule "morning meeting" every tuesday anyways after 2nd period, which would have been 9:45 or so AM, where the headmaster would chat up the high school for 20 minutes. She told us what had happened, they wheeled in some tvs, and I remember thinking first that it seemed unreal, like a movie. Mostly, we were concerned about terorrists further bombing D.C. and I was so out of it I just went to my third period class, and a few other kids showed up. When the teacher didn't I went outside to call my nanny to pick me up and that's the first time I can remember using a cell phone.
>I was a witness, and slightly injured in the 2013 Boston Bombing
what shrapnel wound or did you get hurt pissing yourself?
how ptsd? Cant hear explosions in video games or cant watch people running anymore or what?
>Did anyone you know die?
Several, I lived near a coastal town, and had a few fishing buddies. They all died, as did a friend of a friend. I IDed a few, including one guy and his wife/2 sons because his father (lived pretty far away) wasn't well enough to try and get there himself.
- Bonding
The way that despite things just getting worse and worse, people stayed calm, lined up for food, etc, didn't fight or steal was probably why I didn't evacuate when I could have People just pulled together.
>tfw we had to withdraw our rescue teams to help after our own quakes.
Also curious
Did you hear the impact/explosion?
british using US proxy detected
I narrowly avoided a pump explosion, wall collapse, bridge snap, and boat sinking all in 1 day.
But that was less a happening and more death following me around.
I was also a couple blocks away from the deadliest tornado of 2005.
Nope. My dad met Jeffrey Dahmer though, he lived a couple blocks away from us.
I was in the lockdown zone during the Boston Bombings chase for Tsarnaev
Any damage from the tornado?
Did he pick up on anything unusual from him?
For how long?
No the explosion was across the river at the Pentagon and, well, we were more fearful something would happen in D.C. because there was a false rumor that morning that there was a bomb at the State Department.
Like I say that because it was a k-12 school so we had a high school principal then above that person was the "headmaster". It was a private school.
No, he said he was a normal guy, seemed gay and a loner but not unusual/psychopathic. Was a worker in a chocolate factory I think. Can't remember, I was a kid when he told me about it.
Shrapnel in my lower calves, also dislocated shoulder from falling, and being fall atop of.
Anything to do with blasts, loud noises, or people screaming for a while. I remember watching a Football game and just getting so worked up.
One time during classes some fucking idiot shot a cannon to celebrate Veterans Day and I absolutely lost it. I had to take a leave of absence immediately following that incident. I should've just not come back to begin with.
I left Mass, moved to the Pacific Northwest and am pretty happy here now
Shit, I was reading an old thread from 9/11 and it made me remember all the crazy rumors. must have been terrifying.
He was gay, I wonder if he packed fudge at the factory.
>Anything to do with blasts, loud noises, or people screaming for a while.
I get a little on edge when I hear sliding doors/cups rattle, or hear any sound like the early quake alarms.
I live in STL so I lived through the Ferguson shit. Nothing terribly special. Nigs are nigs. Mike Brown had juvenile record like a phone book.
I remember those threads.
Wrong pic, sorry. Still, good times.
I actually saw that while at work. It was parked on the street on the back of a trailer with Texas plates.
>Any damage from the tornado?
Across the highway (house is two houses down from a highway and the tornado followed the highway north hugging the opposite side) there was a fuckton but we just lost a few shingles.
It was a very near miss.
It wasn't scary because I knew my parents were getting out of D.C. and my sister was at school in Maryland. It was more of a numb feeling and a sense of disbelief. I remember being angry for some time because I felt people had manipulated the day to mean more than had happened to us in D.C. (save those at the Pentagon, and those whose friends or family worked there).
Typhoon Ketsana in 2009
this was the beginning of the series of deadly typhoons.
rain that poured in the capital in a few hours was a month's worth. It happened on a Saturday and I thought it was particularly weird that it had been raining for a while and it's not letting up. our house had 2 stories and a basement.
>basement was submerged
no biggie
>water in the kitchen
>water in my room
It was just me and my dad at home that time and my room was on the first floor.
>had to lift my own mattress
the water was rising fast.
>after successfully bringing the mattress to the second floor, water in my room was up to my shins.
>fuck this shit
lost a lot of clothes and photos and had to throw away a lot of old toys with sentimental value.
it taught me a valuable lesson of never getting too attached to stuff because they can be gone just like that.
water nearly reached our second floor. my aunt was trying to keep her cool, but when i held her, she was shaking because that was the very first time it flooded that high in our area.
i lived through katrina, all the houses in the area are on stilts. it wasnt too bad we had a generator and we hunt so there was lots of food in the freezer
what was horrifying is when we ran out of water and had to go into the city. all of our neighbors banded together in case rioters came . late at night you could see there where fires everywhere and gunshots it was like a post apoc movie
I was here for the biggest happening.
>jaffa calling
Ever read the article on thefix about being a druggie who refuses to evacuate? Blew my mind.
Shit, the tsunami was like that. House all fucked up, then you go another 100m and it's fine.
Still, must have been insane to experience firsthand.
I helped clean out a lot of houses after the tsunami, cleaning water-logged stuff is a real task, isn't it?
I saw the 2nd plane hit the WTC and both collapse. Ask me anything
Only small event I could say is I saw that Trump protestor girl get maced
i remember the 2011 brisbane flood, it was okay though, I live on a hill, though I had to host 2 of my aunts and uncles and their kids because they got flooded and cleaning their shit was not fun
Can confirm hauling waterlogged furniture is nightmare mode
accross the river in Brooklyn
I was at the Chicago Trump happening but that was it. Almost got in a fight but got out of there quickly.
Had a freezer drawer dump a load of month-old rotting food and tsunami water right at my feet, almost puked.
In school/uni or home?
we didnt evac cuz we wherent in the flood area if the levees broke(only the nigs where) we are used to floodings and storms. we didnt get hit hard at all only a some wind and flooding, we have boats. but everything around us went to shit. we just drank and bbq'd for 2 months while waiting for nigs to chimpout and kill us
>accross the river in Brooklyn
so youre saying it wasnt CIA holograms/missiles that hit the WTC?
Did you see any muslims/israelis dancing on rooftops?
fortunately we had warning so we were able to move shit to upper levels in my aunts house as well as clear out the fridges and shit
the beers were saved
Well it wasn't that insane, and that's sort of the point. Everyday joes didn't work in large numbers at WTC or Pentagon and those who died were mostly in the former, and mostly on higher floors aka very fancy employees of banks and wealthy large companies. We had just gone through a big bubble burst after the dotcom boom and a fairly shady election decided by the supreme court and it seemed like everyone manipulated the day's events to serve purposes unrelated.
Staying with a buddy who lived there, when we saw the news we wanted to go accross the bridge it get closer but they closed it by the time we got there
>everybody else in the lobby was getting earthquaked too but kept playing
>same with spectators
Sugoi sugoi!
It was clearly a plane, we didn't hear it though until it was right over lower Manhattan
1999 Moore Oklahoma tornado, aka May 3rd tornado. Highest wind speeds ever measured (301 mph)
My mom witnessed the police cars going on the highway towards the 2015 Trollhättan sword attacks. While she went to work.
I was in Norman at the time, shit man
When I got home after a week away, all of my fridge was on the floor. I picked up the last beer I had left and drank it warm walking around the rubble.
Still, that was the first big happening I can remember. was #1 until 3/11/2011
I see.
He's in/near Tokyo IIRC, here's footage from Sendai, near the epicenter
for the night that the zone was put up. I didn't live in Watertown so I wasn't forced to shelter in place. I was in one of the neighboring towns and literally nothing happened. most people were off the streets but I still went out to get pizza.
I have long since made peace with those who did 9/11 personally, and am still angry, however, at those who used the day to foster their globalist agenda, which to some is a front for Israeli interests, which it may be, but to me, it was a way of distracting from an economic crisis (dot com bubble bursting) by creating a war and phony patriotism. It still rings sour.
Yeah, Brexit.
tfw no happening to me personally only a few weak as fuck hurricanes
my biggest happening i wasnt even involved in personally
my mom was in new york city during 911 and was on her way to her job when the shit happened but they shut everything down before she even got there
I saw the explosion and sinking of the rainbow warrior
nevar forget
Typhoon Bopha 2011
Nearby provinces were wiped out but went meh when it hit our city. Was worried tho because we thought our roof will be blown by strong gusts. It was strong enough to trample motorbikes
Sheeit, from Norman. Was with my dad at the time in OKC headed home. Found shelter in a 711 in Moore off i35, was in the refrigerator with 7 other people. When it passed, dad's truck was over a mile away. Not far from that 711, the wind was so strong it fucking ripped the blacktop off i35 as well as the grass... was just bare dirt where it passed through.
I still have nightmares about the sky that day.
Yeah sure, I was at chanology.
Which Tornado was the movie Twister based on?
Here in Vegas we had a couple shoot up a wal mart a few years back iirc
I was at the GameStop not too far from it about to go to the pets mart a few steps down the street when I heard rifle sounds the "clang clang clang" and people running all over the parking lot taking cover behind their cars . I immediately went to my car to get the fuck out but police were chasing this couple after they shot a police officer near a cc pizza near by
I forgot how many died but for a month straight the walmart had American flags all over the store and a rose heart thing for the dead
I felt such a rush from it I legitimately didn't know whether it was from fear or excitement
Also another happening, My friends friend took part in the 2014 Submarine search in archipelago of Stockholm.
And my former teacher survived the 2004 Tsunami when he visited Thailand.
Dunno, that movie came out 3 years before the 1999 tornado. Probably just tornadoes in general.
I was playing Operation Flashpoint during the 2010 earthquake here, but there was a black-out after that.
I was 10 when the Pasha-bulker crashed in Newcastle. My dad and I drove up to see it. Not too big of a happening but it was really fucking cool to see it
Well, fug.
I see. Mine was a natural disaster, and I'm still here, so I guess I've sort of made peace with it too.
I remember that. When they had the UN Disaster Conference last year, the Japanese and Filipinos had a lot to talk about.
Was that when they hung the "gays come here signs" underwater?
Chile and Japan tend to bat tsunamis at each other. Thanks for the new moai after the 3/11 tsunami ruined the old one.
>Was that when they hung the "gays come here signs" underwater?
That was after, Some retarded liberal movement did that.
The entire archipelago was shut down, While the navy ran sonar scans of the entire sea bed.
I personally followed the happening thread on Swedish forums where we discovered the ship NS concord and we reported it to the armed forces.
Good times.
My father in law fitted Fred & Rose Wests Kitchen.
The biggest happening in was in was just a weird early snow storm that shut the state down for a few days.
It wasn't a massive amount of snow but the trees still had leaves on them, so it brought down tons of them. All the wires were ripped off of my house by falling trees and we were without power for two weeks.
My mom shot herself in front of me. Still freaks me out when I think about it.
did she not wanna be a mum?
Damn, stay strong user.
dem feels
hopefully didn't fuck you up too much
just being a social outcast as a kid pretty well wrecked me mentally
glad nothing truly awful happened
She divorced my dad and went into a drinking struggle, she called me upstairs one day, told me she loved me and shot herself. It was painful as fuck to tell my little sister about it
I got nothing. All I have is a few weeks ago I heard all these emergency vehicles hauling ass down the road. They were on the way to the Cincinnati Zoo where the life of a beautiful animal was snuffed out to save a nigger baby. Who will grow up to be a thug and a rapist.
>NS concord
At the rate Sup Forums is growing, we might start wars in a few years.
So sorry to hear that.
Almost got my bike stolen by a pack of gypsies.
and I lived near the gulf coast during Katrina
luckily had a badass uncle who had a generator and was a bit of a prepper
we were basically cutoff for several days til trees were cleared out and it was about a week with no electricity
with temps around 100
makes you truly appreciate AC
I was in Madagascar during an attempted coup in 2010. Looked like a fucking category 6 chimpout. I was one of a handful of whites in the country and I got sick awhile I was there.
Disasterzone of a shithole. It would be a blessing for them if we invaded and enslaved them all.
That's awesome
Florida is just full of happenings.
I was a bit young to remember it, though.
>At the rate Sup Forums is growing, we might start wars in a few years.
kek, /sg/ found the cordinates of terorrist camps that the RuAF bombed.
A very smart and sharp user on the Swedish "flashback forums" found the NS concord on marinetraffic.
Later research have confirmed that the ship can carry smaller submarines and is of Russian origin which made speculations go through the roof hehe.
I've lived through a few hurricanes when I lived in Florida. Nothing too serious. Wilma was the worst, the house we were all hunkered down in almost had the roof ripped off by a tornado but I slept through that.
When I was walking to work, I was one of the first people to notice the decapitated head on the sidewalk in the town where I live.
Pic related, the head.
The feels man the feels.
I can't even imagine going through that jeez.
>Florida is just full of happenings.
Cal/Ore user. Been in and survived a few major fires. My son was born in the middle of the Butte Complex Fires back in butte co, ca 2008. Everything was burning as far as you could see into the distance. The sight, sound and smell is unlike anything I've ever experienced, watching 20,000 firefighters fight a losing battle.Truly a humbling experience.
That's not a Mexican flag...
What a cunt
I had a cousin who had to relocate because of the Fort Mac fires, it sounds just horrible.
Small town near me, Weed, CA was around 50% destroyed a few years back. It's insane.