>Gryffindor and Slytherin heavily featured in Harry Potter series
>Hufflepuff has a leading hero in Fantastic Beasts series
>no prominent Ravenclaws at all aside from an autist
The fuck? Where are all the awesome Ravenclaws?
Gryffindor and Slytherin heavily featured in Harry Potter series
I'm literally Ravenclaw.
Intelligent, nihilisttic and and with a wicked sense of humor.
>cho chang (ok she was a bitch but hot)
>based mr. ollivander
Grow up and keep your roleplaying on Fantastic beasts is one of the worst movies released this year right after Suicide Squads
Chang ain't prominent. She was a 5-second love interest with no personality.
Lockhart was a fraud.
And Ollivander has like 3 scenes and his name/family is more important than he is.
Newt wasn't awesome though, he was insufferable.
>le bumbling polite englishman
Who said he was awesome?
OP implied it by asking for awesome Ravenclaws, as opposed to those of other houses.
Also fuck you, Luna was awesome and so was Ollivander. And they are some of the most magical characters in the series.
Ravenclaw best house.
>Also fuck you, Luna was awesome
She's autistic.
What the heck else did you expect from one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
They need to make a Netflix cartoon set after the Potter stories with a Ravenclaw lead.
>25 year old substitute teacher is at King's Cross to take the train to a new teaching assingment
>he gets bonked on the head and wanders onto Platform 9 3/4 in a daze
>he's helped onto the train by mistake because by chance Hogwarts is also expecting a new teacher
>he quickly passes out once on the train and wakes up at Hogwarts
>once he regains his faculties he freaks out and is seized by Hogwarts staff
>upon interrogation the headmaster realizes he's a wizard and was always meant to come to Hogwarts, but he fell between the cracks because his parents made him wear a necklace that suppressed his magical abilities and shielded him from detection
>he becomes a student because weird school rules allow it; he has to do 7 years like any other student
>he gets sorted into Ravenclaw because he's smart and inquisitive
>the other students all make fun of him and most of the teachers treat him like shit, including the sexy Slytherin potions teacher
>through bravery, intelligence, strength of character, and dumb luck he slowly but surely proves himself to everyone over the course of several years and makes a lot of friends, and also constantly tries to fuck the potions teacher
>but he finds out that his parents kept him away from magic because they were squibs(muggles born to wizards/witches) that were so thoroughly shamed by the wizarding community they fled and tried to keep their son away that toxic environment
>over the course of his adventures, learning and interactions he starts to realize that wizards are basically asshole to keep amazing to themselves rather than use to help the world even when it's desparately needed
>in his 5th year he starts doing as much research as he can to look into where magic comes from and eventually finds that there are "doorways" to a magical layer of reality that serve as the sources of magic in our world, one of which being the Veil in the Ministry of Magic
>he plans to crack open all of these doorways to flood the world with magic and make everyone a wizard/witch
>after he starts gathering allies during his 6th year he's labeled a Dark Wizard and the Ministry makes him their #1 target
The tone starts out 90% comedy/10% bittersweet, then becomes more balanced(think Scrubs), then becomes almost wholly serious like the later Potter movies.
She was way in the spectrum, but she was definitely a qt3.14.
And despite being autistic and weird she was still a top-tier witch (the only one other than Harry who survived the clash with the Death Eaters in the Ministry without injury).
Put your dick away, champ. A top-tier witch she was not. She learned quickly and performed well in the Ministry, but the Death Eaters didn't actually give a shit about Harry's friends.
>but the Death Eaters didn't actually give a shit about Harry's friends.
You remember wrong. They literally tried to kill them. Ron, Hermione and Neville got BTFO but Luna came out of it like a champ. For her age group she was top-tier.
If they wanted them dead they would used the killing curse.
Is there some reason you posted this irrelevant image like it's supposed to mean something?
They don't exist, worst house by far
Use the correct one that also includes the trashy series
>adult outfoxes children
would be a nice change of pace from to catch a predator
he beat grindelwald in 1 movie without help. it took harry 8 movies to beat voldemort and people had to wipe his ass for him.
>he beat grindelwald in 1 movie without help
What? He had a ton of help. There were 40 American Aurors blasting Grindelwald and his two wizard gal friends distracting him. Newt just swooshed him with a fantastic beast he keeps in his pocket.
>it took harry 8 movies to beat voldemort and people had to wipe his ass for him.
Harry killed Voldemort twice before turning 12 though.
Lucius literally told them to kill everyone but Harry.
So why does the Ministry have as much power as it does again?
Nice bait.
The idea of an adult rolling into Hogwarts as a complete amateur and immediately making the kids look like worthless little shits greatly amuses me.
Lucius wasn't even trying to kill anyone. The only one who cast a killing curse was Bellatrix.
It's the government?
It was Rowling's tasteless commentary on the British political system.
Ironically, she's a socialist.
Not everyone can cast the killing curse easily. The point is, those were Death Eaters trying to hurt a bunch of school children, and Luna survived them.
I was implying he would be fucking them, not making them look like worthless little shits
aurors werent doing damage at all. and harry beat parasite!voldemort who wasnt at his peak.ngrindelwalds at his peak and newt wiped the floor with him without even using his nundu.
>Not everyone can cast the killing curse easily.
They're fucking DEATH EATERS.
>The point is, those were Death Eaters trying to hurt a bunch of school children, and Luna survived them.
All of the children survived them. Was Neville a top-tier wizard?
>fucking them
Do you not know what sex is?
>It was Rowling's tasteless commentary on the British political system.
>Ironically, she's a socialist.
She was criticizing the way the government operates, not the system of government, dingus. Do you think American conservatives who complain about the US government hate democracy?
Are you trying to make this a meme?
>All of the children survived them.
Only because the medics came. Luna unlike Hermione didn't need long treatment with potions to save.
Also, you're fucking retarded if you think it didn't take a top-tier witch to survive that battle. What do you think the DEs were trying to do, stun the kids and then ship them back to bed? they used lethal curses against them and tortured Neville. Don't be so fucking stupid for christ's sake.
did you not read the second half of my post or something?
If you had any idea about British politics and history you'd get what I'm saying.
Rowling says she's a socialist, yet HP is full of conservatism.
i have yet to see a good counter argument from you.
>Only because the medics came.
The fuck are you talking about?
>Also, you're fucking retarded if you think it didn't take a top-tier witch to survive that battle. What do you think the DEs were trying to do, stun the kids and then ship them back to bed?
They were there to trick the children into getting the prophecy and serving up Potter to Voldemort.
>they used lethal curses against them
But that's objectively false, retard.
>and tortured Neville. Don't be so fucking stupid for christ's sake.
Take your own advice.
Stop trying to make fetch happen.
>The fuck are you talking about?
I'm talking about Neville, Ron and Hermione getting medical treatment, because they were BTFO, which Luna didn't need, because she's based. Get it, ready?
>They were there to trick the children into getting the prophecy and serving up Potter to Voldemort.
No they weren't. They only tried that with Harry and Lucius literally told them to kill the others.
But now that I see that you're the same guy who claims Newt pwnd Grindelwald single-handedly, I realize you're a shitty troll, so enjoy your (You) because you're not getting anymore.
>But now that I see that you're the same guy who claims Newt pwnd Grindelwald single-handedly
So you are entirely retarded. Good to know.
British Politics? Isn't that just a race to see who can suck the most muslim dick at this point?
The U.S. Isn't a democracy, though.
And owls aren't birds.
is this satire