1. Mangos
2. Peaches
3. Melons
4. Strawberries
10. Bananas
11. Pears
12. Plums
==Power Gap==
999. Apples

shit list.

t. apple eater

>terrible peel, terrible pit, impossible to eat cleanly or efficiently
garbage fruit
like there's only 1 type
>only listing 8 fruits
this list is basically op admitting to being a fag and just trying to push his pro-mango, anti-apple agenda

>not cutting your mangos into pieces to avoid mess
Fucking savage.

>no cherries
Today OK was a mighty faggot

>fruit rankings

When you want to be a Sup Forums outlaw but your mom won't let you

eating fruit is for faggots
i only eat frozen pizza from walmart

>needing a tool to eat your #1 fruit
a real #1 you can eat just how it is

>nigel mad that I list fruits instead of hotpockets and pizza rolls
Fat and low energy. Get out of my thread.

enjoy your cyanide

real top 4:
1. raspberries
2. cherries
3. peaches
4. bananas

>I rate cheeries

real bottom 2:
9001. avocados
9002. tomatoes
>savory """"fruits""""

>mangos top

lmao, way to show that you don't know shit about fruits

>shitting on avocados
The ABSOLUTE state of this board

>being a retard scared of "muh pits"
learn to bite, separate, and spit, faggot. i can eat cherries as fast as you can eat grapes.

mmmm! mushy dirt, my favorite flavor and texture, together in one giant raisin-looking package!

>3. Melons
You're gonna have to be more specific. There are several types of melons.

For example, cantaloupe is terrible but honeydew is god-tier and watermelon is very good as well.

holy shit, i think your the first person i've ever met beside me who loves honeydew. everyone else seems to like cantaloupe for some weird reason. i never understand why people like a fruit that tastes like someone sweat all over it.

My favorite fruit is beef.

pic related: you in the middle

1 > 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> masturbation > 2

>peach fags being this deluded

BRING BACK 2009 Sup Forums

Fuck you. Who /grapes/ here?

>ranking that weird little leprechaun on the right anywhere but distant last.
i'd take my chances with the unknown behind 1 before settling for that pimply rape-stare goblin.

>didnt mention "fruits" in the title

> learn to spit
user not everyone is a dick sucking faggot

The weird little leprechaun might be the best gay sex you ever have. He looks like one of those jumpy boys, who's always cheering you on stuff and carries this trait to sex bed.

>he spits when he sucks a dick
it's like you don't even want gainz


sup Sanjay

he might be. and melissa mccarthy might be the best straight sex i ever had. but if either one of those uggo motherfuckers shows up at my door i'm not going to find out.

>fruit used for guacamole and only that
It's the most one dimensional, dirt tasting fruit out there. Worse than apples.

>Blackberries and Blueberries not any where on the list
Get the fuck out you Pro-Mango shill

I put avocado on a lot of stuff. It works well with spicy food.

>No grapes
>No pineapple
>No pears
shit list

t. Too poor to eat sushi

Real top 4

2 ) Green Apples
3) Raspberries
4) Blackberries