White men will never fight each other again

I know that we have our differences, but I would like to think that we have a common bond at this point.
Anglos, Saxons, Scandinavians(even the gook fins) I would even offer a hand to the Germans and French, whatever the fuck you are. Even the slavs would be great shock troops.
They will try to put us to war with each other in the near future, lads.
Our finest moment, that would be forever remembered throughout history would be a handshake on the battlefield then the mass executions of the people who sent us there.
They would have no problem sending us to our deaths and for what?
So we can be replaced by swarthy, cheaper muslims?
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother,
God bless each and every single one of you, we will reclaim Constantinople in our lifetime.

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I would literally murder every Anglo in the world without hesitation if it was in my power desu

As soon as this is over Europe is going to go back to fucking each other over. If there is anything we do worst it's peace.

autism is strong on that board


Pick one

We have to stop the ANGLO menace from infiltrating PURE ARYAN nations

Kill yourself first then. Oh wait never mind I saw the flag, you must be a Paki

Mehmet, you stand with Europa or you die.

I wish it was autism you French faggot, Europa, Europa, Europa.
I will personally ship you back to Algeria.

>They will try to put us to war with each other in the near future, lads.

>I would literally murder every Anglo in the world without hesitation if it was in my power desu

Prophecy fulfilled. Paki pls go.

We are not going to fight each other, this is exactly what led us to this in the first place.

God bless the colonies and God save the Queen.

Agreed brother

Say my name...

Also bump

You're damn right. Even though I know Anglos are our eternal rivals, I'd side with any of you against non whites without a seconod thought. Next years will be the final stand of the White race, this is our survival as a people we're talking about. Divide and conquer kike tactics won't stop us from taking back our land . Enough European blood has been shed between brothers.

You didn't even mention us

I hate the brits

All your islands are belong to us

“The blood of every single Englishman is too valuable too shed. Our two peoples belong together racially and traditionally. That is and always has been my aim, even if our generals can’t grasp it.” – Adolf Hitler

Thank you for posting my favourite Murdoch video.

feels bad man

Reminder that at least 40% of "french" posters on Sup Forums are sandniggers.

We must reclaim Europa, get into politics, get elected, bring us back to our glory.

All those other ethnicities you listed are less white than us. Know your place Mohammed.

They will be deported to Algiers.

I hate you all, but I hate non-Europeans even more, so you can count with me. Deus Vult etc. etc.


You inebriated biscuit beneficiary.

Shut up, gook.

top kek

>White man will never fight each other again
After removing fucking anglos.

Shut up hairy-arm. You have too much DNA from the Middle East.


Of course, we are brothers, different tribes but the same race.

Go vote for Hillary you trailer living faggot.

You're right.

White people should not fight other white people in a war. That's what the jews want us to do to weaken us.

We must unite against the jews for all the shit they are doing to our countries. We must kill them all. There is no other option, it is us or them. Don't let it be them.

too bad if they sink mid route


God wills it!

Tenth crusade when?!

What the fuck is up with Fins calling everyone else "not white enough". They are literally Mongolian rape babies.

You are our finest front line troops senpaitachi

You're gonna have to stop going to bed drunk at 10am some time my sickly bean-eating rainwater collector.

Why do swarthy Western and Central Europeans think they have any moral high ground anybody? It makes no sense.

Motherfucking imbeciles. You deserve death for not fighting along side your race brothers. Fuck if we are from different tribes, we are still the same race. Fine, you want Islam and cultural enrichment, you got it. God I fucking hate the French and of course there is a German traitor in our midst. Germany and France, truly the worst countries in Europe.

Come on, see and don't be too harsh on us.

The only logical explanation is that they are refugees.

Any decent slav will never side with cucks like anglos.

My regrets, I was mad from rage at these traitorscum. Of course there are based frogs who want to fight and I applaud every one of them greatly. Likewise for Krauts who are willing to fight, however, it is indeed your countries who are leading the fight of the opposition and therefore are the symbols of what I hate in Europe.


>however, it is indeed your countries who are leading the fight of the opposition and therefore are the symbols of what I hate in Europe

True but we're also among countries were nationalism is rising the fastest. We will overcome this.


>not 50\50 Russian\Greece control
I will fucking gut you in your sleep.

They will force us to fight each other, we have bigger fish to fry.

slavs dont side with anyone. as far as my knowledge goes. often not even with their own.

lol Russians don't represent all Slavs

Here's a thought, how about we just exterminate all life on this planet? Because when it comes down to it, we really are all fucking trash. The human race is an abomination and a virus to this planet and universe. The universe would be 100% better off with 0 humans in it. We are all selfish shitbag assholes who care about nothing but our own personal gain.

Fuck everyone :D

>They will force us to fight each other, we have bigger fish to fry.
We will never stand side by side with mudslims and fags enabler.

g8 b8 m8

>> 77335625

do you really think I enjoy being cucked at the voting booth?

He means native White British nationalists you idiot

That what i fucking ment you disabled taco eating fat cunt.
Because of that faggots mudslim have Tsargrand in they hands.

Now learn some history, faggola

We'll help if we get some of that- not much, just some.

That's history you fucktard. We're all fucked if we don't unite against Mudslimes and nonEuropeans.

left wing parasite politicans and idiot people that vote for them if a islamist would kill them all i would instantly join islam, thats how much i hate these marxist assholes.

Russia, you have to learn to be a team player, we all have our grievances, but we have a major problem right now.
And you've been dealing with it for a longer time.

Personally the extinction of germanic people can't come soon enough.
In fact, could you please increase the level of suicidal altruism by about 400%?


>spaghetti faggot not invited for the crusade

Why would I want to fight with people who have nothing in common with me?

Either you are with us or you are against us. Have fun fighting for Islam.



>That's history you fucktard.
And now you dare to ask our help?
I will enjoy to see your homes muslimisated.
While your own rampant left wing agenda will kill the rest of you.

Like you had anything in common with the Nazis or the niggers landing on your shores.
Get your shit together.

real men is despise faggot

We shouldn't have fought with the Nazi, it was a terrible idea. And I dont' want niggers either.

I don't see how any of this means I have to fight for the survival of groups of people that A) have nothing in common with me and B) have never done any good to my people.

There's not going to be any fighting m8, you'll just die out.



OK asshole, have it your way

Np desu


Sided against who?
Both of my grandfathers fought against the Nazis and one of them never made it home.
For what?
I wish we had better relations right now, we should have better relations right now, we have an enemy that hides behind women and children, and to be quite honest you are the only country who will grab them by the balls.

And he was wrong. He should have invaded the shit out of them after the anglo runned like a rabbit, and wreck their stupid jewism. Once you learn the truth is fucking hard to have any sympathy for UK, USA or Russia.

>There's not going to be any fighting
You are wrong my little Fiat, very very wrong. We are rising and fast. You will get crushed.

Honestly Britbong, we'd bomb you just for the lulz.


You guys have been saying that for 20 years.

Bring an actual discussion or go home. You fucking faggot.

So you don't think Ireland is going to be culturally enriched?
Just because you don't live in a major city doesn't mean it's not happening.

>Sided against who?
Crimean war didnt ring a bell? not even once?
>hur bur it was so long ago
You sided with muslims against us.

American\Nato cunt help to al-qaida during Soviet- Afghan war
>hur bur it was so long ago x2
>hur bur you were commies and shit
You sided with muslims against us.

Fist Chechen
>Hur bur they were freedom fighters
>kidnapped civilians and kids is okay.
>nomerous terror acts in Russia is fine
>Putin stop genocide of Chechen People
>A shit tons of terrorist are still living in Europe

>Sided against who?
Well take a fucking guess.

Hey Russia you must start trying to be a Teamplayer, hehe?




It happened in the past, it'll happen again.

Good dubs.

I'm fucking Welsh, we fought and were conquered by the god damn Romans.
We are the guys in the furry hats guarding the fucking Queen.
I got over it, just like you should get over Crimea, most of the royal fuckers who planned that war were cousins. They do that shit for fun.

Actually, that pic reminds me. We've spent decades bombing you, you just never had the balls to confront us about the IRA in Boston. Carry on, you've got to go earn some money to fund your own displacement by kebab in your capital city. :D

Yet they betrayed him anyway.

Hitler said plenty of stuff and probably regretted it in the bunker.

You are actually fucking retarded, again, I'm Welsh.

>STEM researcher
>read papers all day long
>talk with some of the most brilliant men in Europe

>come home
>go on Sup Forums
>a guy hates 4 billions people cause their skin colour and their eyes are a little different

I swear to God, you guys know nothing about genetics. Fucking mindless beasts.

That is very important subject , Thank OP


musel detected. if you wanna join isis, then fucking join isis, don't come back

Slavs are asian and evil. I will never fight with them.

> Skin color
> Eyes

Man, for a STEAM 'researcher', you sure are dumber than dirt.

99.999% of all faggots on here are NEET or working class folks. They don't understand genetics.

Will you teach me because everytime someone says this they come back with one of those studies that says people races aren't genetics and uses the term population or ancestry instead of race. Science is just being nice now none of it's been debunked.

I dont give a flying fuck what nationality you are.
You are part of west.
And now you are willing to be "useful idiot".
A traitor will always be traitor.

An itie trying to talk down to me, maybe in your next life .

>I'm fucking Welsh, we fought and were conquered by the god damn Romans.
>We are the guys in the furry hats guarding the fucking Queen.
>I got over it
Welshfag in 20 years
>I'm fucking Welsh, we fought and were conquered by the god damn Muslims.
We are the guys in the furry hats guarding the fucking Caliph.
I got over it