how did Dumbledore not know that Voldemort was under the turban?
How did Dumbledore not know that Voldemort was under the turban?
It's a movie for kids, you literal retard
Why would you even care enough to google that picture, save it and then create a thread with it? Find a proper hobby you waste of oxygen
PC culture forbid him to accuse Quirrel or remove whatever that's called
shariah law
Same reason he didn't check under Prof Snape's dress or shave Prof Sprout to check under her hair to see if Voldemort was there. There was literally no indication that there was anything wrong with Quirrel and they didn't even know that voldemort possessing somebody would make his face grow on them
He just didn't
Because the franchise was dull. Hopefully someone can elaborate on that.
the books annoyed me once I realized its all a massive d&d ripoff, also the whole thing was incredibly predictable
The whole thing was less of a DnD ripoff than the vast majority of "fantasy" genre stories. The magic system particularly was very different. DnD magic is more like tolken.
I think OP is asking why they couldn't sense him.
Because Dumbeldore knew that he was in one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
stuff like he's a Lich the phylactery's or w/e their called in Harry Potter, shit like that direct rip from d&d
was he a hocrux?
Actually both DnD and Harry Potter got the concept of a badguy who can't die because he tied his soul to a physical object from Lord of the Rings. If you think back, you might remember a particular ring in Lord of the Rings that was a phylactery for an eyeball on a tower.
>DnD magic is more like tolken.
no it really, really isn't its like HP you say certain words with a certain inflection use certain ingredients + hand movements = Spell
Tolkien was more vague or mystical, not A+B creates C thats HP and D&D
Stop asking me you fucking cunt
you won't even tell why theres a fucking white cis male wearing a turban
No, he was just possessed by the ghost of Voldemort.
>tfw to intelligent to enjoy anything Harry Potter related aside from Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by LessWrong
Seeing professor Quirrel reminded me
Honestly magical spellcasting was far before DnD.
The belief in witchcraft, wands and spellcasting goes back centuries and has resulted in people being falsely executed.
DnD spellcasting involves complex sentences not simple phrases as well. There's also zero ingredient usage in HP spellcasting and spells can be cast silently. Hand movements is different from wand inflections as well. It may have taken some inspiration from it but it is largely different.
That being said, I highly doubt JK Rowling ever read of played anything related to DnD.
>I highly doubt JK Rowling ever read of played anything related to DnD.
see i'm almost sure she did, when I read the books I could predict vitully everything just by thinking of d&d tropes don't think that word exisited at the time tho the wands are the difference, you can alos do silent spells in d&d its just a higher level just like HP the similarities between the magic systems are huge, the reliance on wands is the only major difference, even the various disciplines, alchemy, conjuration, etc are the same
HP magic tends to involve devices to function, like in LotR.
Actually, I would say that ultimately HP magic is based much more on pop-culture images of stage magicians. Pretty much every spell that they learn at hogwarts are the general sort of thing a stage magician does, in the same way a stage magician does, with things that alchemists and "witches" do. Although it obviously takes inspiration from Lord of the Rings with the goblins and the Lich, I think JKR did a good job of actually coming up with a rather unique idea for a fantasy setting.
I just did some googling and from what I can tell, there are large lists of influences and things she says she drew from, but she never even mentions Dungeons and Dragons. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if she's never even read a single DnD rulebook in her life.
It just so happens that Rowling and Gary Gygax stole their ideas from the same sources
because a galaxy far far away is actually hell, lol
I don't know much about DnD, I've only read Dragonlance which heavily draws from it. But comparing HP to DL is apples and oranges so unless DnD is completely different I'll have to respectfully disagree.
> There's also zero ingredient usage in HP spellcasting
Flu powder, magic wands, magic potion ingredients, and the more complex rituals definitely needed special materials (for example when Voldemort collected all that random shit for his resurrection ritual). Of course there were also a lot of spells that only worked if cast on an object in the first place, such as flying brooms and portkeys
I agree it's different from DnD but it was there
>devices to function, like in LotR
thats the movies, the staffs were important not necessary Gandalf put a rune of holding on the door against the Balrog just fine.
>Rowling and Gary Gygax stole their ideas from the same sources
maybe the Lich and phylactery thing is so similar to soooo many d&d stories that existed decades before HP I find it hard to believe, also once again the a+b=c style of magic
It just works
>tfw to intelligent
>to intelligent
He knew, the whole final part with all the challenges (chess, plants and other shits) was designed by Dumbledore so first year students would be able to do them. And that magic mirror was ""coincidentally"" left in a place where Harry would find it and realize how it works beforehand to have an advantage over Voldemort in the end.
Lurk moar.
Tell that to the millions of adults that worship the books and movies
DL tried to make it more natural then standard d&d but its all still their Raist needs certain ingredients or a focal point (a wand), mental control particular words and boom spell
like Harry needs particular words mental control, a focal point (the wand) and boom spell, its really similar
>Why would you even care enough to google that picture, save it and then create a thread with it? Find a proper hobby you waste of oxygen
Picturing this makes me kek
Noone cared who he was until he put off the turban
>"Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control."
- Simon Pegg
It if I take that turban off will you die?
It would be extremely painful
You're a big wizard
For your scar
you have any idea how old this shit is? stop posting it u fucking sperg
Its relevant each time more of you "adult" types come here for a flavor of the month capeshit and now star wars flick. 10 years from now when pegg kills himself it'll still be relevant
Lets examine DnD magic for a moment.
Important aspects of DnD magic:
- You have a specific number of "spell slots" that you can cast per day
- You need materials that relate specifically to the spell to cast it (ie a small wooden target to cast an aim spell, a piece of guano to cast a fire spell, etc), not just a generic item
- Majority of spells are cast bare-handed
- Wearing metal reduces the power of your magic
- Magic is strictly dilated into different "tiers" of power. In DnD for example, it would be completely impossible for a child to cast a high level spell. In HP even a child can cast the unforgivable curses with little effort.
- Once you run out of your "spells per day" in DnD, you must rest 6 hours to regain spellcasting ability. You can't cast any spells whatsoever once you run out.
None of this applies to Harry Potter.
Don't forget once you cast a spell it is stricken from your memory and you have to relearn it.
>Professor Quirrel
>Has a quarrel with Harry Potter
nope all the rest does though
I live here kid, fuck off
What a terrible argument.
The only similarity is vocalizing magic while making movements. That's literally every fucking incarnation of magic scripted. Terrible.
I listed all the important aspects of the magic system in DnD though. Everything that distinguishes DnD from just "what if a stage magician on Broadway was actually really magic?" is different from Harry Potter
Minority hire, didnt want the ACLU on his back.
if you knew d&d you would get it but ya don''t so you don't, cool, if you've read enough d&d shit and it is utter shit you can predict every single fucking thing that happens in HP without knowing anything about the series prior to reading it
>source: me
lichs, ingeridents, words, inflection, intent, focal points, phylacteries, charms, geas, etc etc. either you know what I'm talking about or you don't if you've read any d&d fiction you should realise how similar it is, yes some shit was changed, not much tho just the names of things mostly
>source me
Got it.
I'll bother looking for an actual discussion somewhere else.
don't just IGNORE his life experiences !!!
Fun fact: my old english teacher and this guy where best friends as kids. He got bullied a lot.
as always this list is shit, the pasta is good the img invalidates it, fuck can this shitty img die pls, its 'god-tier' is middle tier at best