Live in Basel, highest GDP/capita in Switzerland. Life is good

>Live in Basel, highest GDP/capita in Switzerland. Life is good.
>Live in one of the most expensive districts in town, the one with the fewest foreigners (read: no niggers here).
>Landlord is a turk, but a cool turk, not a roach.
>Leases two apartments in muh block to Syrian refugee families. Probably the only fucking snackbars in the entire district.
>Both families are sunni kurds, their women wear the hijab, so no based Assad people either.
>Mostly keep to themselves, I don't have anything to do with them. Typical snackbars, if you will.
>One guy at around my age (early 30ies), father of two kids suddenly talks to me in the hallway, after half a year of having lived here.
>Guy is friendly as fuck. Asks if I want to join them for coffee, his German is absolutely impressive for a sandnigger that has been here for only 2 years.
>Says he and his family come from Aleppo and they don't even think of going back since it's reduced to a pile of rubble.
>Says he's allowed (asylum seekers go through strict limitations on work permits) to work as a hairdresser part time.
>Says they have no other choice than to live here, assimilate and stay here and that this is the right decision for them.
>Asks if I can help him with fixing his bike, sure buddy, no prob. I Let his kids play with muh qt kittens, everyone is happy
>His wife gives me fucking Baklava.

Why are sandniggers bad again?

Other urls found in this thread: is Sweden the rape capital of Europe#

cool bro

kurds >> common muslims

Because they refuse to assimilate, they refuse to learn the local language and they refuse to work. Nice that you got the ones who actually do something for the country. Be careful though, their children may radicalize in time, keep an eye out

also, muslims start to become problematic when they are in groups.

>>the one with the fewest foreigners (read: no niggers here).
>>Landlord is a turk

yeah, switzerland is, like any other countries in europe fucked, as i thought. but the epic "everybody is a druglord and rich as fuck" meme makes you look better. you're still fucked, like everybody else.

Because they are Kurds.

Look at the crime rates in Germany. Kurds and Iranians commit almost no crimes. Turks, Arabs, Moroccans and Algerians commit loads of crimes.

There is not a single "sandnigger".

post timestamped pics of baclava or be forever outed as a lying shill

Oh look Sup Forums I had an encounter! I'm practically an explorer just returned from a riverboat trip up the Congo! What a merry time I had!

Please do yourself a favor and read this:

Actually I know you won't read it... hang on:

>As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:

>United States -- Muslim 0.6%

>Australia -- Muslim 1.5%

>Canada -- Muslim 1.9%

>China -- Muslim 1.8%

>Italy -- Muslim 1.5%

>Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

I'm at work, you dumb faggot. Besides, I am a 6'6" tall fucker and I ate them all.

They're all the same

>Kurds and Iranians commit almost no crimes. Turks, Arabs, Moroccans and Algerians commit loads of crimes.

Most honor killings in Germany are done by Kurds. And most Kurdish crime passes off as Turkish. Why would German media try to differenate Turkish crime according to ethnicity? Kurds are Turkish citizens.

>At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.

>This is happening in:

>Denmark -- Muslim 2%

>Germany -- Muslim 3.7%

>United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%

>Spain -- Muslim 4%

>Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

wanna share your source on this ?

>From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:

>France -- Muslim 8%

>Philippines -- 5%

>Sweden -- Muslim 5%

>Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%

>The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%

>Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris , we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam , with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:

Guyana -- Muslim 10%

India -- Muslim 13.4%

Israel -- Muslim 16%

Kenya -- Muslim 10%

Russia -- Muslim 15%

>Why are sandniggers bad again?

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:

Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:

Bosnia -- Muslim 40%

Chad -- Muslim 53.1%

Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and ***ya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:

Albania -- Muslim 70%

Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%

Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%

Sudan -- Muslim 70%



Be friendly towards him and ask him if he would like to attend church service with you, maybe you can convert him user.

After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:

Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%

Egypt -- Muslim 90%

Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%

Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%

Iran -- Muslim 98%

Iraq -- Muslim 97%

Jordan -- Muslim 92%

Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%

Pakistan -- Muslim 97%

Palestine -- Muslim 99%

Syria -- Muslim 90%

Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%

Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%

United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace. Here there's supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:

Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%

Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%

Somalia -- Muslim 100%

Yemen -- Muslim 100%


Radical Islam


>jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, burnings of christian churches


>state run ethnic cleansings, genocide to drive out the infidles

Fuck off retard

I'm atheist, faggot.

>Why are sandniggers bad again?

Because every part of the world they dominate is turned to various degrees of shithole. Every country that allows them to become a sizable minority sees increases in extremism, crime, and terror.

Congrats, you met anice guy from probably a nice family. You know what? There's doubtless lots of nice guys and nice families from the same ethnic background just as there are lots of nice people in any given group. Is that a good reason to allow them to colonize the West en masse when it's been shown time, and time, and time again what the results of this are? Fuck no.

I've enjoyed the company of every Muslim I've ever met - I've also enjoyed the company of (almost) every communist and SJW leaning type I've ever met. Doesn't make the ideology they live by and try to push upon society any less harmful or evil.


muslims in Australia are anything but peace loving

Only cucks have cats for pets

you're a worthless dumb faggot if a single decent encounter with a single individual is enough to completely change your political outlook

>Because every part of the world they dominate is turned to various degrees of shithole. Every country that allows them to become a sizable minority sees increases in extremism, crime, and terror.

Why does Sup Forums generalize so much?

Albanians in Greece, Pomaks in Greece, Tatars in Russia, Indonesians in Europe, etc. are all well behaving people and don't do anything you've described.

Guilt by association is a fallacy whether for good or bad, the truth is still that by their own admission the majority of muslims want to overthrow secular governments and practise sharia law.
Their religion is a politically based one that believes women have no rights and anyone who disagrees with islam is killed.
Finding the few non poisoned apples does not suddenly remove the venom from the rest and is why immigrants must each be heavily vetted before being allowed in.

>ITT: You're a worthless dumb idiot if you let a single encounter change your whole outlook! Instead, let me tell you about why Moozlems are so bad and evil because of that ISIS article I saw on infowars!

Sup Forums is full of pathetic hypocrites with double standarts.

> anecdotes.

>Guilt by association is a fallacy whether for good or bad, the truth is still that by their own admission the majority of muslims want to overthrow secular governments and practise sharia law.

Majority of Arabs maybe.

> greentext with a space

>this much damage control

Well meme'd bro, u sure told me! How about you prove everything I said wrong instead?

>let me tell you about why Moozlems are so bad and evil because of that ISIS article I saw on infowars!
nice meme, if you want to know why Islam is shit, you just have to read the news.

I'm not talking about Islam. I'm talking about Muslim people in general. And I know for a fact that Muslims in countries like Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Malaysia, etc. are fine. Whenever I see an
>all muslims are evil, look at this evidence I found:
post, it's about Arabs chimping out.

>black people commit disproportionate amount of violent crimes
>hey but this one here is not killing anyone, see theyre good people!

Because they are roaches that invades our space to genocide our folk and take our land an wealth, idiot. That's why japs are racist as fuck: they want Japan to remain purely japanese.

It's about the long term (100's of years) contamination of the genepool. Europe ought to be exclusively for europeans, and in the modern age of cheap air travel and globalisation we can't passively get to an ideal situation.
Also the more they racemix the more messy a potential genocide will be.

>niggers are niggers therefore all muslims are evil

Should I fill this thread with Christian nigger violence to prove that Christians are evil people?

This. There's al-Qaeda-Nusra-ISIS members who have not killed anyone.

>generalizing them based on some rare goos ones you know

The % of based ones is not big enough

>His wife gives me fucking Baklava.
is "Baklava" euphemism for "pucci"?

Even 1% is too high, the lowest countries on that list besides turkey had their shit pushed in by the USSR for at least 2 generations and we all know how so fond the soviets were of any religion or ideology that wasn't communism.

It's food

I thought you weren't supposed to let the goyim talk about that let alone confirm it?

they are weak

so their best strategy is to assimilate

when they are strong, they stand to gain more from strategies that are not assimilation

its also a family as opposed to masses of young men who look to take over

eat that akp propaganda, eat it mehmet like your sister gargles german cock and wears g-strings.

>even 1% is too high

Doesn't matter, it's the small minority that want Sharia, contrary to what you implied (that it's the majority)

>France -- Muslim 8%
>Philippines -- 5%
>The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%

LEL two European countries with more muzzies than us.
it's not a good time to be European right now.

defo agree that the muzzie ratio should be lower than 2% or 1% for that matter.
same goes for niggers and immigrants.

>Mostly keep to themselves
Fucking idiot, this is how they are able to contest our culture, they keep to themselves, invite friends over, have kids and before you know it you have you very own home grown terror cell awaiting orders from IS.

butter,honey sirup, dough,crushed pistacios and even more sirups. all crispy brown and sweet.
There is not a lot better than actualy homemade baclava.

the good ones, are those who aren't following stiffly after the Koran.

>just read the news
Or simply interact with any turk anywhere

Just because they're nice to you doesn't mean they'll be nice to the rest of your countrymen, or that their children won't join a gang, or that they don't contribute money to a mosque that is importing more radicals.

If you enjoy their culture so much, move to a muslim country. Don't destroy your own country.

I'm sorry that my joke is too bad you had to say it's "food".

i know it's food i am just wondering if he might be fiddling with the wife

Look at that taqiyya, hard at work.

Look at how quickly it worms it's way into the brains of unsuspecting infidels.

Holy fuck, it's really amazing.

Don't worry Ahmed, we know you're all equally as bad.

>cool turks
roach detected

You know full well that Christianity specifically says to turn the other cheek and that Jesus preached with words, not a sword unlike muhammad who carved a tide of blood across Asia minor demanding conversion or death.
Africans have a lower IQ than koko the gorilla, they are an entire bell curve below everyone else.


>the world is an akp propaganda

Should I pile up the articles about honor killings in Germany and underline the Kurdish villages they were born in for you?

That's true.

The good ones are those who stay in the middle east and have no intentions of leaving there. Any outside of that can be default not be good.

Even if the parents would truly not be radical and actually pay more in taxes than they receive, which they almost never do. They will try to keep to themselves, to keep their daughters sheltered and keep their own culture and religion alive and deeply ingrained into their children thus laying the foundation for future segregation and radicalization.

You also have zero guarantee that they might not change their views and it's almost assured their children will be more radical and likely start actively propagating islam and their own culture aswell as will be increasingly hostile.

So explain Indonesia then.


Yeah I was actually shocked at how many muslims and negroid were roaming the streets when I was taking a walk there. They were practically EVERYWHERE. It was a lot better in Züri desu.

No, try 'Christian niggers mass killings in the name of faith/God/the Pope/the Bible'

Narrow your search to Africa and America.

I haven't done it but I'm curious to see what you find :)

I don't care what Jesus said, I care about what Christian niggers are doing right now. They were burning people alive in Uganda last time I checked. And they were committing gang violence and rape in America as we speak.

>not real christians! dindu nuffins!

Rofl, it's no different than Turks saying ISIS are no real muslims, we dindu nuffins.


It also says to act friendly and lie in the face of the unbelievers, when they are a minority, but to remember that unbelievers are cattle and to genocide them when the muslims become a majority.

Enjoy having your kids and grandkids being slaves you naive motherfucker.

Soso. Wie läbt es sich denn so in Basel?

Hend d pillälidrücker ihre turm endlich fertig boue?

>live in upper class district
>get creme de la creme of rapefugees
newsflash, not all refugees are the same. however, your guy said he wanted to integrate, but still his whore wife wears a hijab.
Could you maybe ask him why publicly displaying markings of a child-rape religion are a good idea when trying to assimilate into a western secular country?

inb4 >muh culture

scho lang, du kackneger.

the difference is that white christians don't commit any religious crime, while turkroaches mudeslimes do.

They know they can't do shit in low numbers

What about Indonesia?

>In 2014, Amnesty International reported several massacres committed by the Anti-balaka against Muslim civilians, forcing thousands of Muslims to flee the country.[23][24][25] Other sources report incidents of Muslims being cannibalized

>The next day anti-Muslim violence continued in Bangui,[31] just days after the Muslim former Health Minister Dr. Joseph Kalite was lynched outside the Central Mosque[32] and at least nine other people were killed when attacked when a mob, some of who were from Christian self-defence groups, looted shops in the Muslim-majority Miskine neighbourhood of Bangui.[

>The Lord's Resistance Army, a guerrilla army, was engaged in an armed rebellion against the Ugandan government in 2005. It has been accused of using child soldiers and of committing numerous crimes against humanity; including massacres, abductions, mutilation, torture, rape, and using forced child labourers as soldiers, porters, and sex slaves.

Should I post more? Is there a quota you need to fill?


>>live in upper class district
I've lived here for a year. Took this apartment because it has a nice courtyard for my cats. Other than that, this district sucks massive fucking donkey balls. Only old people and no bars, no fun, nothing.
I used to live in shittier districts before.
>>get creme de la creme of rapefugees
I know some nigger rapefugees too. is Sweden the rape capital of Europe#
Here ya go buddy
>Live in one of the most expensive districts in town, the one with the fewest foreigners (read: no niggers here).

>courtyard for my cats

The 'gang violence' in America is purely driven by economic factors and drugs. None of this gang violence comes from insulting God or women not wearing enough clothes.

And niggers in Africa are basically chimps, there you can have a slight argument but still of no importance

Because they are not your race and are conquerors, but not by force, they conquer with economy and as always through millions of years, if you introduce a foreign crab species that outnumbers the native one, you only get one crab species at end, neither native, nor foreign, a mestizo crab....and then mestizo crab lived happily ever after though all the universe and all universe became samefag crap.
>muh diversity, muh assimilation, muh integration

Remember kid, don't go fishing in another man's pond.

Most westerners forgot that already.

kill yourself taqiyya roach

>try to keep to themselves, to keep their daughters sheltered and keep their own culture and religion alive
this is the fucking problem. they arrive in a secular country from a culture that's deeply religious, and of course, instead of actually assimilating, they go out into the public, proudly presenting their child-rapist-honoring beards and women-trash bags, so everyone can see that they feel morally superior to all the degenerate heathens of this country that welcomed them and whose values they despise so much.

I never really understood why people hated the jews so much, but the idea of thinking of yourself as "gods chosen people", and refusing to assimilate by continuing your dumbass religion, I'm starting to get the point.

Kill them all.

Do you realize how dindu your entire arguement is? I can use the exact same arguement about the 12% of Turks in that chart. They are from poor backwards villages with no education. All they know is to farm and to go to the mosque in Eastern Turkey. Never been to the city.

My problem here is not whether Muslims are evil or not, it's the hypocricy and double standarts behind Sup Forums's arguements.

well muslims are superior sooo yea

Ah yes, kony and all that crap hahah

I don't need a quota, I'm not defending a religion either. Enjoy your Erdogan though


It's fine that you don't care what Jesus said, everyone has a right to an opinion after all, but the fact of the matter is that if you unapologetically go against his teachings you are textbook definition not a Christian.
You know that you're being dishonest when you say this, ISIS live directly by Muhammeds teachings as by the book as they can, Ugandan so called christians directly contradict Jesus entire message.

Wie viel Kinder hesch du?

>Be eurocuck
>Invite sandbulls to my own house
>Arrive home one day smelling delicious food
>Sandbulls made lunch for me
>Mmmh tastes delicious
>See small paw in my soup
>"Wha-what the hell is this"
>Be eurocuck. Die.

>feeding the juvenile jew

You're right about Quran being violent. But at the end of the day, neither Muslims or Christians follow their book on 2016. I lived in this country for 24 years and I don't know anyone who read the Quran before. Yet these people would still pass as Muslims.

Genau das isch dr grund weshalb d usländerquote in de schuele über 50% isch.

zbasel am mym rhyyyyyy

glaibasel, best basel

live there 6 years

anyway. the swiss get rid of trouble makers. if you all remember the "handshake incident" in basel land of 2 students not shaking their teachers hand at school, their entire family is basically under surveillance now and their asylum/migration process has been frozen (basically they will be shown the boarder if they sneeze too loud).

drug dealers (africans) build up at claraplatz.....suddenly they all are gone...."they left" said the police. *wink*wink

the kurds demonstrate often in basel against erdogan and turkey. the balkan girls throw the pussy around like candy.

a surprising amount of immigrants vote conservative or right wing. an example from many.. there is a tamil guy who works as a translator for the office of help his countrymen? no, he says "we dont need more of these stupid fuckers here"

ive noticed that unlike here in germany where good luck just getting them to speak german, the immigrants speak swiss german. i always thought it hilarious watching a headscarf stumble through swiss german at the store

the eritreans are a bit of a mystery to me though, everyone else seems to at least go through the motions of integrating.....oh and before everyone goes...muh bbc.....these are eritreans....i take bigger shits....if you breathe too hard on them they might fly away.

And I know turk women that drink, eat bacon, go out to town by themselves and don't wear a slave scarf.
The question is, what would muhhamed do if he encountered such a person.
This is why we don't like islam.