can someone explain to me why this guy with an apparent bullet wound in his leg who is getting carried towards Pulse nightclub is set down on both his feet, and puts pressure on his leg before the shot cuts away? it all seems remarkably casual.
20 seconds of funny footage from Orlando
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oy vey
he really just does stand there for a while
he even pulls up his pants it looks like too how the rest of them do
this is reall\y suspicious imo
If the femur isn't broken or tendons and ligaments aren't severed you can certainly stand on a gunshot wound to the leg like that. Doesn't explain why he was doing it though.
it also looks like that tourniquet is extremely effective at preventing blood from spilling anywhere on the ground or too far down his leg or on any part other part of his body
Disinfo shills paid by the GOP (they're real easy to recruit in the Miami area) show up at scene and make it look like a staged hoax.
Maybe it is only a ricochet or a fragment, and not a particularly bad wound.
I've never heard of anything like this, but it's an interesting idea. Is there a name for it? Some kind of corroborating/documented instances in the past?
It also seems rather amazing that one of them would be wearing a Pulse nightclub shirt. Detail like that would require foreknowledge imo.
bumping again for answers
Wouldn't put it past them. People in the South Florida area will do anything for money.
>that image
ok, but do you have any examples/evidence of hoax hoaxing a real event by actors?
last try
What's the connection?
JUST SAYING, as someone who has been shot at in a drive by i was able to hop while i was shot, in fact i had to fucking stand in a hospital on 1 leg while waiting for them to check me in
If you had someone to carry you/support your weight during that situation, would you have them set you down on your feet so you could all adjust your pants?
looks weird but
>get hit with richocet fragment
>only a flesh wound
>run away and hide
>adrenaline drops because you are no longer in danger
>start to feel the pain
>get help to get back to the EMT personnel that is at the pulse.
They all had to take a break because they're fags.
>stop half way through to stretch out and chill on the corner
Actually yes, but it depends as stupid as it sounds i did want to smoke / play with my phone and i did fix myself so my pants weren't dragging down.
anyone else notice them ducking away from the camera?
>carried by weak faggots
Do you have a cool scar that you show to girls?