Hey Europeans,
How does it feel to know we're leaving your shitheap on Thursday 23rd June 2016?
Hey Europeans,
How does it feel to know we're leaving your shitheap on Thursday 23rd June 2016?
I think it's good on ya, m8. Nexit soon.
bretty good
k thx bye
Feels good. Lead the way, britfriends.
Don't forget to send back subhuman slavs to eastern Europe and get your paki / Indian or whatever replacement you can find in the Commonwealth
Uhm? Great? Take Germany, Sweden and France down with Trident with no survivors.
A year later you'll be BEGGING to come back in after youre shut out of every single diplomatic caucus. The UK will be a pariah state.
It's not Europeans that are in the UK, it's gypsies and k*rds
You won't have the balls to kill your mudslime overlords BECAUSE YOU'RE KEKS
sounds great, you're lucky, we'll never get the chance for a referendum (not that the walloons would ever vote for leave)
Netherlands is never leaving the EU
I hope you will work your ass off after voting leave so idiots here do not have the argument "leaving europe is economic ruin" anymore.
Not with Mark "no is just a different kind of yes" Rutte leading our country
it's rigged dumbass
you know the agenda, they're not letting you leave.
you will leave the European union December 31st 2017
>no is just a different kind of yes
can't you accuse him of rape culture?
I can safely bet that you wankers wont leave the EU
& you will go down with us.
>britain leaves
>turkey joins
>EU becomes more white
You are going nowhere, goy.
>How does it feel to know we're leaving your shitheap on Thursday 23rd June 2016?
Bretty gud. UK gets stuck with the muslims and the nogs, new immigrants have no incentive to come to Lampedusa and break a my balls, London becomes a tax haven.
You do realize most people here both Europeans and Britains WANT you to leave. Because if you leave, it might deal the death blow to the EU and save all of us?
Feels good man. Godspeed, hopefully this will spread.
Where are you going to drive your little island? America or Australia?
You´re a special kind of retard
How are you suprised ? We started the EU. Why would we ever leave it? It's not in our interest.
Like how scotland left or the austrians elected "right-wing"?
Don't get your hopes up
Going to park it somewhere in between Australia and New Zealand.
It feels great. Godspeed, Britain.
I wish
Crashing this union...
Please don't. We don't have Islamic problem yet.
You aren't, everybody knows that. Cameron isn't even breaking a sweat. As much as I'd like you to leave and tear down this union, you won't be able to. Sorry Nige
You should stop shit talking our fellow europoors.
I want us all independent and free
This. Fuck the EU, their cucking and police-state.
He meant jewish tricks
>tfw fundamental i want a strong and united Europe
>tfw corrupt governments destroy everything what could be good
>Germany wanting Europe
This. You really think they will just let you leave without consequences?
>a strong and united Europe
You'll never get this because Europe is not united on anything. Not language, not economics, not culture, not military, not...
So, can someone please explain this in dumb American terms? Is this like if America, Canada, and Mexico were acoalition and the U.S. decided to leave or what? I don't understand what this could mean for the UK.
They'll rig the vote. You're naive if you think otherwise.
Feels great, Will buy some Gin and fish n ships if you decide to leave.
not really loosin anything
good. strenghtens my plan to immigrate to the islands.
Where are the cozy little countryside as seen in hot fuzz located?
They will love a german trained butcher/chef there i assume.
That's the best bit! Nobody knows!
>You'll never get this because Europe is not united on anything.
A united caliphate seems to be progressing nicely.
Feels pretty good, like there is actually hope for this continent.
But in all likelyhood, they will rig the vote and you will stay cucked.
london is ours so london %100 will say remain
u here with us FOREVER
>Europe = a continent that the UK is located in
>EEA = the European Economic Area, kind of EU Lite for EU and EFTA members
>EFTA = the European Free Trade Agreement. This is the EU without freedom of movement or subject to EC directives. Norway is part of this but not the EU for example
>EU = European Union, governed by the EU parliament and the EC
>EC = the European Commission. The unelected executive of the EU
We are voting to leave the EU, nothing else. We'll be like Norway. We'll still be geographically in Europe, we'll still trade under EEA and EFTA, we just won't answer to the EC or European Parliament and will regain control over immigration from the EU.
Isn't that a tad too sunny for you guys? Of course then you wouldn't have to drive your island to Mallorca for holidays anymore.
It would be like, if america had entered a trade deal with Canada and Mexico, and it was originally presented to the people that this is JUST a trade union, nothing more.
And then, after a few years of operating, America would suddenly start to take orders, and massively comform to the union they originally only had a trade tready with, without any democratic vote for it.
All American businesses would suddenly be demanded to follow NorthAmericanUnion regulations to the letter, and the unelected bureaucracy in Toronto would set forth regulation after regulation that would strangle economic development.
And despite any reason for, All american companies, regardless if they trade with the NAU or not, must follow NAU regulations to the letter. Regulations that cost tiny businesses massive and pointless sums, like forcing american fisheries to pay thoulsands of pesos just to get a small stamp saying their product contains "Fish" in it.
Also, for some reason now the NAU will demand open movement of people from all member states into america, and demand that all NAU memberstate migrants will be granted equal benefits to full american citizens.
Now imagine if Mexico would suddenly start, after half of Latin America blows up, letting in wave after wave of uneducated hue-monkeys and other subhumans into the NAU, and they all started to take direct course toward America, to get the most benefits possible. And that America had no right to stop this wave inside the NAU union.
This is what Brexit is: Its saying no to joining a dying, bureaucratic nightmare that is the EU and regaining a bit of independence.
Good for you. Help us to achieve that too.
The best shitposts have a sliver of truth in them. Very nice, bro.
I agree we will probably get fucked, but at least we will be the ones who actually made a fucking stand.
>tfw all the leech countries who complain non stop will never do a poll to leave
There was an interview with him where he said he'd negotiate with a woman until her no becomes a yes
Uk saves europe from krauts yet again
Pretty good
Feels good man. Collapse this shitty union
Wish you guys luck from the states.
Not Krauts, leftists. People like your Labour party who weaseled their way into power EVERYWHERE in the West. Look at France, Sweden, Netherlands. They're everywhere and lobbying for the same thing and hold power in most places.
Remind me again but wasn't it Margaret Thatcher that endorsed the EU since François Mitterrand convinced her it would stop Germany having too much power?
Yeah, people act as if the EU was a German thing. It was meant to keep Germany in check. It's similar to the entire "denazification" they put leftists in charge of coming back to bite them, especially since it affected all of the other countries aswell.
If this is true can you provide sauce?
Ive always known her to be massively against the eu. Not disputing you, but google failed me.
Can Costa Rica join now that britain leaves?
We are 70% white
>The 500-page tome of letters and memos released this week date back to between April 1989 and November 1990. They reveal, for example, how then-French President Francois Mitterrand, speaking in a private conversation with his British counterpart, fuelled her mistrust of the Germans. Over lunch in the Elysee Palace on January 20, 1990, Mitterrand warned Thatcher that reunification would result in Germany gaining more European influence than Hitler ever had. His gloomy forecasts included a return of the "bad" Germans, according to previously secret notes made by Thatcher's foreign policy adviser, Charles Powell.
>By mid-January 1990, Mitterrand had come to terms with the pending reunification, which he viewed as an unstoppable process. However, he still thought it would be prudent for Thatcher to publicly oppose the plan in a bid to wrest concessions from Germany in European agreements.
As Margaret Thatcher states on Mitterrand and herself: “[W]e both had the will to check the German juggernaut.” Quoted in Judt, Postwar, p. 639.
“Without a common currency we are all - you and we - under German rule. When they raise their interest rates, we have to follow and you do the same, even though you do not participate in our currency system. We can only join in if there is a European Central Bank where we decide together.” Quotation of Mitterand taken out of Vaubel, “The Euro and the German Veto,” pp. 82–83.
Not as nice as the German guys below but perhaps a Peter Hitchens look is nice as well.
Our governments sold us out collectively. The German government used tax money to fund a propaganda campaign for the Euro and a vote on this was never on the table. It wasn't only the other European governments that were happy about demolishing the Bundesbank but the German government itself.
I just wished Thatcher would have stood strong so that the eastern states would not have been absorbed by the BRD.
I can't reach www.mises.org right now but in their book section they have "The Tragedy Of The Euro" from Philipp Bagus which is the source of my previous quotes. The book gives a good description about the Soviet tyranny the EU represents.
you're not leaving
Feels good.
Why would I think it's a bad thing, retard?
Thanks mate, intresting stuff
Enjoy losing your privileges concerning the common market while paying more and not being able to give your own opinion anymore.
C'mon bruh. Don't leave