What went wrong?
Assassin's Creed
>watching a movie with a character whose objective is jump into hundreds of hay wagons
Anyone defending the future shit is a retard, the games are complete trash BECAUSE of the future shit, if they treated it like a period movie 100% it would be better
this, the whole memory shit is fucking dumb, whats wrong with a story about an order of assassins
Sounds interesting to me
There's probably something very wrong. The only trailer I've ever seen is the "MAN OF GOD" one and every commercial has scenes from that trailer.
It looks great to me am I alone?
I've only seen the trailer, but already that alone brings up one huge issue. What's the fucking point of the Animus and the modern day stuff?
A movie like that should be stripped down to its bare essentials, that way the film can take time to focus on one over arching theme.
What I mean is the film should be ALL IN THE PAST. The main thrust of the movie being Michael Fassbender being an assassin that's fucking over the Illuminati (or whatever they are in the game, I can't recall). That's it, no modern day unnecessary bullshit to bog it down and complicate shit for no good reason.
It's a problem almost all game to movie adaptions have though. They take the source material and try to port it over whole sale, but videogames being such a different medium means that'll never work.
>takes place in a spanish country
>everyody is white
Lol, and you faggots tell me whitewashing isn't a thing. gtfo here.
God the visuals are shit.
Vydia games.
Not liking the present conspiracy is literally a sign of plebianism.
You should pay a visit to the taste doctor.
Fassbender wasting his talents on this shite
There has never been a good video game movie.
in the trailer for both this and X-Men: First Class, Michael Fassbender says "Let's find out" in exactly the same manner. It's kind of creepy.
Super Mario Bros
Street Fighter
Mortal Kombat
Prince of Persia
I told her I loved her too quick. The worst part is, I wasn't even in love with her. I just thought it was something she wanted to hear. Everytime a girl wants to get close to me something always goes wrong like this. Maybe I am a fuck up like my dad said.
This. Its bar-none the worst fucking aspect of the games in general. It's why Black Flag was far more enjoyable because, while they did shove that shit in there, it was so much less than previous entries. Same shit with Rogue. Yet after them they just keep doubling down on it even in fucking movies.
>vidya is only good for "so bad it's good"
Nice "art" you got there
Pitch Black was a good movie that got an amazing video game later but it's kind of backwards.
Can't blame him. Easy paycheck. Won't tarnish his career in any way.
Fuck, he needs to be the next Bond though. He looks so much like the author's imagining of him.
>take a game that tries its best in cutscenes to emulate a movie with the most shitty conspiracy-theory centered story around
>then try to make it into a movie without toning the shitty lore down
Video games get a pass since gameplay is a huge aspect of it and part of the experience. I can't stand the story of Assassin's Creed. It's fucking terrible. Cliched shit. It's why video game movies pretty much never work.
>Not liking the present conspiracy is literally a sign of plebianism.
Fuck off, Ubishill.
>You should pay a visit to the taste docto
I just did my friend.
>What went wrong?
making a movie about this gay ass shit in the first place, that's what
Spaniards are white you cunt
Yeah, we are totally white :^)
Wait, do we know anything about this or is this just a shit post thread?
take your pick:
letting fassbender turn it into a vanity project so he can play producer
doing the past scenes in spanish with english subtitles, so you can't put that part of the movie in the marketing besides its action scenes
waiting for the games to reach oversaturation instead of making one when people actually cared
marion "terrible actress" cotillard
Second that other user prince of Persia was good
The whole present-day Lerminati "muh ancient artifacts, muh mind control" plot is such absolute garbáge
Hahaha oh wow.
The present day segments are Corportate Office Simulator 20XX
Fuck her dude you don't need her
>Whites can't tan
>The city of you
Nice. I mean do you want them speaking English in Spain
not particularly, but it's not like the games didn't have the dialogue automatically translate to english. they've really put themselves in a position where marketing this movie is hard
He was involved in the production, hired the director, etc. This was more than just a paycheck for him. Maybe he was looking to become more of a foreign box office draw or something since China is the only place this piece of shit has any chance to earn.
>a spanish country
>it's just a tan bro
>the city of you
actually it's funny how if you take a bunch of the most famous players (xavi, xabi, ramos, torres, iniesta, etc) you can pretty much surmise exactly what the spanish population looks like
Michael Fassbender was great casting desu, it just sucks that he can't ever star in any real movies
Depends where you live I guess. Though you are much more likely to find people who look like Xavi than Torres in any region.