>Never spoken a word
>181 529 905 views
What is the comfiest youtube channel, and why is it pic related?
>Never spoken a word
>181 529 905 views
What is the comfiest youtube channel, and why is it pic related?
Other urls found in this thread:
Laila Love's ASMRotica
>watching a semi-naked ape play around with wooden tools...
At least Harambe died a hero, brah.
Could you be more reddit?
This is mine. If you can get past his girlfriend being a little bit camera shy and awkward(yet enthusiastic) it's a fantastic, very entertaining, and informative series that deserves way more recognition.
>>watching a semi-naked ape play around with wooden tools...
I'm waiting for the part where you tell me what's bad about that.
FilthyFrankTV or DizastaMusic
I could post in support of Sam Hyde or cry about SW maybe?
Not all YouTube is fag eceleb trash
Put the barrel of a loaded gun in your mouth (pressing against the palate), remove the safe and press the trigger.
How do you even respond to this image
Being a fag is bad
wew lad
All of it is Sup Forums garbage
No exceptions freedo
Please tell me what the mre channel I posted has to do with Sup Forums
This is pretty comfy.
Blue Whisper's channel tbqh.
Is he autistic?
is that steve1989 MREInfo?
I just looked at my YouTube subscriptions and realized I'm a member of the alt-right
>15 minutes
>still up
noted, sange
>subbing to youtube channels
Maximum comfy.
white guys with that body type is my favorite (im a girl). he has the perfect amount of muscle, any more than that is gross.
Fuck you, this is kino compared to Man vs Wild
Still not Sup Forums related. Take YouTube shit to Sup Forums
>btw i'm a grill xD
I thought this meme died long ago
more proof of Sup Forums pandering
thanks sange
>im a girl
what did he mean by this?
It's actually quite funny
delete this
tv networks are losing viewers, youtube is the new tv
it means he's a fag
No, that's pol
how long till get
>Implying YT hasn't been the new TV for years
Netflix shows aren't TV either pleb.
10/10 fetish pandering
le pleb maymay
Sup Forums, reddit, tumblr, alt-rights...they are basically the same thing now.
yep. he's great
Why is this allowed? Why are these outsiders allowed to post whatever the fuck they want here? Why does swaglord use baneposting for his advantage even though he hates this board?
what could I do a channel about if I only have a shitty camera with no sound
ASMR truly most comfy
>Sup Forums is like 90% off-topic political shit
>someone posts a thread about video clips
Seems like an odd moment to chime in
>Sup Forumstard desperately not wanting to be called out as what he is (reddit)
post ur top 10 so we can argue about it and call each other plens
kill yourself me yout
>naming someone with over 1 million subscribers
How many times have you used this sort of post to defend your favorite offtopic shit?
i know where im going next time im depressed
People actually find this enjoyable?
I just find it incredibly off putting.
Is it a fetish thing?
I bet those guys have comfy lives with comfy gfs
there is no arguing with those numbers, but my ASMRfu shall remain my own, get your filthy eyes away from her
Once, but that was on Sup Forums I think.
That video in particular has a few of my fetishes, but in general ASMR isn't sexual at all.
Re-evaluate your life choices and stop watching e-celebs
Trying to mask your rookie status by acting like a grizzled Sup Forums veteran. El negro hombre pls, bet you still have "what does big guy meme mean" in your browser history.
People are weird.
Like people whispering in your ears are just uncomfortable as fuck.
u r waifu a shit?
And stop browsing Sup Forums by the looks of it.
meh, I get the tingles, I find it relaxing so I don't care
Not him but I like IndigoStars vampire videos :^)
>Like people whispering in your ears are just uncomfortable as fuck.
I disagree
This is just one of those weird things like several phobias where some people are just born with it and some aren't.
A framed photo of Kyle Reese and a Frank Zappa album. Who is this madman?
my friend recently got me hooked on Funhaus
it's really comfy in a redlettermedia kinda way
I like a few of hers, but the way she talks in some of them distracts me
Guess so.
Its an Elyse wears shorts episode
Dude Perfect is literally kino
I hope you're not implying we should agree to disagree. I need posts to reply to for the next hour in which i berate you into an escalation of shitposting that derails the thread
RIP Spoole
2016 in one post
looks like Jake Gyllenhaal in this picture
I hear ya. A lot of the ASMR vids don't do it for me. The ones I really like in particular are any girls that do vampires, kidnapping, or interrogation/torture themes.
this sums up most of Sup Forums quite well
>autist lives in woods
>progresses more in 10 years than all of africa in 10 000 years
makes you think
this nigga wise as fuck look at that face like hard lined ps2 graphics like fucking trenches in his face worn by melancholy and contemplations
woah i wish this guy was my uncle desu
asmr + teethkino
eeww cancer
audible cackle
is this bullying?
Joe D's comfy as fuck beer reviews. does ~hour long hangouts too but I prefer when its just Joe himself reviewing some craft beer and laughing at random shit and letting off enormous belches
>new video(s) every day
>calm, understandable voice
>batshit insane
>look at other videos
>basically looks like a post op tranny
yeah no thanks
>Brave Wilderness
>Primitive Techolology
>Dark 5
>Mortifer V
Quintessential youtube channels.
I only watch it for her teeth pls dont be mean
I prefer psychology channels. Let me guess, you guys are more of a h3h3 and pewdiepie crowd?
holy fuck this is amazing
>using this image while posting on a vietnamese textile image board