Rank the Star Wars films

Rank the Star Wars films
No = signs, no powergaps, no extra bullshit, just the films.

IV > V > VI > RO > VII > III > I > II

I haven't seen The Clone Wars.

just swap 3 with 7 and its perfect

V> IV > VI

that all Star Wars is. forget the cash in bullshit

Daily reminder that anyone who puts episode 7 before literally any other Star Wars film is a complete pleb.

5>4>6>3>2>1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>JJ Abrams flick.


well technically any sequel is cash in bullshit


failed the hard mode
Try not to be so much of a pleb.

From Best to Worst, Left to Right


someone actually got it right


episode 7 is literally trash.

Chrsitmas special >>>>>>>>>POWER GAP >>>>>> 5>4>3>7>2>1

Jedi > Empire > A New Hope > Rogue One > The Force Awakens > Phantom Menace > Revenge of the Sith > Attack of the Clones

>its a special snowflakes think anyone gives a shit about their arbitrary power ranking of films for children episode
Go post in one of the other faggot star wars threads.

Same as my order, just needs V and IV swapped.
The thing about V is that it's an excellent sequel but not a great movie.

It takes what was a arguably a perfect film, then adds a whole bunch of extra shit, baits further sequels and ends on a cliffhanger.
It's the Matrix Reloaded of Star Wars.

It's obviously better than TMR, but you can see what I mean.

>12 replies in 11 minutes
>Nobody gives a shit
Take it easy, brah. Nobody's forcing you to post in literally every Sup Forums thread.

as long as people are sticking to OT > nustarwars > PT, they're fine by me.

Patrician list (no epic "original" memes):
V > Rogue One > IV > VII > VI > III > I > II

>literally putting CGI Cushing over real Cushing.

VI > V > I > IV > VII > III > II

Haven't seen Rogue One yet.

>the empire strikes back is the matrix reloaded of star wars
That's fucking amazing.

>Implying one actor determines the fate of my listing
Besides, the CGI was great (for most of the movie). For sure one of the weak points though.

> I > IV
Are you autistic?

V > IV > RO > VI > III > I > VII >II


V > IV > VI > RO >> VII > III > I > II

I genuinely like the Phantom Menace ALOT.

Not who you replied to but while I don't like it as much as you I always enjoyed that Lucas tried some new ideas, just poorly executed them

I love the idea of a movie based solely around intergalactic politics

V > IV > VI > III > VII > I > II

Seeing Rogue One on Sunday.


>I don't care, therefore no one cares


>has to explain how "greater than" signs work

>literally ranking children's movies



Phantom Menace does a lot of things wrong from a narrative perspective, but I think it has some redeeming qualities. Cool new space ships and planets, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, pod racing, a lot of practical effects, soundtrack is fantastic

My ranking of all 11 live-action star wars films:
1 - Caravan of Courage
2 - The Battle for Endor
3 - Christmas Special
4 - The Phantom Menace
5 - The Force Awakens
6 - Attack of the Clones
7 - Revenge of the Sith
8 - Return of the Jedi
9 - A New Hope
10 - Empire Strikes Back
11 - Rogue One

V > IV > VI > RO > III > I > II >>>>>>>>>>>> TFA


V > VI > IV > II > III > I > R1 > VII

I like them all.



What a controversial and rare opinion you have there.

This is probably the most widely accepted ranking.