Are there people on this board who do not support based Putin?
What makes you hate white race?
Are there people on this board who do not support based Putin?
What makes you hate white race?
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Slavs aren't white
>silences opposition
>insecure manlet
>insults people he should work with
>corrupt as fuck
Still whiter than strayans :^)
Were you beaten at a football match, or something?
I am by no means a вaтник but Putin is someone who you would rather have as an ally than your leader
Not an argument, sorry, I know you're an insecure manlet like putin ;)
>"a-are y-you a manlet, haha!"
>Not an argument
Unlike your "manlet" ""argument"".
putin is strongest men
white fag is Reject you
chink eyed irrelevant balkan state ;)
>"I should know, I am 1.74% Abbo!"
At least my argument made sense. You drew us!
Wait? the unbanned Russia?
We were irrelevant enough for Chruchill to shill and fund commies to rise up. Keep up with the 6'6, you dwarf.
Russia = White Utopia
Putin = Savior of the White race
>things /pol actually beleives
Nice song, lads.
It was banned for less than a day.
Return to precious Kyrgystan
implying anyone likes that fag
when i look at your flag i just sigh cos i have to hover over to see if you're from slovenia, slovakia or serbia. bring back yugoslavia, it was much easier for us.
I still get "connection refused" on my main IP for some reason. Have to use my first backup to continue shilling.
Again, thank Churchill for even implementing the idea of "jajajajaj republica pendejo, hastala siempere" into the minds of young students in 1940s.
why do you keep bringing him up? its almost like you had to study a nation that was historically important!
i know whenever you think of superior englishmen, turk blood rushes to your little balkan dick.
People usually hate Putin because the rest of the world have shit leaders and they feel insecure that Russia have the power of invade all of Europe if he want it.
Sup Forums is full Trump meme now but in reality Putin is the true God Emperor.
>"i-i m-might be s-shroter than you, but you are turkroach!"
Nah senpaitachi, North Serbia master race, only Ostrogothic blood here famalam.
Why do you care, argentina? Not like he's the saviour of the black race.
Australians aren't shitposters
Masturbating over your own president doesn't warrant respect, kill yourself
>anything but a strong eyed balkan state and the patron state of kekab removal
And here we can see the Pakistani presenting himself clearly as the mudslime filth he is. The police will not stop him for fear of being labeled racist, and so his rape gang operates with impunity. Those within his nation who speak out against him risk imprisonment.
Because fuckwit Russian proxies shot down a passenger jet with Australians on board.
>tfw 6'2
>I only have muh northern blood
so instead of being turk, you are mongol and illegitimate son of pole rapist?
>tfw 6'6
get on my level, you rockpicking bearded fantasyman
Putin is controlled opposition
controlled opposition for who?
>p-please think i'm cool eastern europe i fetishize you but don't actually know anything about your history except le remove kebab xd
>"Buy my water filters"
you realize this is considered weird and you're likely to die young and never make gains because of your bmi?
6'4 is perfect, anything more and girls will need to be on a step ladder to suck you off, mate.
it's pretty average here, fammo
Churchill was a homosexual who sold out Europe, Jasenovac best day of my life
Never say he was the saviour of the white race either. You're way to obsessed with that.
Now go watch some Cameron speech.
Me, and I want Trump when he's president to treat that manlet worse than Obama does.
Jasenovac was the best day of everyone's lives.
Imagine the homosex gypsies and racetraitors who got fucked there
I have no clue about his or russia's politics besides him being right winged.
But he's based.
>see: riding beers
Me too... it a pain.
about 5 inches off. enjoy standing out like my dick in a row of serb cocks.
>"muh dick"
t. Abdul Yusuf Samir Ibn Halal Al Islam
But it is not a white utopia there!
>tfw turkroaches admit they can only beat us at night while everyone's sleeping
can't make this shit up
>tfw entirely english except slice of norwegian heritage
i get suntan in south france
Did they all sneakily kill 25 men each?
I got sunburned in the lake distict
>the picture has no mention of how the battle went
>serbs are too dumb to leave guards at night
I don't even need to click the image to know it's the battle of Marica
It's like the memes write themselves.
>win one battle
>Supporting a russian manlet and his autistic rage
Ever notice how Serbia's most famous man, Gavrilo Princip, was a Bosnian?
It begs the question, how cucked can one nation be?
Putin is awesome, BTFOing feminazis and sjws all day everyday, plus he seems like that guy who'd grab a beer with you and probably watch anime.
Unlike obongo,weedman,shillary or any other cuck tier "politician"
What is the Republic of Serbia in Bosnia?
>le anime and feminazis
>get slaved for 5 centuries
>their holy temple has minarets on it
top kek cucks
Only two digit IQ nationalists like him.
>falling for the slave meme
return to precious mongolia
This literally means nothing, lol
Many words came from latin
>5 centuries is 350 years appearently
kill yourself please
some butthurt croat were posting these, you can thank them in the next balkan wars
>350 years
I guess anatoila had no greeks in them :^)
>implying the next balkan wars won't be retaking constantinople with less than a battalion of men
it does, the western "turks" that live near coastal areas are just greeks with stockholm syndrome
also, I doubt you are enslaving anyone right now
Only brainwashed and pathetic monkeys hate Emperor.
Are you a ginger haired Irishman by chance?
It's not like you haven't tried with 3+ nations already
nah, Brown hair, blue eyed Scotsman
At first anglos animals was like
But than 20 russian gods of fight make hundreds of anglos shit in pants
r a r e
le ebin ottomon embire is beat by 3 armeis made ub of irregulars and farmers
>you tried for 400 years
>a gang of brits and aussies brought the ottomans to collapse in 4 years
we did take it but it got turned into an international zone by the eternal anglo and we were forbidden to enter ankara and constantinople
the third nation, I don't know what you're talking about
I like Putin.
He removes kebab more efficiently than the USA has been doing for years in a shorter time.
I would'nt mind being allied to russia instead of the EU.
Know your place, toothpaste.
wew lad hatin' on the dutch
He stomps the turkroach, so he is my friend.
He stomps the turkroach, so he is the worlds friend.
Turkroaches are the vilest scum on the planet and should all be wiped out.
I saw in a documentary once the best example of the rewards of le ebin strongman fascist loving retards like putin fanboys and Sup Forumstards in general
these neo-nazis in russia were cheering on police for breaking up a gay pride parade and arresting all the gays
then they go down to the beach to practice boxing
then the police come to arrest them because they dont have a permit to hold a sporting event there
as they're being dragged away in handcuffs they cry "but we weren't hurting anyone, we're just hanging out with our friends, stop harassing us!"
Well there you go, easy sunburns for you my friend.
Yep sucks, where you from then?
t. Shekelstein Bergowitz Cohen
just banta lad
>englishman hating the dutch.
Found the paki.
Fuck you, morons. You got our boys killed. Should have sent your crumpet eating monocle wearing ponces that you called commanders home and let the ANZACs take care of it.
the hypocrisy is tru
Lad, its a laugh.
ps french and portugese best allies
Bradistani confirmed