How rampart is anti-Americanism throughout the world, and why? Is their any counter pro-American sentiment...

How rampart is anti-Americanism throughout the world, and why? Is their any counter pro-American sentiment, or is that rare?

It's because it is a shit, pretentious country full of strong opinions and retards who are so afraid of being called hypocrites that they refuse to change their mind about anything no matter what.

Well, just a few days ago some guy murdered 50 gays in your country. That is ultimately a result of anti-americanism.

And remember, you and your people brought this upon yourself. You made the world hate you. You Americans meddle far too much in affairs that are none of your business. This is the one silver lining to Trump's campaign - American isolationism. The best thing that could happen to the world. Stop fucking everything up and we're all better off.

I don't agree with the first part but we are pretentiously xenophobic (myself included). However, most Americans are changing and want change. We are becoming a young, more diverse and educated society that focus on progress.

Now wait a minute - France has intervened military in Mali (on their own) and other Arabic countries before they got shot up by ISIS; yet, non of you blamed them for (bringing it on themselves). In fact you even sympathized with them and gave them great support. Are we not your friends and ally, also?

>American isolationism
>best thing for the world
Oh yes, we tried that...twice actually, before you reeled us back into your problems. If we were to back to isolationism, how long would it be before you came knocking at our doorstep and asking us once again, to fix Europe's problems? We're not a super hero entity that you can just call whenever you need to be saved. We're policing the world, not so much for our own interests but to make sure that the world behaves itself unlike the early 20th century when we left everyone to their problems.

You just cant have your cake and it eat.

Stability comes as a price

If we decide to fuck off, you understand your country will get fucked by the Chinese right

the other countries don't have so much sympathy for the petrodollar wars and stuff like that. Then of course there is anti-american sentiment if people believe it is in conflict with their core values, which is why Islamist countries are genuinely anti-american. In germany it's mostly conspiracy theorists that are very anti-american.

America is smug. France isn't even when dealing with third world shitholes.

They don't believe that because china has never posed them as a threat. Aussies instead, prefer to delve within that bubble of bliss and champion chinas 'so-called' peaceful rise without resistance. That bubblr wont burst until a red banner (sharpened to an edge) forcibly pokes a hole in it because somehow, the 'Timor Sea' was Chinese territory before international-oceanic navigation' was ever an idea.

I am aware that anti-Americanism in Germany is most predominant in the east, due to decades of Soviet influence there. There is also a healthy Russian ethnicity in the area...while the West is mainly pro-American and diverse. In contrast, German ancestry is the highest in America and we are very fond of the German people.

>third world shitholes
Like the one you represent?

Idgaf if countries complain about us foreign policy

What I don't get is euros, Aussies, etc who don't understand US is literally the only thing stopping them from being annexed by the other two superpowers

Its not even an exaggeration


However' if the EU were to ever federalize, they would become a force to be reckoned with - perhaps not so much militarily, at least at first, but economically they could reign supreme. But ever since the United States claimed ended the Pacific war and claimed its superpower status - we have enjoyed nearly 3 quarters of a century world stability known as the (Pax Americana). I suppose they have a right not to be grateful. America is a democracy, the oldest in the world and we value those very freedoms that we protect.

Unlike china or Russia.

Yes my parents still live there but I'm a """"""legal""""" immigrant in France. They care about other people not like the scum that Americans seem to be whenever you meet them IRL.

>> "How rampart is anti a Americanism throughout..."
>> "How rampart..."
>> "Can we keep this about rampart please?"

>the two other superpowers
Umm...there's only one country that sets the standards of a superpower. Has since the dissolution of the former 'soviet union.

america is literally a shit country
completely powered by jews that hate the white race and run over by violent dindus who bankrupt the social welfare system so you can never have free healthcare or anything nice

you would need 10000 trumps to turn that shithole around keep funding isis u dumbass american retards

>living in france
>bares flag of Tunisia
>claims the French are as tolerant towards migrants as its government

Americans are actually a very tolerant people. We just don't like freeloading trash coming here. As long as you work hard, come here with a visa and show us your allegiance - we could care less where you come from.

>Using "rampart" as a plural.
(Definition) in use - Anti-Americanism; as built up around the world akin to a 'rampart.

>implying that your educated in the proper use of linguistics and grammar.

>France isn't smug

He's not saying it is...he's saying that we are.

Immigrants and leftists tend to be anti-american

Since the golden age of Greece, there has been only one era of reason in twenty-three centuries of Western philosophy. During the final decades of that era, the United States of America was created as an independent nation. This is the key to the country—to its nature, its development, and its uniqueness: the United States is the nation of the Enlightenment.

America’s founding ideal was the principle of individual rights. Nothing more—and nothing less. The rest—everything that America achieved, everything she became, everything “noble and just,” and heroic, and great, and unprecedented in human history—was the logical consequence of fidelity to that one principle. The first consequence was the principle of political freedom, i.e., an individual’s freedom from physical compulsion, coercion or interference by the government. The next was the economic implementation of political freedom: the system of capitalism.

To the glory of mankind, there was, for the first and only time in history, a country of money—and I have no higher, more reverent tribute to pay to America, for this means: a country of reason, justice, freedom, production, achievement. For the first time, man’s mind and money were set free, and there were no fortunes-by-conquest, but only fortunes-by-work, and instead of swordsmen and slaves, there appeared the real maker of wealth, the greatest worker, the highest type of human being—the self-made man—the American industrialist.

If you ask me to name the proudest distinction of Americans, I would choose—because it contains all the others—the fact that they were the people who created the phrase “to make money.” No other language or nation had ever used these words before; men had always thought of wealth as a static quantity—to be seized, begged, inherited, shared, looted or obtained as a favor. Americans were the first to understand that wealth has to be created.

In its great era of capitalism, the United States was the freest country on earth—and the best refutation of racist theories. Men of all races came here, some from obscure, culturally undistinguished countries, and accomplished feats of productive ability which would have remained stillborn in their control-ridden native lands. Men of racial groups that had been slaughtering one another for centuries, learned to live together in harmony and peaceful cooperation. America had been called “the melting pot,” with good reason. But few people realized that America did not melt men into the gray conformity of a collective: she united them by means of protecting their right to individuality.

The major victims of such race prejudice as did exist in America were the Negroes. It was a problem originated and perpetuated by the non-capitalist South, though not confined to its boundaries. The persecution of Negroes in the South was and is truly disgraceful. But in the rest of the country, so long as men were free, even that problem was slowly giving way under the pressure of enlightenment and of the white men’s own economic interests.

Today, that problem is growing worse—and so is every other form of racism. America has become race-conscious in a manner reminiscent of the worst days in the most backward countries of nineteenth-century Europe. The cause is the same: the growth of collectivism and statism.

This country—the product of reason—could not survive on the morality of sacrifice. It was not built by men who sought self-immolation or by men who sought handouts. It could not stand on the mystic split that divorced man’s soul from his body. It could not live by the mystic doctrine that damned this earth as evil and those who succeeded on earth as depraved. From its start, this country was a threat to the ancient rule of mystics. In the brilliant rocket-explosion of its youth, this country displayed to an incredulous world what greatness was possible to man, what happiness was possible on earth. It was one or the other: America or mystics. The mystics knew it; you didn’t. You let them infect you with the worship of need—and this country became a giant in body with a mooching midget in place of its soul, while its living soul was driven underground to labor and feed you in silence, unnamed, unhonored, negated, its soul and hero: the industrialist.

Tribalism (which is the best name to give to all the group manifestations of the anti-conceptual mentality) is a dominant element in Europe, as a reciprocally reinforcing cause and result of Europe’s long history of caste systems, of national and local (provincial) chauvinism, of rule by brute force and endless, bloody wars. As an example, observe the Balkan nations, which are perennially bent upon exterminating one another over minuscule differences of tradition or language. Tribalism had no place in the United States—until recent decades. It could not take root here, its imported seedlings were withering away and turning to slag in the melting pot whose fire was fed by two inexhaustible sources of energy: individual rights and objective law; these two were the only protection man needed.

A European is disarmed in the face of a dictatorship: he may hate it, but he feels that he is wrong and, metaphysically, the State is right. An American would rebel to the bottom of his soul. . . . Defiance, not obedience, is the American’s answer to overbearing authority.

In general people tend to think America is a "cool" country here.

I know you spent a lit of time typing these paragraphs but all I can think of is just 1 thing. When will you poo in the loo?

Anti-Americanism is only perpetuated by the leaders of 3rd world shitholes, which doesn't stop said leaders from having property in US of A or trade deals with it.
I'd say for America shitlibs is the biggest threat, because they operate inside the country, unlike the 3rd world which tends to fuck up itself if they go too anti-american.

As if american hegemony is a good thing.

Both world wars would have been better off without american involvement. America getting involved in the second world war, for example, only lead to a period of american cultural hegemony that has eroded the west and worsened the position of the white race tremendously.

And all the while, american meddling has destabilized much of the rest of the world and caused such an upswell of extremism in the middle east that we see cause so much death today. Why do you think the arabs hate america so much? It's something that has many, many good reasons. It's well deserved hate.

So, no. Pax america has not been a good thing, on the contrary. The world would have been much better off with an isolationist usa.

Oh yeah yeah, Fuck America boo fucking hoo. Why do I get the feeling you are a typical swedish leftist cuck?

Tsk tsk tsk you fucking retards never do you research.

Source os pew research centre, the same research centre that debunked the 'muslim vocal minority' liberal meme

Canadian identity is largely based off of being "not America" which usually means we think we are better than America.

>Both world wars would have been better off without american involvement.
You are aware american presence was non-existant during WW1 and WW2 is the direct result of WW1?

You do realise the American government is one of the largest exporters of leftism?

During the cold war, the Soviet Union sought to divide their opponents within - to parry western communities against their own minorities who were exploited in their imperial or slave based pasts, so Western countries, under the advice of America, all decided to be all inclusive to counter this SOviet endeavour

Nice argument btw

I wouldnt touch you nations soil with a 100 foot pole. Cucknadians literally make me sick.

Our people are now buying your blue jeans and listening to your pop music. We fear the rest of the world will succumb to the influence of your culture.

very much so, reason being foreign policy/interventionism/nation building/unilateral actions
most don't care about US domestic policy

Lend-lease support from US?
As great soldiers Russians make, you would have a hard time against the Germans with out all that military supply from US

only commies here hates murica.
we hate them back

I love America. From what I know most of us dont hate the USA.

People don't dislike America as a whole. They dislike their foreign policy when it comes to middle east. Arming the taliban only to go fight it 20 years later, putting sadam in power and then dethroning him, pulling out of iraq and leaving a power vacuum for ISIS to fill etc.

Murrica starts pretty much every war atm.
What did you expect?

I know two countries that are genuinely "pro american" - Taiwan and Japan (also in Japan, anti-american sentiments are strong too, but theres still some obsession with everything American there).

The rest pretty much is openly anti-america, or neutral hostile population wise. Brits might be your biggest ally, but you cant say they like you either.

Genuinely, the less educated the country and people are and the less exposed to information/know history - the more positive views: so you can expect some retard indians or Africans still look at USA as magic country of dreams. Anyone else just looks into US history, things it done, problems it has and becomes desilusioned with it: its impossible not to, really, unless you openly and conciously embrace the side of Evil.

That was an intelligent, decisive, very lucid and well written connotation of the American manifest. You sir, have either quoted the paraphrases of a history book, or you have an extraordinary talent for literary expression. If you have indeed, wrote this on your own, may I personally recommend that you pursue a career in political science.


I really want to move to the US.

Tired of this cucked EU. It will only get worse when Brits vote to leave and their government ignores it.

Why do Russians like America? Aren't they guys historical enemies and current competitors?

KIDS think this. I'm pretty sure most Aussies actually like Americans. Not happy with us going along with everything they say and do. But like them nonetheless. We've been buds for a long time now and lets be real we're basically a smaller more cucked version of you guys. But ty about the japs in wwII.

>Jordan: 80-21

Hmm if you lived under soviet communism then got to experience American capitalism you would probably think highly of the yanks too.

Because most countries and their citizens act like spoiled little teenagers and they all hate daddy.

This is the exact point in history when America lost pretty much all of its cred throughout the world. We will never get it all back, but -- eventually -- we can earn a good chunk of it back.

Probably during the next generation, assuming we stop whoreshipping bottom-feeding parasites like the drumpfster fire.

We don't like you in Greece but we're surrouded by hostiles, so you're not so important.

We can't figure out why you nuked japan twice but not the Middle East yet

If Hillary becomes prez say goodbye too all your cred forevs.

Intervensionism, hypocrisy, agression, arrogance and cultural and social degradation which originates from there.
America today became a more subtle Soviet Union in it's desire for globalist hegemony and destruction of all competing systems.

Fuck off reddit

>Lend-lease support from US?
Why are you trying to change the subject, swedecuck? As if there wouldn't be any other candidates for such "support" if America wouldn't exist.
USSR winning or not without lend-lease is irrelevant to the point of you being an anti-american commie.
What the pleb thinks of "muh 'merica" is irrelevant, as most of the 3rd world is dependent on it economically and politically. You would fucking knew, of all people, you stupid fucking mongo.
As a cucknadian you didn't experience communism firsthand and the only "russian" people you've gotten from USSR were either dissidents or willingly running away from there.

Liberals here hate you.
Conservatives don't particularly like you.
Fringes don't like you.

Remember, look at the flag before posting.

>Intervensionism, hypocrisy, agression
this is condensed into their proverbial exceptionalism or quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi
one day this will cost them dearly, not that I wish that upon the American people but it is inevitable if they don't reconcile with others' sovereignties

It's a paragraph from John Galt's speech in Atlas Shrugged.

>take opinions on the West seriously
HAHAHA.. you suck Ruskie.

India, I have new found respect and appreciation for your country. Let me guess though you are near Goa?

not really that high desu

obviously there are anti-American people all over the world, including in USA, but they are literally only a majority in Islamic countries, Russia, small majority in China, probably also in some shit tier irrelevant countries like Belarus and Serbia.

new poll is out in a few weeks.

obviously you will get a skewed perspective from anecdotal evidence like a sampling of opinions of fringe people like Sup Forums posters

Same. I don't hate Americans, just the system they push on world.
If they did it peacefully, that's fine.
But they are using subversion, propaganda and outright agression to enforce their rules and spread their decadent culture.

it's obviously old data

being annexed by Russia is much better solution than allowing us to exist
crimes of soviet union and Russia combined are nothing compered to atrocities committed by us the empire of evil
I hope soviet unions shall rise again

Some hate and love us at the same time

>But they are using subversion, propaganda and outright agression to enforce their rules and spread their decadent culture.
What rules exactly and how are we pushing them through agression? I don't see it.

>Vietnam 78%

I like your Constitution, litteraly in love with the concept of Independance and citizen responsability MUH 2ND AMENDEMENT ! ! ! non-ironically

I have a lot of respect for the strengh of your propaganda war(and peace) machine. Even the whole "white flag" meme which only aims at undermining our influence. Not that I approve the methods, tho-

I hate Obama, as a person and as a politician. He's an arrogant asshole and a blind fanatic with no to little respect for his friends, allies and enemies

Ron Paul is my most favorite American of all time

I'm 1 in a million French

viva la resistance! I love based French and besides you guys make the best sauces fucking ever.

>millions of dumb uneducated Mexicans pouring in.
>mad dog Nigger beasts breeding like rabbits.
>we are becoming an educated nation.



There is both, and neither is that rare. Part is jealousy, part is disagreement with foreign politics. It grew partly because of the conflicts in Middle East and Afghanistan. Not because we like the goatfuckers, but because we prefer them to kill each other instead of destabilizing their countries and having them after us. But at least many realize who is really pulling the strings and who tries to keep us under control by applying t white guilt.

It's all your fault and you know it.

How are all those Somali refugees working out for you leaf nigger?

You somehow missed Iraq or Libya?
What you're doing in Syria or Ukraine now?
And that's just obvious expression of force. Subversion (replacing regimes, funding opposition groups, assasination, economic pressure and all that) list is a lot longer.
You're literally no different than Soviet Union, only refined and subtle, that's all. Your idea of world is a world of Americans and second and third class Americans. Globalist cancer.

>US eroded western culture
>liberalism, degeneracy and cultural Marxism emerged in Europe

Pick one

WTF are the cloggies so ass mad about?

>How rampart is anti-Americanism throughout the world, and why?
Because we think you're ignorant as fuck. For example:
>How rampart
You don't even know your own language. A rampart is something similar to what Trump wants to build. The adjective is "rampant".
That said I'd rather be ignorant like that than cucked like some EU countries are.

ROFL as if there is world peace or ever has been. How can a country be a threat to something that doesn't exist? Needs to be renamed to "Who is the greatest threat by country"

Is that one of our bridge?

All by Ayn Rand.

Japan is obsessed with everything American because they ARE everything American. Japan is influenced by us - the same canon that former soviet-blocks 'were' and 'are'. Japan is one of our most beloved vassal states, but I fear that Okinawa is slick within our grasp; most likely because the Chinese government are paying the masses to protest our military presence in an attempt to create disorder within our Pacific Command. Predominantly, the Japanese are on our side more than anyone.

The Brits may be our brethren. But they are not our greatest ally - not anymore, at least. They are becoming too pretentious in reclaiming their former image/status on the world stage. They have made trade deals with china, empowering our greatest foe behind our backs in order to gain financial favor with them (their attempt to build themselves up from financial ruin and spend more on national image). That's what the Brexit is all about - they don't want to share with the rest of Europe because they loathe being second to Germany. Believe they are politically and culturally above the Union.

As for Russia; your people are ok with us...but your sniveling prick of a dictator is not.

Sorry for the sanctions...

>counter pro Americanism

Isn't that the same thing?

Wooden shoe like to know.

Oh, and I forgot support for corrupt, criminal regimes. Like Saudi Arabia for example.
You preach LGBT rights, "democracy", liberal capitalism, meanwhile your presidential candidates are funded by radical Islamic regime which you support and supply with weapons.
In Kosovo you literally created a failed criminal state which is now becoming terrorist infested. Your troops went there to stop alleged genocide, and then watched while Serb population there was ethnically cleansed by your allies.
Many other cases.

AH, I knew it!!

Russians aren't really anti-American, they're just easily brainwashed and will blindly follow whatever agenda the Party comes with.
IIRC, after Medvedev announced his "perezagruzka" policy, about 60-70% of our population had a positive opinion of the USA.

here all are very anti-american
the only proamerican country is kosovo (maybe albania), everyone else hates you A LOT

God damn it Carlos.

and they like you only because you annexed them a part of serbia

Civ much?

Guarantee those will all soon be Chinese flags. For now, the world chooses to remain oblivious.

some days ago in an argie forum they were talking shit about the orlando mass shooting and how guns a re so easily available in merica, "they should have more gun control", "muh barbarism", blah, blah
I said mericans have built the most powerful and prosperous society in the world, source of countless technological inventions
since they achieved this by doing things their way it seems like they know what theyre dong and it works
they accepted quite well this new angle. people get bored of old ideas, and the "murrican empire iz ebil" has been around for so long, and our country is still a shithole

I saw researches indicating that Poles are the most pro-american and anti-russian europeans, and probably this is true