The screenwriters of Rogue One have heavily implied that this is a canon gay couple, thoughts?
The screenwriters of Rogue One have heavily implied that this is a canon gay couple, thoughts?
The level of head canon needed to even consider this is borderline autistic (actual autism).
>implying women and numales can understand flick
You can tell none of these fags or women who write these articles have seen war or the bonds of brotherhood it binds common men with.
Nothing wrong with a little of diversity, bigots.
They're dead anyways so it doesn't even matter
Literally nothing implied they were a couple
They should've kissed on Scarif then.
Why don't you put it in the film then you cowardly fucking cunts?
Disney wants all of the SJW points without any of the controversy. Fucking cowards.
>Bro is
What did the illiterate chimpanzee mean by this?
No and it never would be. Disney wants China bux
Because all male friendships are automatically gay... just more masculine-shaming
> threepio raping artoo every night
> no one recognizing the beepboop screams for help
Yep for all the problems this this movie has it definitely needs a forced irrelevant romance that has nothing to do with the plot.
it was heavily implied in the film and the director himself didn't deny it.
>it was heavily implied in the film
Went over my head, what parts?
>Male A and B display broship
I bet they won't say anything about Cassian and Jyn tho.
They're just bros, Jesus Christ.
How fucking dare you. Fucking piece of shit straight cunts always like omg the guy and the girl are a couple, but the second someone says it about a pair of characters with dicks it's "cwazy!"
Seriously, fuck you.
Jyn was a strong female character without a love interest, just like Rey.
They liked to fuck. It was very obvious. My only question is whether they were a real couple, or just friends with benefits.
>the director himself didn't deny it
Did the director deny raping babies?
Women are such awful friends that they can't even comprehend that two people of the same sex can be friends.
This is how we fight Trump's fascism. We will defeat him with cynical, Disney cash-grabs.
dubs don't lie.
why you gotta ruin it like that.
>it was heavily implied in the film
No it wasn't.
Everything is gay to a fag. Brokeback Mountain wasn't enough. Every, single film is gay to them.
To be fair they had more tickets to end up with a kiss on the romantic sight of an apocalyptic sunset.
Also last time we had a romance of any sort (hetero or gay) we got like half of one movie and a quarter of another about it. I don't care about no romance, I just point out the bullshit.
>why you gotta ruin it like that.
Who wrote that?
Are you fishing for replies and made it yourself, or did someone seriously think that?
>force a bunch of non white men into main protag roles for retarded sjw reasons
>make'em all fucking fairies
I thought they were going to kiss towards the end tbqh. Glad i'm not the only one that felt weirded out by this gayness.
If they bros, they pretty gay.
>it was heavily implied in the film
just because you think so doesn't make it true
for fucks sake one of them is a goddam monk more or less
The real kicker is that Disney can add all the minority characters they want, but at the end of the day the universe and the Jedi are saved by a white skinned, blond headed, blue eyed male.
Why can't two dudes just be bros? Everything has to be gay. First Poe and Finn and now his.
People can't understand male friendship and bonding. It's a weird and unique thing.
>being best bros
>while girls can have 'bffs'
If it was heavily implied that these two were gay lovers, then it was also heavily implied than Han and Chewie were gay lovers.
>Went over my head, what parts?
Like, the only part at all you could interpret that way is when Baze is holding Chirrut's hand and comforting him as he died
But that's a super shallow interpretation since what you're looking at it two people, friends, the last (literally) remaining guardians of a lost holy site, who've not only been together for years but one has been watching over the other and acting as his eyes, being at the end of their lives.
It's not a THEY'RE DEFINITELY GAY thing but also not a THEY'RE DEFINITELY NOT. Think what you like, it leaves it in your hands.
>Being bros
>therefore they are actually sexist
get back in your fucking closet you flaming fuck
>women get this worked up over which fictional character is pumping cum into the other fictional character's rectum
C'mon, now.
Until the remake.
Every time i see shit like this, i wonder how their parents feel, the fathers especially..
Poor sods.
>Everything has to be about sex
When will it end?
>keked and checked
>We just want to live our lives
>We just want acceptance
>We just want to be seen as normal
These people need to fuck off. When will we have a time when a gay character can be put into a movie and not seen as "The Gay Character"? Who cares? Literally the whole point is that someone's sexuality shouldn't change your opinion of someone as a person, so why should we single out every gay, implied gay, or possibly gay character and put them under a microscope and on a pedestal? The whole fucking point should be that they blend in just fine and their sexuality doesn't actually define every aspect of them.
God, these "progressives" make me so fucking mad. Their shit is so backward I can't handle it.
>you can't have two guys be great buddies without the modern PC swjs imply you're both gay
Fuck this gay ass earth
>heavily implied
Based on what? The dude being upset the other dude died?
My thoughts are "Who gives a shit?" Whether they were fucking or wanted to fuck has no relevance to the movie or the scenes they were in.
Gayfag here, didn't get that vibe at all. Nobody had good chemistry in this movie.
>have "gay" character without a sloppy fisting scene
Well no shit. Asian dudes are effeminate compared to other races. No surprise those 2 were homo.
I thought they were just good friends.
I thought these guys and their whole best bro dynamic was the best part of this movie. And now some stupid fucking faggots want it to be gay shit? There was fucking nothing about this that implied they were anything besides closest of friend. I guess some people have never had a really close friend, but when you do, your bond of friendship is somehow more meaningful than any romantic love. It's like, on a completely different dimension. Women really can't understand male friendship, can they?
You can usually tell when guys are gay, too. This didn't seem gay at all, and I say this as someone who is a little bit gay himself.
>plant very minor hints that characters in your movies are gay
>buzzfeed-like publications give you loads of free advertising by speculating, plus twitter, facebook and tumblr progressives will talk about it and constantly debate over it
>anti-sjw sites will complain about it, thus reminding you of the film more (looking at you Sup Forums)
>maybe the anti-sjws will start a boycott which will lead to a backlash from sjws and an internet debate over this: even more free advertising
>but don't overdo the gay hints so you don't get a backlash from the international market which is overwhelmingly homophobic (don't want to get banned in china after all)
Pretty neat marketing if you ask me
Same thing applies to the anti-Trump stuff the producers tweeted. If you don't think that was manufactured then I don't know what to say
Nobody who writes like that is "a little gay".
>a little bit gay
You are or you aren't.
where is that image where it takes all the creepy comments from the movie????
yeah I'm sure they made their Asian audience baiting stars as a gay couple, that'll go over well with that audience
Yeah, but I hate fags so