Did Martin Bryant's actions save more lives from gun violence and mass shootings than he murdered?
Did Martin Bryant's actions save more lives from gun violence and mass shootings than he murdered?
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Yes, for now. But who knows what will happen in the future. We don't know how society will change in Australia.
There might come a time where we might end up regretting disarming the entire nation.
You know fine well he didn't do it.
it is true that our army can't protect our whole coast line. Is it ever possible that Indonesia or China could invade?
Most Americans won't disagree that it may have. But that isn't the point. Did his actions restrict freedom in any way? If yes, then we don't like it.
surely he would have been suicided if he was a puppet.
You fags caved hard. You know I always thought it was funny how our colonial brothers that decided to stay in the Empire spent 200 years talking about muh tradition and muh English this and English that. And yet one of the most cherished of the English rights, the right to keep and bear arms, we're the ones who are doing the best to preserve it.
You owe this man an apology, frankly.
>it is true that our army can't protect our whole coast line. Is it ever possible that Indonesia or China could invade?
ask anyone near Normandy if someone could invade.
Isnt he rotting in jail and nobody is allowed to interview him?
M8 can I have some of what you're smoking
We have just under 30,000 regular and 15,000 reserves to defend a place the size of Europe.
Pic related: 10,000 Tiger Forces + 100,000 regular SAA + 100,000 SAA reserves + 10-30k Hezbollah/Iranians can't even hold a country the size of Victoria.
>muh mass shootings
All the other violent crime shot up significantly. Bravo. Well done. So successful.
>he STILL think Bryant did the Port Arthur massacre
>cunts get shot daily
>law-abiding citizens disarmed
makes me ashamed to be strayan desu
can you link me to the interview of bryant err explaining his motives and his planning thanks
ile wait
Yeah, but a huge chunk of that land is of no value to any invading force. That and you have allies like America and friends to back you up. Before you go on calling us Americunts (Uh-merry-kee-unts), know that I would gladly go die for you country without hesitation (not that I'd have a choice being a government slave). At least I can believe in the folks we were fighting to help in that case.
The new gun laws were Lisa Simpson's rock that keeps tigers away.
this nigga actually won the lottery and bought a $5000 AR
sounds like something the typical Sup Forums user would do desu
>Believing in Hoax Arthur
>Not understanding statistics
Nice one, kys
That's great to hear that, mate. I often wondered if Americans gave a fuck about us and would forget us if we we're invaded.
I do appreciate what America does for everyone world wide. I'd also gladly fight for Britain, America or Canada.
the coastline is where all major cities and towns are made up though
its only the desert thats not that important which is in the interior
Murder was going down before 1996, and slowed its descent after the new restrictions. By the standard of its goals, the law was counter-productive.
America is a country with more people
more borders
more diversity
and more niggers
>Be China
>Australia has pissant fighting force
>Invade Catherine
>Can't advance further because everything around for 2000km is sand
>Launch simultanious attack on city
>Get rekt because forces are concentrated in cities
I wanna buy your rock!
You forgot to turn on your proxy, you seppo cunt.
You'll get one of your own soon Ameribro.
>seppo cunt
nah cunt i'm over here for work for the week
what could be more strayan than drinking some foreign cunts' beer?
He has never been found guilty in a court of law. He did not have a trial.
how does a guy with an IQ of a monkey manage to kill 35 people with headshots
Well, considering gun homicides, like all homicides have continued the exact same steady decline since the late 60's, no.
Objectively it made no difference total lives saved or lost.
Pic related helped much more.
Yeah we know
You can interview him. You won't get much out of him. Did you watch the police interviews? The guy is an autistic retard.
They said he occasionally tries to brag to other prisoners and they just avoid his fat ass.
but assaults have been increasing
actually no
if the homicide rate went way up, this means that the gun law actually killed more people than saved
it'd better not be fosters.
drink fosters and I'll gut you myself.
Yeah, that's usually what happens when you plead guilty dumbass.
China has massive sand desert areas used as training grounds my man.
So what?
They've been plummeting in Sydney lately thanks to nowhere being fucking open for a drink.
What does being dumb have to do with how well you shoot?
You fucking clown.
>what is a confession?
It didn't. It went down. At the same pace as it was going decades prior to the gun ban.
If you're talking about mass, random, double digit shootings by autistic weirdos...Well, we haven't had one since Bryant.
If you're talking about homicides...Well, they have been dropping since the 60's, and even with Bryant's then world record, the rate STILL didn't change.
t. cant aim for shit
theres a difference between staging a land invasion of a desert country and invading with an amphibious assault and praying the 12 subs that you have graciously supplied us with wont pound at said invaders shipping lines until they are starving to death
His initial plea was not guilty. He maintains his innocence today. His state appointed lawyer recommended/coerced him to plead guilty.
He should go to trial. Legal experts agree that he should.
Never happened, nice expose of your faggot cunt self.
"Bryant was judged fit to stand trial, and his trial was scheduled to begin 7 November 1996. Bryant initially pleaded not guilty, but was persuaded by his court-appointed lawyer and the prosecution to plead guilty to all charges.[6]"
Nothing sus.
He got conned by the whole "even if you're innocent, you have no chance to win, plead guilty for a lighter sentence" shtick.
Not really, no, they could easily get tens of thousands of boots on your ground just by mobilizing their fishing boats.
True, but it will be a long fucking time before any Navy possesses the ability to go toe-to-toe with the USN in a large scale battle that would be an attempted invasion of Australia. Their only hope would be to, somehow, air drop resources into the interior and attack outward towards the populated coastal areas.
Beyond outside help, I pray for the sorry fuckers who try to fight the ADF in general, let alone on their own turf. I have always liked Australians, but my experiences with the ADF in Afghanistan gave me a new level of respect for the type of hard cunts you all fill the ranks with.
Like most Anglo nations, you do not want to fuck with them when it comes to killing in an organized manner. Same opinion of the Britcunts, some hard-charging, 0 fuck giving man men in their armed forces as well.
Yes it did. I am guessing you weren't even born when this shit went down.
*mad men
It's a good thing you linked to the "massacre," because nobody cares about Australian news.
You're a faggot cunt and when you speak nothing but shit comes out of your mouth. Sit down and shut up.
>China invades
>100,000s of chinese soldiers in australian mainland
>they dont even need to forcefully remove people from their homes to setup base and places for soldiers to sleep because they just goto the hundreds of thousands of homes they already bought up and own
>they open up shops and start selling shit cheaper
>nobody actually minds
God damn, it's been a long time since I was on Sup Forums during prime time 'Stralia hours. This is fucking great.
>week before the shooting an anti-gun politician says if Parliament doesn't pass anti-gun laws there would be a mass shooting very soon; JUST A PURE COINCIDENCE, HONESTLY
>literal retard manages to headshot 30 people
>witnesses gave varying descriptions of the shooter, some even saying there were multiple shooters
>bullets were never matched up with any guns Bryant owned or allegedly used during the shooting
>lawyer convinced Bryant to plead guilty by telling him his friends and family would be in trouble if he didn't
simply put, if there were a trial, there wouldn't be enough evidence to put him away
oh m8 i am so offended you really got me there
This guys knows what's up.
Wait until they start building skyscrappers, that'll teach you.
HAHAHA so true. I remember there was Chinese tourist shops in Surfers Paradise were you could only purchase things with Chinese yuan.
that is assuming the emus don't get them first.
Saying there is a causal connection to the gun ban and their being no more mass shootings is a fallacy. Especially when there is so much evidence to the contrary with the rise in gun crime and examples of other countires.
Tbh if the emu try shit the chinks will just have a good old bbq
Actually our violent crime rate is at record lows, how has NRA propaganda managed to spread to Canada? Not to mention murder rate is close to half what it was before the laws, fucking leafs have almost a 50% higher homicide rate LOL.
some Americans are shit tier and don't care about anyone but themselves. They are self hating, flag burning cunts. The rest of us think Australia is bro tier even if we don't like your laws.
*reports* of assaults have been increasing. There's now far greater requirements regarding the following up of domestic violence for one, and new laws have created categories of assault that didn't exist prior.
The gun ban was in 1997. As you can see, after 1997 nothing happened, except perhaps an increase in crime. Coincidently, the crime started going down once the guns banned started getting back in circulation. There are just as many guns in Australia now as there were before the ban.
Yeah brother, I don't know who the fuck is trying to give Australians any other impression. Ask any respectable American what they think about Australia and it's likely to be something very positive. Same with the UK. Same with France. The media and the internet might have you believe otherwise, but when have they ever accurately portrayed the opinions of competent and proud men and women of respectable nations? We're basically brothers from the same fucked up, abusive parents that ran away from home in separate directions; but at the end of the day family is family above all other heathens in this world.
A confession is words
tfw the homicide rate was almost 2/100,000 before the laws and is now 1.1/100,000. For comparison the US with all your guns and freedoms is 4.8/100,000 aka higher than some sub-Saharan African countries. How does it feel to be a retard?
You realize the homicide rate in Australia was not effected at all by the gun ban right?
"IT SHOULD be troubling to Australian governments that since 1988, after more than 1 million guns have been destroyed as a result of government buyback programs, numerous amnesties, voluntary returns, the banning of semi-automatic weapons and the tightening of gun import controls, the number of guns in private hands in Australia is as large as it has ever been."
> the number of guns in private hands in Australia is as large as it has ever been.
So, more guns, less crime? There are more guns in Australia now, laws be damned.
so, like the vast majority of advanced nations, whether or not they have liberal or restrictive firearms ownership legislation?
Yes there would be.
If you want suspicious look at this completely under reported and skimmed over fact;
>Two laws in Tasmania regarding firearms at the time.
>Must have a gun license to purchase
>Must register handguns
Bryant purchased his guns from private dealers.
Neither of them were charged, named, let alone prosecuted for supplying the weapons for our largest massacre, despite flagrantly breaking one of the only two fucking laws in existence regarding selling or owning guns.
If the US doesn't help us we are fucked if anyone wants our country.
This, 8months with no visits getting grilled everyday. As soon as he said what they wanted to hear they destroyed everything and gave him life.
To be fair I bet a huge chunk of their count IS from sub-saharan Africans.
Take ghetto-on-ghetto violence out of that equation and tell us what the homicide rate in America is. You are not comparing apples to apples here and the vast majority of murders in the US are committed with weapons that would not fall under an "assault weapons" ban. It's usually small caliber handguns obtained illegally, which, big surprise, the laws would have no affect on.
This. The Tasmania thing is suspicious as fuck.
okay, won't let me link to Sydney morning herald because of "shaking my head" filter I guess.
>He maintains his innocence today.
Except for when he's gloating or bragging about the killings to other prisoners and guards.
The dude is a blubbering retarded mess. And he started out as a barely coherent autistic mess to begin with.
His motivation, which has only been released recently was "Muh Attention", after the media spent 24/7 hyping Dunblaine.
Laws don't impact overnight you mong, especially ones like the 1996 ones. Indeed there is more now, but that's not a problem cos they are now *regulated* you fucking spastic, so people have to store them properly and have proper training for them. In the US, 200,000 guns are stolen every year due to their fucked laws; in Australia the figure is literally TWO-HUNDRED times lower, thus meaning far fewer crims have access to guns, and hence the massive reduction in the use of firearms in crime.
Japan sorta, kinda, drew up plans for a ground invasion.
>Can't be fucked
>Too hard
>Nothing there
They were just going to blockade us into submission and wait for the war to end. They only ever really attacked us to try and keep the Americans at home.
>regular true Aussie blokes agree with this
Kikes, women and fags got us this and there's been more and there will be more to come
Firearms in crimes has fluctuated since the ban.
Goes up sometimes, goes down others. It's all using illegal, mostly imported guns. And it's drug dealers shooting other drug dealers, so no one cares.
The gun ban's appeal has been keeping them out of the hands of Supreme Gentlemen.
>Martin Bryant's actions
With the amount of shots he was able to make from such distances he would've been drafted into suicide squad if he had of actually done it
Please stop being spastic. I have no issue with properly regulated gun ownership aka having to actually store them securely, undergo thorough background checks and basic training. Of course guns sold and held in such a manner will be far less likely to fall into the hands of criminals, or be used for criminal acts. You're literally supporting gun control with your post. Gun control does not equal complete confiscation m9.
Yes he did. A little known fact the denialists always skip is that Martin had been using firearms for years, he knew how to use them
So, more legal ownership of guns = less crime?
> far fewer crims have access to guns
"There were 231 charges laid by Victoria Police against City of Hume residents in the 12 months to the end of June, up almost 200 per cent in a decade."
You don't know what you're talking about, cocksucking faggot cunt.
The Australian Institute of Criminology disagrees with you m8.
"Go fuck yourself you stupid fucking piece of shit kike"
Post Nordic countries with good gun laws and show how little gun crime there is and also how little mass shootings there were when America was 90% white
Fuck me! You just keep getting better!
What are you even trying to get at? Because crime went up in one specific area that negates the almost 50% drop in homicide rates across the whole nation since the laws? NOT AN ARGUMENT! You're grasping at straws here, soz I had to demolish you.