Male 20-30

>male 20-30
>this isn't in his top ten films

>doesnt list lord of the rings on his dating profile
>wonders why he cant get a gf


you delete my thread about cooking shows and ban me 3 minutes after posting but some how this thread gets to stay alive

fuck Sup Forums and fuc k the mods this site is complete bullshit now


go to bed ralphie

>saging Gladikino threads

Pretty generic story desu, fight scenes are too shaky cam as well.

Looks really nice otherwise tho

Tasteful, Greengrass-tier shake is a fine choice. I just wish the choreography wasn't shit.

How come Russell Crowe JUSTed himself so much physically after this film and never came back? He already looks like shit in A Beautiful Mind which is only 1 year after Gladiator

This was the first film to do all of that "shaky action cam" bullshit. Every fucking director afterwards does the same shit.

Fuck this movie.

I got banned the other day for saying I wanted to drink elle fanning's semen. I wasnt even OP. There was 3 blacked threads up at the time too

I got banned for saying Chris Evans can do better than Jenny Slate lmao

>actually using online dating


>he has a top ten
>not a single omnipotent all powerful #1

>elle fanning

There is your first mistake

it's just Sup Forums for some reason

They want this board to be shit.

>not fucking tinder whores

>not on all the dating apps and sites available to him

>average tinder whore

That isn't BvS

Spartacus is better. After watching Spartacus gladiator is too derivative to enjoy, the Kirk Douglas movie is superior in every way. I like Ridley Scott but this is his most overrated film.

I prefer pic related

Ridley Scott is shit except the martian.

>he can't get any so they're all fat

>waits until everybody leaves the thread to reply

It's actually quite mediocre