Generals killed spee

This is the worst state its ever been. Changes have to be made.

Im getting sick and tired of coming on here seeing all these interesting threads die off with 2-3-4-5 responses while everyone is stationed in generals.

you are now aware whining threads are also generals

which makes you part of the problem

Dumb frogposter

The real question is:

Can he save Sup Forums?

Yea its really tough to make successful non general threads

>just now realizing Sup Forums has been reddit for a long time


why even bother with sp during summer

>all these interesting threads die off with 2-3-4-5 responses
What threads do you mean? It's mainly the low quality of non generals that drive people into staying within their prefered generals

How can Larry David save Sup Forums?

I've only started coming back here for the women's Euros. I left for Sup Forums about a year ago. How are /epl/ threads, and how are /trans/ threads? I always loved /epl/ but hated /trans/. And does Poleaboo still post here?

It's been Twitter for years.

generals are bad but as long as we don't get a massive wave of newfigs it should be alright, clover killed Sup Forums and the altmeme is threatening to kill Sup Forums, compared to that Sup Forums is still a comfy place

I actually had some anons on here yell at me for making an NFL draft thread outside of /nfl/. I thought I was going crazy

Obscure sports threads > specific discussion threads > generals >>>> match threads >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> template threads

This is impossible to disagree with. But sure, go ahead and say that generals are the worst threads.

That about sums up this new era spee.

i just assume most fun threads will get jannied so why bother participating?


ban generals la

It doesnt help when you cant even call people the n word without getting warned or banned or banter threads without being apparently "offtopic" even though it correlates with sports.

Sup Forums is being ruined not only by these redditfags coming here but more of these annoying jannies


>scared of the jannie

Fucking hell you need to leave for reddit you little puss stain


>banned from all boards
That's just fucking stupid. I thought they'd stopped with that shite.

off-season kills Sup Forums every year, it'll be about this shit until like November

I got banned from all boards twice, one for saying nig and the other for posting some chilean sticking a finger in cavani's ass

Its worse in season, 100% more cancer 100% more generals

What if we did this

have two boards

Sup Forums general for sports generals

and sports bar, bro culture, misc sport threads(who's the GOAT, top 10, power rankings etc) and Game Threads(even for non-directly related sport threads like chase bowls and elections and shit)


I am this guy:so I hardly ever post on Sup Forums. I am willing to risk a ban, for great justice, to prove that you are wrong and a faggot.


Let's see if I get banned. If I don't, you probably got banned for being a shitposting retard instead of muh racial hurtywords. You fucking nigger.

The mods said it themselves that we are they only board they genuinely hate. doubt it

>getting banned is now a thing in Sup Forums

Infact i said "go back to africa you smelly nigger""

That got me banned

i get banned for 3 days all board all the time
never been banned just from Sup Forums
did you really just post jara raping cavani or did you post something like "disgusting manlet raping spic" or something like that
i'm not saying you should be banned for either but there's still a difference i guess

I miss peak 2011 Sup Forums when LeBron had no rings and shitposting and power rankings and late night Sup Forums were at an all time high

I said "this is what goes on in soccer?"
very incriminating

The moderation gets much stricter in the couple of weeks after new janitors have been recruited, because the power-tripping fantasists are desperate to ban literally anyone. You have to be careful then, but you'll be fine the rest of the year.

t. still not banned

Meh, mods get butthurt mad at anything because they feel like it is trolling or is hurting their country or favorite sport. It depends on who is jannying the board at any given moment.
>early mornings on pacific time it is absolutely forbidden to make threads making fun of NFL
>late afternoons, there are less mods so more porn threads emerge
>evenings, when australia comes, mods are relaxed and chill, so threads mocking countries, sports and the NFL are allowed, but porn is deleted right away

im a few years past caring. i literally just come here in the hope of catching a shitposting thread

they also said they hated /mlp/ but I think they were lying

Peak Sup Forums was probably 2010

2010 Sup Forums was just Sup Forums. That is not a good thing.

do people even post "lel" or "he does it for ____" threads anymore?

>"he does it for ____"
What do you mean by this? Who does what and for what?

>use wish to get the wrestling off the board
>now complaining about the moderation and generals

keking at you massive fucking morons. get fucked, idiots.

totally worth it you wrestling watching dumbass

>trying to bring back dead memes
Shiggy and the diggy my dude