What do you feel when you see them?. I was working yesterday and i've seen at least two couples of this kind and i wanted to puke, not only because the girls were incredibly hot and the baboons were incredibly ugly, but also because they were behaving as if they were doing it on purpose to upset people.
I feel nothing, because I know that those women will be most likely used up by 30 and probably have child without a dad.
I pity poor fucks who might fall for them when they all used up and start looking for safe cuck.
Robert Roberts
>because I know that those women will be most likely used up by 30 and probably have child without a dad
This desu.
Kevin Kelly
>but also because they were behaving as if they were doing it on purpose to upset people
You mean like you are with this thread? Stop trying to push your miscegenation fantasy, fag.
Brandon Clark
jackie chan knows whats up.
Nolan Torres
But user, they ARE doing this on purpose to upset people.
Leo Diaz
cool ppl
Tyler Stewart
I've never seen a hot coalburner.
Thinly veiled cuck thread
Adam Johnson
>Pic not-related They have nigger eyes, therefore they're not compatible for reproducing with a white man.
Elijah Torres
fucking kek
Henry Russell
I don't understand this shit, she could find a handsome black football player but she's into these lean chugging howler monkeys. it's just to piss people off.
Sebastian Martinez
Never seen one in my whole life. Just maybe Balotelli's ex gf and she cucked him so hard he had to require a paternity test >he desisted when he saw that his kid was half black
Gabriel Sanchez
Well you could think about it as an oxymoron, meaning that a woman dating an ape stops being a respectable woman that you would eventually fuck. But if she has hourglass figure, big tits, nice ass, blonde, blue eyes and she's pretty, that's pretty much the definition of hot to me.
Gabriel James
>What do you feel when you see them?
John Green
post a pic of yourself whiteboi
Oliver James
>she could find a handsome white* football player
FTFY, cuck ass nigger loving faggot.
Lucas Peterson
What do I feel? Indifference. There are always traitors, this is nothing new and nothing to be surprised about or particularly repulsed by. Just remember their faces and wait until the tide turns.
Dylan Moore
I don't know. I've never seen a white / black couple in my entire life.
Can any Frenchbro confirm? I don't think it's super rampant here. When I see a couple like that, the girl is always mixed.
Thomas Nguyen
i feel nothing. let them live their life as they chose to.
but betacucks need to stop accepting used goods.
Adrian Phillips
stop being so edgy you're scaring the children. she's going to be a coalburner anyway because that's her fetish but there's a way to do it and not to do it.
Alexander Gonzalez
Single mums.
I see them in public in town all the time. Never is the dad present
Leo Anderson
Man I saw a decent looking white girl, looked well-bred, not slutty, with a skinny beaner who looked like a gang member - tattoos, sleeveless shirt. I don't /know/ that they were 'together', but they sure went out of the store and walked together. She looked so nice - I wanted to tell her she could surely do better. Made me really sad, because I could think of no other reason they'd be walking together.
Aaron Collins
Im not in high school so it may be changing but white women I see with blacks are almost always fat or ugly. It doesnt bother me either way though. I can get pussy.
Colton Morales
My sister is coalburner, she's also one of the most bluepilled persons I know irl I know about 5 nogs and 2 sandnogs but probably did much much more And I don't care I just don't care she was beaten few times by nog and didn't learn her lesson
Ryder Young
Chill out, every single girl has some dude like this in their past. Most of the time they're not even that bad.
Christian Gray
Every single coalburner I've seen in England has been incredibly fat and incredibly ugly and the NIGGER is the good looking one in the relationship.
I actually feel sorry for the guys.
Cameron Hill
No I mean I've never seen a coalburner that was above 6/10 physically
Blake Powell
Not hot women but old and white trash quite often date non-Swedes in Sweden.
Christian Baker
m8 i've been living in london for 5 months and i've lost the number of interracial couples i've seen. I've only seen 2 in 7 months living in Barcelona. The british race is doomed. The hottest brit girls prefer the ugliest baboons to the average john.
Luis Clark
This too, they are usually middle aged. I virtually never see young white women with other races.
Jordan Watson
Reminder that BMWF & WMAF relationships are jew approved and you racists should check your anti-antisemitism.
Chase Morris
I made one attempt suicide using memes. I'm a failure :(
Camden Foster
This is bullshit m8. You see a few a day in London and they are never hot. Spain is where I saw the most number of coalburners ever, though again it's usually middle aged Spanish women.
Luke Murphy
>What do you feel when you see them?
Nothing. I'm a southern European and my sister is neither into nigger culture nor niggers.
The Germans can racemix and degenerate as much as they like. Serves them right for destroying Rome and Byzantinum.
Robert King
I've been to London and Birmingham and you're full of shit.
Lucas Davis
> hot chick with niggers
Never really seen that before tbqh. Even if I do it won't cancel out the luls I got over the years from seeing nignogs and sandniggers with the ugliest landwhales imaginable.
Zachary Stewart
Over here, the only people who are honestly into interracial relationships tend to be the trash of society, so it's all good. Sometimes they can be hot, but most of the time they're just fat. I don't even mean chubby, chubby is fine but these women tend to be Beer-gut fat.
Hudson Ortiz
The stereotype here is of fat chav women wheeling around kids of every colour.
Jaxon Thompson
Byzantium was ruined by Venetians (read about the crusades) and weakened by this finished of by the Turks.
Kayden Morris
po little whyte biatch
Jaxson Garcia
Iv seen lots of white girls with black lads but only once was the girl good looking. In 30 years.
Isaac Ortiz
Genocide envies intensifies
Jaxson Carter
Throwing away their genetic linage. I've only seen one mudshark in Australia and (surprise surprise) she's a single mother and a fat.
Xavier Hernandez
Honestly? I look at the girls dead in their eyes then turn away and shake my head. I pity them more than anything because 1) I know the relationship isn't going to last very long and 2) they're most likely going to get their pretty faces literally destroyed simply because they thought they were being progressive by dating a nigger.
Whatever, mang. We all have choices to make it life.
Noah Bennett
I'm guessing pakis are a favorite for them?
Camden Thompson
i feel really sad seeing this for some reason
Adam Scott
No. If Brit women race mix it's almost always with blacks.
Lucas Turner
Does that kind of shit happens in non-white countries (like Israel) ?
Evan Hill
u mad..... dont b get some help
Isaac Cook
Pretty much this. But lots of them are morally degraded women that aren't going to have kids anyway
Wyatt Cruz
when you white boys say "We dodged a bullet with her. The only white women that fuck black guys are the trashy, low class ones", is the equivalent of when bitches tell their depressed friends "Dont worry about him, Katie. He only broke up with you because he doesnt see how wonderful you are!"
Its like alright, whatever helps you sleep at night, but its still you obviously projectig your insecurities.
Mason Anderson
This, I laugh at chicks with niglets, especially when they give me the 'eye'. They're really the only people I truly look down on.
Thomas Bell
lol I don't care, they are not my type of woman It would be a pain to live with them since most of them are dumb and smug at the same time.
Nathan Garcia
You see the rampant appeals to emotion? Absolutely no arguments? This is a slide thread.
Sage, hide and move on.
Andrew Kelly
Sorry bro but there is no hot women in UK, if they were hot that means they were foreign so you shouldnt really give a fuck, also why dont you bang some hot spanish or italian chicks ?
Joshua Wood
>WMAF relationships >jew approved
Sure thing. That's why it's shamed so much and the white guys are called weird fetishists.
White men find a wife and have children.
White women find a fuck buddy and end up with a bastard child, or dead.
Joseph Nelson
bulgarians confirmed for niggers
Alexander Turner
Hot >she looks like 35 even with make-up
Kayden Nguyen
>Bulgaria Lmao. How would you know?
Anthony Moore
shillary supporter detected
Jeremiah Gomez
woman NEED attention, just so happens that chimps tend to have no personal boundaries so they hit on their bros girl (giving them more attention than one mate) and they get the added attention from people who would never look their way but now do because the chimp hanging off their arm not to mention the "progressive points" they get from other females.
Nathaniel Miller
Poor guys. These guys are all ugly and most likely retards. Other user is right saying she is doing it to look cool or piss people off, see: her piercing and tattoos. Some black guys, who are usually actually black and come from Africa, work hard and do not act like niggers, yet you rarely see white women go for these men. It is all a big social performance. Real black men and real white women stick to their own and act normal.
Brayden Nelson
Where do you live, Jean Pierre ? In Paris, there so many chances pour la france that we barely see any whites.
Easton Roberts
>this kills the German
Thomas Carter
We spit in those hoes faces and they are considered as filth that no decent man would want. But here it's never a nice chick with nigger/shitskin if it ever happens it's in the best a 6/10 stupid bitch who thought that she's so egzotic and shit. Then she ends working in kebab for the rest of her life youtube.com/watch?v=1PQ670sfFXU
Easton Sanders
Why the fuck does that happen in CZ ?
Isaiah Ramirez
Only time I ever saw a good looking girl with a nigger besides Sweden was in Italy. She was beautiful and making out with a nigger at a crowded train station. The entire crowd was glaring at them in disapproval. One older lady made a vomit noise.
Austin Walker
I don't care. I've already resolved to let the world keep on burning itself alive.
Nathan Hughes
Oh man. This thread is like a honey pot for shitposters.
BTW have you noticed that all race-baiting shitposter post the same text every time? They all say words like: whyte (what the fuck? why "y"?), boi (why not "y") and use ebonics all the time.
Just think about it for a sec. RIGHT NOW there is one lonely guy (or a number of them which makes it even more sad) who spends his time on Sup Forums pretending to be black and posting interracial pics.
Every time you think your life is pathetic, think about those guys.
Camden Lopez
>Absolutely no arguments?
The ideal German woman.
Chase Lee
That fucking sucks. Oh well, at least you won't have to be excepting those fuckers anymore.
Luke Myers
God damn it, I had one fucking job.
Dylan Flores
Caleb Price
Why the hell are nogs in CZ?
Austin Russell
they are divorced
Cooper Foster
Just give them dirty looks. They know why.
Chase Walker
An israeli girl I knew who was studying here dated an Arab-Pakistani mix guy.
Joseph Gonzalez
yeah I don't care. It feels reactionary. If they want to ruin their lives so they think they can bend people out of shape, that's up to them.
There are easier ways to wind people up that don't involve fucking a black man.
William Miller
One of my neighbours is a mixed couple of Bulgarian female and some nigger from Nigeria(?). I hear the fucking from time to time ... I think eastern europeans are the most blue pilled people in Europe because of communism. Racism and is a new post 90s thing for them.
Michael White
What about Ukrainian girls ? Do they prefer white men or filthy nigger trash ?
Angel Lee
The truth is that black men are gods of the sexual market. See the reasons:
>Every black man is automatically assumed to be an alpha male.
A white boy, to be accepted as an alpha, have to change his entire personality to something more aggressive and violent, he must demonstrate dominance through verbal and non-verbal means, he must assume a overconfident, no-shits-given pose and constantly show his high status and hierarchical position.
A black man to be accepted as alpha just needs to exist. Even the police thinks that, you know they assume all black men are thugs? Now, have you ever seen a virgin thug? A thug with no harem of women at his disposal? Society will always consider you a alpha male by merely existing, if you only keep your mouth shut you can proceed to harem building without speaking a word.
>Black men have access to every type of girl
When a white wants to become a Chad, there are several paths he may choose and these paths led to different kind of girls. A white fratboy Chad will fuck sorority sluts, but he won't bang cute liberal arts sluts. A white hipsters Chad will bang cute liberal arts sluts, but he won't bang sorority sluts. A black men will bang anything. The sorority slut because he is attracted to his alpha male allure, and the liberal arts chick because she is afraid of being considered racist if she doesn't offer herself to the pleasure of her african warrior king.
>Black men hold cultural hegemony
What is the most popular form of music in the Western world? Hip-hop. What is the most popular dance? Twerking. What is the most popular sports? Sports that black people play such as basketball and football. What is that confers legitimacy to subcultures and political ideologies? Acceptance of and by black people. Black men are literally gods.
Luis Butler
Yeah, she's old and ugly now.
Black dicks only pound young German pussy.
Levi Stewart
In countries like Czech Republic every nigga that steps foot in there is guaranteed to get metric tons of white pussy. It's just the way it is.
Daniel Lewis
This. If they got shamed by everyone and lost social standing for doing it they wouldn't
Samuel Bennett
Irrationally repulsed. If someone I'm with even calls a black guy sexy or something, I'll break up with her just like that
Caleb Adams
No. They only chase money. But even they will think twice before mating with a nig. German men are considered top-tier, also Scandinavians. Nice pasta, sunshine.
Liam Parker
I never considered her attractive even besides the fact that she's a mudshark. Lots of average German women that look much better than this bitch.
Isaac Green
*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.
And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.
See you on the boards...
Blake Cooper
black guys are popular here because american culture but women prefer darker men as it is
Joshua Parker
Dylan Carter
I do see a lot of arabs and niggers of course, but none of them with white girls desu.
Logan Roberts
I feel nothing. I am weirded out by scenery of beautiful white woman with extremely ugly black man that I see in the West often. In Russia people in interracial relationships are usually attractive. My girlfriend had black experience in the past and she doesn't fit Sup Forums memes of a coal-burner: good family, stable relationship with her father, healthy lifestyle, studies psychology at top university. Several friends of her had black experience, most of them are nice girls and excellent students or already in the field.
Joseph Martinez
ahahah what the fuck? Where is this pasta from? It's okay, you will grow out of shitposting, my little kid. Everything will be okay. Autism goes away, I promise :) Another one
Adam Parker
I feel eternally cucked
Asher Cooper
Every black guy in Eastern Europe instantly turns into a Philko. The flow of pussy can't be stopped. Well, it can, but Slavic men would have to do something about it, their women are traitors though.
Michael Russell
Depends if they're with a proper spade or just a black guy.
When I see a normally dressed white girl with an ooga-booga ghetto ape I just think "what the fuck is wrong with you?". Doesn't matter how hot she is I win't find her attractive.
If she's with a normal, functioning male member of society who happens to be black I don't even register.
Carson Rogers
Jackson Williams
Whores are whores. Ukraine is a brothel of Europe. Every girl wants to get the fuck out of the country.
Aaron Nelson
because the coalburner profile is nonsense. There's no "type of girl" who rides the cock carousel before settling down with a beta, it's 90% of them.