
Friend posted this on Facebook. What are the best counter arguments?

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Gun violence has gone down 30% in America over same time period as Australia's ban

Ask him how many private mass shootings there were.

ask him about blacks

didn't a cafe get shot up by muslims a while ago in straya


list other countries with high gun ownership and low gun crime

compare the death toll from mass shootings in america to the death toll from shootings linked to crime

compare shootings in high-gun ownership states of america to low-gun ownership states of america

point out racial demographics involved in gun crime

blame them for taking the easy way out of solving public and social injustices by trying to solve the symptoms, instead of going after why people resort to crime or mass shooting

Ignore it and accept that Australia is based.


>crime only counts if committed using a gun

>3 deaths

And that includes the gunman senpai

>blame them for fixing the problem

gunfags truly and utterly in max damage control

>comparing a developed nation with 3rd world shitholes
wew senpai bad idea

Australia is like 95% White. Show gun control mixed with nonwhites.

If Steve Irwin had a gun he could have stopped that stingray.

To be fair, nobody is surprised if there's mass shooting in honduras
They're only talking about first world countries as far as I know.
Well, first world + australia

Firearms are prohibited in a prison :^)

1) They just change what they consider "mass" shootings. Ask if there has been no shootings whatsoever which is not true. Yet they banned guns from most of their people? And shootings still occur.

2) Rise in VIOLENT CRIMES. Just because less of them used guns because all they really need is a knife or stick to commit their crimes, doesn't equate to their people being safer. In fact, they are much less safe because criminals know they cannot defend themselves.

1. Ask about niggotry
2. Mention "french nightclubs"
3. Ask him why Australia has a meth problem when meth is banned under national and international law

Singapore has almost zero drug ODs.
Saudi Arabia has almost zero DUI.

There's a reason why we avoid outright bans in the US.

ausfags don't need guns because they can always just reach under their chair or in their shoe to grab a poisonous spider or snake or something to throw at whoever has a gun.

Tell him that Russia has strict gun control but homicide rate is roughly 2x of US. :^)

>seppos cunts thinking they know australian crime

Not even against guns but holy shit, who thought it'd be a good idea to fit a linear function into that mess.
Also having a bunch of third world shitholes in there doesn't really help make a point

Even if you ignored all countries above 20/100k homicides there would still not be a strong positive correlation

simple, THEY ARE A FUCKING ISLAND. so is japan. that makes it way easier to control things coming in.

We count mass shootings as 4 people shot they don't have to be killed.

Ask him to make a list of australian stabbings

The Holohoax (or simply Holocaust if you are talking to a normie)
If the jews were armed, ebil nazi Hitler couldn't have rounded them up so easily in concentration camps

Knife attacks? If people want to engage in an act of violence against someone their not going to refrain just because they don't have a gun obviously

Seems like spree shooting happened past 2006?

Read harder tard, he wants the problems that cause the crime solved instead of just going after the tools used in it

>can't compare 3rd world to 1st world

why not? inner cities are practically 3rd world or worse, and are the source of almost all US gun crime.

We had a 14 year old terrorist walk into a police station, shoot an officer in the back of the head execution style, then have a shoot out outside with another.

Nice get!

Australians don't have social problems in their country, or as many.

i'm going to suck your dick

I can confirm this

>gunman storms uni lecture
>you cheeky cunt, not on my watch
>reach under my desk for my trusty stingway
>throw stringray at his heart
>dies instantly
>drown in pussy as the class hero

My boss got shot the other day, it took 5 of us to talk the guy out of shooting while another security guard snuck up and King hit him, he could've easily killed us all
Boss is stable now but the blood loss have him a heart attack somehow


of course this post gets this get


explain the high rates of gun crime in places like chicago or new york, where gun laws are incredibly strict


No words, just post this.

>other first world countries don't have major cities with elevated murder rates


Aren't our gun violence rates actually higher now than they were pre-ban?

Somebody tweet him this.

Russia's homocide rate was even bigger than the States.

In fact, Russia made owning firearms in self defense legal a few years ago.

Funny how Russia is moving forward when America is regressing.

What the fuck, I went to highschool with this guy, now he works at Huffpo

>tfw mai este un rumîn care dă GET-uri

viteză de zeu, flăcău!

try to compare that with Mexico instead

We never really had many guns in the first place besides a few low cal rifles and handguns.

We are a fucking island so its easy to control the importation of firearms. most crime uses knives machetes and shotguns now.

you can still legally buy handguns and rifles if you have a shooters license.

I have a 22 and a old revolver that was my grandads.

Here is a list of arguments against this logic
(It's blank)

Australia isn't the US.
And neither is France, but they somehow got double the body count last year despite stricter regulations.
In fact, stop comparing countries. The US has to find a reasonable compromise that reflects and answers the state of the US, not pretend that it is full of exactly the same demographics and cultures as another country.

Logan shooting of 2014, 3 dead
Hectorville siege of 2011, 3 dead 3 injured
Monash University shooting of 2002, 2 dead 5 injured
Not to mention all the other intentional mass homicides.

>this page was intentionally left blank

So it wasn't actually blank but you intentionally made it blank to validate your argument?

>used to be able to buy surplus slrs set to semiauto only

no fuck you nothing is fine nothing is fine at all

Australia is about the same size as Texas.

Ask him about regular shootings.
Specifically the "gangland killings" from a few years back.
Hint: They couldn't have happened because many of those guns were banned.

Come to western sydney dog I will kick ur fucking head in cunt


KEK will protect our guns. Thank you user

Nobody's surprised if there's a mass shooting in fucking Detroit either.
It's got nothing to do with guns, and you fucking know it.

This. Everyone lauds gun related crime falling, while suicides, violent assaults and home invasions all rose immediately after.
And no one mentions the volume of surrendered firearms that were 'lost' or failed to be destroyed and ended up back in unregistered circulation.

Show them the fucking facts about how many americans own guns vs the percentage of that population who actually commit gun crimes.
Protip: it's like not even 1%

Have another

Repeating numbers confirm truth

But that's the thing. Banning guns didn't stop violence, but it did stop spree shootings.
>Spree/rampage shootings between 1986-1996 inclusive

>Spree/rampage shootings SINCE 1996

And all those three were fathers who murder/suicided their family. You can't stop that. But you can stop people unloading a semi automatic weapon in a school/nightclub/theatre etc by banning guns.

Banning guns didn't stop violence but ti did make it a lot harder to indiscriminately kill.

Oh my. Praise almighty KEK!

Well yeah, only 3 people were shot, and two of them were by the police.



1. you are moving the goalposts now
2. Why does it matter what instrument was used, it shows that massacres have continued, just not with guns.


Australian gun laws definitely work goyim!

Good thing no evil kuffar had guns in that cafe, and only a glorious soldier of allah was able to bear arms TAKBIR

"40 people were killed today in a mass stabbing."

i duno about that cos i live in australia where no1 gets shot :)

>doing this many mental gymnastics

what other first world countries have major cities with large black populations sequestered in sub 3rd world conditions?

the chicago murder rate is 18.6 per 100,000, while nigeria's is 17.7.

overall the us has a murder rate of 4 per 100,000.

almost all us gun crime is happening in the inner city where there are a lot of poor black people

Something like that happened in China a while ago didn't it?

Yeah, and it was at a school where he targeted 5 year olds

>moving the goalposts

Look at OPs image. he says "mass shootings" he doens't say "mass deaths"

Go look at that wikipedia list. One bitch killed her 7 kids and a niece by stabbing them. Tell me how gun would've changed that situation.

Our ban of assault weapons was to stop MASS SHOOTINGS. Imagine if that Orlando bloke went into that ngihtclub with a machete. Would he have killed? sure, would he have killed 50 people? Absolutely not.

How much of a problem are assault rifle shootings anyway?

He literally only killed one person. He could've gone in armed with a pencil and done that.

>But you can stop people unloading a semi automatic weapon in a school/nightclub/theatre etc by banning guns.

You can also stop them by shooting them with your concealed carry weapon that you obtained legally as a responsible law-abiding citizen

It'd work in Australia but not in America

He went in with a bomb, retard. If he hadn't had a gun he would've just blown himself up and killed as many or more people. We only killed him beforehand because he was too fixated on his gun to think to detonate the vest

>absolutely not
Way to not use your fucking brain at all convict. The most successful terrorist attacks in this country have ALWAYS been with explosives.

Point is, that he could have killed everyone in that cafe if he wanted to and there would be another mass shooting despite the gun laws.

Literally the only thing that stopped that from being a mass shooting is he didn't quite feel like doing it.

Banning things and making them completely illegal does work though

>Underage drinking
>Drink driving

Just a short list of things that no longer happen in first world countries because they're illegal.

Well since you duno about it, they're very high, despite all the kinds of laws grabbers want being in place there
Hence it's not availability of guns that are the issue, its the people

He has no clue how many guns are in this country.

>total number of crimes going up
Wow, couldn't have anything to dow with population growth huh?

>Relative use of knives going up
Wow, I guess it really is harder to get a gun then.

Or does it only matter when there is a mass killing with a gun so you can exploit it to protect yourself from inanimate objects

> Paris attack

> We should strive to be that one country that jailed a guy for killing a home invader baby raper.

>The trend in assaults shows an average growth of five percent each year from 1995 to 2007, four times the annual growth of the Australian population in the same period.

"four times the annual population growth"

Yeah fixing a problem like tearing off your foot because of a bad toe. It's not your guns they're after but so that your children are afraid of them and the scary violence. Pussies generally don't rebel, and when they do you pray for a ghandi, shaming your masters for being mean to you.

Or you could prevent the whole thing from happening in the first place.
