What the hell happened to Jack Black
What the hell happened to Jack Black
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he spoke ill of the jew
he stopped getting away with his terrible fucking acting
seriously he was fucking cancer on the screen, I'm so fucking glad he's over with
I love the D but nigga can't act for shit
He is the jew though
he was in workaholics
He was in Goosebumps.
he was in goosebumps and now he's in jumanji
Hollywood Jack took over
he cracked
name one good performance, go ahead, I'll wait
Doug gave him some laced shit and triggered paranoid delusions
He doesn't exactly have much range and his bit doesn't have a long shelf life
He was good in Nacho Libre (im not kidding)
Kung Fu Panda
Balls of Fury
school of rock
He didn't want anymore mouthbreathing NEETs to hate his work
Nacho Libre is a legitimately good movie. I doubt Sup Forums plebs have even seen it
they're doing another jumanji movie? are they supposed to be exploring the jumanji world in that pic? is jack black the hunter character or a explorer like in king kong? why does Amy from doctor who keep getting roles even though she's not that good actress (im saying this as someone who loved her in doctor who and fapped to her in selfie)?
King Kong
Jack Black can act fine when given an actual role. These two movies are examples where hes not playing the funny yelling fat guy with long hair.
>why does Amy from doctor who keep getting roles even though she's not that good actress (im saying this as someone who loved her in doctor who and fapped to her in selfie)?
I think you answered your own question there, bub.
School of Rock
Those are good performances, they are silly characters, he is not playing king lear
Sup Forums will never watch this because it might make them have to reevaluate the guy.