The Wire or The Sopranos?
The Wire or The Sopranos?
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why not both
childhood is favoring the sopranos
adulthood is realizing that the wire is the greatest tv show ever made
>not being able to appreciate both of them as the pinnacle of television
Spotted the plebs, it's apples vs oranges. Both shows set out to accomplish different things and they succeeded at that.
Breaking Bad
sopranos doesn't accomplish shit
>muh italian stereotypes
>muh gay gangster prejudice
>muh sociopath
Simplifying the show like that makes you look ignorant, you could say the same thing for the wire
>muh niggers
>muh corruption
>muh drugs
the wire is real life
sopranos is a made for tv fairy tale
Can't remember why, but I stopped watching The Wire halfway through season 3. Should I pick it up again?
The Sopranos is art
The Wire is more like a pseudo-documentary
All muhs which are strongly delivered on
soprano muhs a shit
I prefer The Wire, personally.
Sopranos is for the masses, the wire is for the people wanting a challenge.
fuckin A. sopranos is literature. the wire is the newspaper.
ya i stopped cuz fuck that shit. boring AF
Yea exactly. You just gotta look at the creators. One has a thorough knowledge of cinema and praises new wave films, the other is a veteran journalist
>muh cop soap opera
Third option.
absolutely not
I can't into the Wire because there's too many nignogs with criminalspeak. I just don't understand them and don't relate because they're reprehensible.
Maybe if you grew up poor, around other bixnood? You would get it. I don't.
Where does Deadwood stand?
Preface: on season 4 of sopranos and have finished the wire
sopranos is great; the characters, their interactions and the writing is all top notch. it really feels like a well-fleshed out world, and i believe gives one an idea of the relationships and power-struggles in the world of organized crime. But it just doesn't grab me.
The wire grabbed me by the balls and heart and dragged me through 5 seasons of emotionally torture. I watched the wire almost nightly until i finished it. Every time i would finish an episode i would relaly have to recompress about the episode, come shitpost on Sup Forums about it, or read analyses online. The slow evolution of the characters, the painful reality of the decisions these characters make and harshness of the world build something that IS real, unliek the sopranos which FEELs real.
I'm not relaly expressing myself very well but to summarize the sopranos feels like a show (and is a very good one) whereas the wire feels like real life (and therefore is more emotionally powerful).
I imagine is being derogatory in his comparison of the wire to a newspaper, but i believe this is a positive.
You can read a book, enter the characters mind and experience their world. But at the end of the day, it's just a book. It may argue some good points about the human condition but it's only somebody's vision of reality (not reality itself)
. Reading a newspaper, is a much more in depth study of the human condition and the intricacies of the decisions each of us face everyday. Whether we side with the paper on an issue or not, it is challenging our perception of life instead of simply giving us one's opinion.
if it had more seasons it woudl stand a chance. All the arcs were cut short sadly
Sopranos>=Mad Men>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Wire
mad men is shit compared to The Sopranos and The Wire
it's different. if you really love character dramas, then it will be your GOAT.
I'm preparing to finally watch The Wire for the first time; I hope it's as magical as when I first watched The Sopranos.
Sopranos > Deadwood > The Wire >>>>>> Mad Men
The Sopranos, easily. The Wire is amazing but even if you ignore it's flaws it doesn't come close
>documentaries can't be art
>social commentary in fiction can't be art
Mad Men has its strengths and weaknesses. I still think it has the best dialogue, best theatrics and romanticism and best story. Plus it has the added bonus of only the very first scene of the pilot being required to watch before you're off on a binge.
The Sopranos hits all of the best notes, it's an emotional rollercoaster; watching it will change you as a person- it will make you laugh very loud and it will make you cry a lot, there is nothing else like it and probably never will be
The Wire is
>we dindu nuffin
>iss da evil whitey byu-ro-kra-see
>what do we want? DEAD PIGS
I guess it differs between personalities but I would say The Sopranos touched me more.
I understand that The Wire is gritty and realistic, which is impactful in its own way.
However The Sopranos has this very distinct vibe that's hard to place. It is partly due to the environment being a character itself where the decaying industrial part of NJ juxtaposes with cold woods and repeated imagery of wind and the ocean. This is the place where this underground tradition of the mafia is portrayed in modern times. There is this background presence of the older mafia generation (e.g. Tony's father and The Godfather movies) and a sense that its golden age has passed. In addition there a some surreal moments and dream sequences as well as this strange but common connection between food and violence. This all adds to the weird universe of the show.
I would not say The Sopranos feel like "a show" because it feels much more like real life than something like "friends". If anything it is cinematic, like a film, though it has a much longer running time than a movie which allows it to have more flexibility with pacing.
Though The Wire is definitely closer to realism, I feel it lacks something poetic that The Sopranos has and that is more poignant to me.
The Sopranos is the undisputed best tv series ever made, and it'll be a huge moment in modern cultural history if one serie succeedes Sopranos from the throne one day.
The Wire is still easily in top3-ever-tier, it's a great achievement.
no it isn't
there, not it's disputed.
wire is boring as fuck
not kino/10
Mad Men Season 5 > Sopranos Season 6b > The Wire Season 1
All of them perfect television.
-Mad Men
-The Wire
The Mad Men season 5 finale is probably better or at least as good as the Sopranos finale, but both are better than the actual Mad Men finale
I don't agree. Although not as perfect as the Sopranos finale, I think Mad Men's was incredible and satisfying. You can rewatch the series with that in mind and somehow everything feels like it leads to Don creating the best ad ever made.
Thanks for the serious response. I'll try and keep those things in mind as i continue through the series. Hopefully it will help awaken a deeper appreciation of the show.
But you can relate to murdering sociopathic italian mobsters?
I am in fact rewatching Mad Men, but that finale isn't as strong as the Sopranos one, especially because the Mad Men finale is pretty clear cut, while the Sopranos finale can be discussed for hours (as was discussed here ; i for one do not accept that Tony dies)
The Mad Men season 5 finale can also be discussed at great lengths for the same reason, that ambiguity, those huge hints of what might and might not happen, in fact, what DID OR DID NOT HAPPEN JUST NOW?? which makes it similar to the sopranos
definitely prefer it to the actual finale
No worries these are the discussions I appreciate Sup Forums for. You should check out
pleby first show
The Wire. It had, I don't know, sillier moments (not comedy) but it didn't crap out in the last season
I finally just watched all of this. Everyone is so unlikable in this shit.
actually when season 4 ends is when it gets VERY good again
but if you like the wire more than the sopranos it just lets me know you have no future in show business/acting/etc
the emotions in the sopranos run WAY WAY higher than the wire. romanticism>realism
the performances are TOP NOTCH (note that nearly all of these actors were unknown at the time). i mean, look at meadow, she was some kid with no experience and she delivers one of the best performances ever, along with carmela
you should also keep in mind that at the time the sopranos WAS the new standard for realism and violence and pushing the limits in showing the visceral and gritty quality of it, which was its way of juxtaposing the romanticism and idea of "The Mafia".
basically, the wire simply does not touch me as a person. it's just a liberal biased commentary on black criminals
I just read an analysis of the last episode i watched, and there's some really interesting points that I missed.
As i mentioned earlier, after I'd watch an ep. of The Wire i'd often read analyses online. I will admit that this analysis-search is partly born from my inability to fully understand the plot of some episodes of The Wire, whereas in The Sopranos I find that I usually understand episodes entirely.
Maybe this reading is part of the reason I liked The Wire so much more (because I had many of the finer points explained to me whereas for The Sopranos i have thus far accepted at face value). It might be like going to an art gallery with a knowledgeable friend, having the context explained and help connecting the dots might really raise your appreciation.
I would like to mention that I don't think that The Sopranos is "simpler" than The Wire (some of the New Jersey residence's actions and motives are more thought-provoking than those of their Maryland counterparts) but I think that my problem fully grasping The Wire might imply that the world built in the show is more complex, real and thus, for me, more thought-provoking than the world of The Sopranos.
wire boring as fuck. this was me watching it the whole time
The Wire isn't about being le relatable tho.
It got really popular and I'm pretty sure most of its audience didn't live in the ghetto.
>The Wire is
>>we dindu nuffin
>>iss da evil whitey byu-ro-kra-see
>>what do we want? DEAD PIGS
Decent bait. Almost fell for it for a second.
The Wire forever. Even random scenes non central to the plot were great.
The Sopranos vs The Wire. Winner by category:
Writing (main plot): The Wire. Some flaws here and there but as a whole The Wire is just great storytelling. By no means Sopranos' plots are bad, though.
Writing (dialogue): Sopranos. Muh nigga B-more dialect sounds cool, but the dialogue in Sopranos is simpy goat tv writing and amazingly consistent. Actors in Sopranos deliver the lines better, too.
Directing/production values/kinomatography: The Sopranos. Distinctive look, innovative sequences, memorable shots, great music choices.. simply well executed from start to end. The Wire's documentary-like style is well done, but you still gotta give this one to the Sops.
Major characters: The Sopranos. Well, Tony alone is more interesting than McNulty, Stringer, D'Angelo and Omar combined.
Minor characters: The Wire. By investing less time in major characters, The Wire was able to create more memorable minor chars. Great casting choices, S4 the prime example.
Higher highs: The Sopranos. Vastly more standout episodes and individual scenes that you want to rewatch again and again.
Less lower lows: The Wire. It's really hard to pick the worst episode from any individual season, it's a smooth ride, when Sopranos usually had one or two misstep episodes per season.
Influence: The Sopranos. The Wire is the bench mark for realistic crime drama, but Sopranos convinced all the future tv showrunners that it's possible to write subtle, character-driven, often anticlimatic stories with experimental style. Mad Men could never had existed without Sopranos, but Breaking Bad could had existed without The Wire.
Social commentary: The Wire. It's what it aspired for.
Psychological commentary: The Sopranos. It's what it aspired for.
The Sopranos > The Wire >>> Mad Men > Deadwood >>>>>> everything else >>> Breaking Bad > Game of Thrones
If you Google Nicky, one of the suggested search terms is about his girlfriend
Those tits are legendary
The Wire. The Sopranos is a great show, and it excels at what it does. Some of the lighting and compositions of the shots can be quite beautiful. The Wire is probably less "beautiful" overall, but I find it has some nice directing too. Of course, it's really like comparing two different things, The Wire was never meant to look as cinematic.
But overall, The Wire appeals to me more. The characters appeal to me more, the setting is more interesting to me, the cultures it focuses on are more fascinating. I like the way it's filmed in the street too, a lot of sort of low angles so you actually feel like you're in the street. It has great sound design too, the way the cars sound while driving on the street, the music coming from external things within the shows universe (stereos, cars going by, clubs and the like).
Either way, both shows are great, and are completely justified in being considered among the best in television history. But I think, ultimately, it tends to come down to which one appeals to you/hits you in the emotions more.
>ctrl-F "Twin Peaks"
>0 results
Really? I thought Sup Forums gave Twin Peaks the good succ
I remember this scene and I prayed all season long to see her tits again
they were fucking god tier
because it really excels at the parts that make it unique but has a lot of flaws though
that being said in terms of age it claims the title for oldest good tier tv show
Memes aside, both are objectively very good but I personally like The Wire better. But I respect those who like The Sopranos better.
The Sopranos for character exploration. You get to focus on and get to know these characters more intimately than in any show.
The Wire for a wider narrative and scope. It's a panoramic and more naturalistic view that chronicles a city and it's corruption.
Twilight Zone is way older and hits that same spot of perfect balance between comfy/spooky
i completely agree
just gotta live for today
Sopranos has the magic.