Americans, Who are you voting for in the general election and why is it not Zoltan?
Americans, Who are you voting for in the general election and why is it not Zoltan?
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we deus ex now
i am aware of their evil
must be weird having that amount of trust in basically becoming machine.
Yeah around 2029 we will be able to start uploading brains and consciousnesses into information data clouds.
Did the lord say machines ought to take the place of living? Do engines get rewarded for their steam?
I wish. I'm fucking terrified of dying and missing out on the dank memes of 2116
I don't want to be part of a data cloud though. I want my own personal memory drive
>István Zoltán
We are literally biological machines.
Our DNA is made from literal biological machines.
>tfw you will not reach the top before the technology is available, and miss out on immortality fighting in wars for a globalist hegemony
>at best you have some arm that can operate as a screwdriver or some weak shit
We are already machines.
Is he even Christian?
>places enough trust in science to modify the human body into a machine so we live forever
>as in never die
>using proprietary cybernetics
>literally being part of the botnet
Some days I think living forever would be amazing.
You'd get to see and experience everything the universe has to offer.
Space travel would no longer be an issue either. So it takes 1,000 years to get to the nearest hospitable planet. What does that matter to a being who will live forever? It seems grand in scope now, but to an ageless being that will never die a natural death? 1,000 years is but a single breath. This galaxy would be ours to colonize.
But then I see how fucked the world has gotten in the last 5 years. And I ask myself...Why would I want to live forever, when the only thing to look forward to is watching humanity burn?
Doesn't that fucker work for Cobra Commander?
Zoltan is delusional
No, its made from protein strands and chemical reactions.
Where are all these technologies that heal themselves and modify their own form and function on the fly like we do?
>futurist says: everything is going to be awesome soon
that's all these people say
things are still not awesome
>convert myself to a robot body
>working hard doing data entey for the Judeo-Masonic High Council of Satan Powered by GoogleTM
>100 years later Greater Israel goes Samson Option
>trapped in a sewer culvert for the rest of eternity
lol I'll take my chances with Jesus
>tfw your android manchurian candidate claims america for the hungarian empire
niggers will never be human
I would Upload my brain if I could at the end of my life.
dieties confirmed as cyborgs
nice dubs
>the Robo-Hungarian Empire will be real
This'll only be available for the super rich. No nation in their right mind would risk this kind of overpopulation.
I've heard that 20 years ago
>falling for machine meme
Were not ready, even if it was real
sage this shitty slider
>live forever in cultural cesspool under the watchful and benevolent gaze of our now immortal political and oligarchical overlords
Count me out.
The surgery just isn't good enough
Yes and those protein molecules function like tiny machinery, you cuck.
We are 100% able to replicate that at the same level of function. Yep.
>able to live forever
>have finite DNA
This guy is a fucking retard.
It's kinda like that game Soma.
Its not an argument to take a dramatized cgi metaphor too literally.
Do you also believe it is accurate to say that when you mix liquid bleach and ammonia, tiny machines literally work to convert the mixture into mustard gas?
>Wanting to live forever
>In a world full of niggers
I can't chug Monster Drinks fast enough to die of a heart attack.
mark of the beast
>Monster drinks
My moor. I too love that disgusting sludge and I hate myself for it.
These kinds of people somehow manage to be even more irrational than leftists and religious fundamentalists.
I remember that one talk by that old pop scientist from Japan where he basically advocated a world government so we can become an advanced civilization like in his favourite scifi novels.
When did they allow subhuman mongols to go to america?
I had a heart attack when I started doing 3 big monster drinks a day for 2 months straight. Now I'm on ginger ale and steroids. Oh and I have diabetes and low blood pressure due to the sugar and overworking my heart.
Around the period gypsy niggers stole Transylvania and started genociding them.
We were here before them, and now its ours
Even if this was possible, I don't think they have really considered just how shallow our concept of forever is.
We love each other forever, we stand in line forever but what we don't do is maintain consciousness for eternity.
Give it 200 years and you would just gibbering wrecks
Try Ginseng/Ginkgo Biloba tea mixture, it's perfect when you need a little jolt. And it's a lot healthier than Monster.
Romania pls. Go away, you're drunk. Besides, nobody likes you.
I wonder how much money it will cost to live forever in 25ish years. Wouldn't it suck if you almost had enough money to live forever but can't because you wasted so much earning potential on Sup Forums?
nobody likes you either stupid gook, all your neighbors hate you+whole europa
fucking addict
Too bat, you are literally part of the botnet now.
Enjoy your adsense feeds directly into your consciousness and [OFFENSIVE THOUGHTS DETECTED] beginning feminist re-education iApp in 3...2...1
>The Border Patrol, immigration courts and refugee workers were overwhelmed the last time it occurred, in 2014. Border officials have asked for more resources this time out.
>In Yuma County, Arizona's southwestern most corner, work to strengthen the fence and add patrols led to a significant decline in illegal crossings last year, 90 percent by some accounts.
>It is picking up again, Yuma County law enforcement officials said.
"They’re not what you would consider a typical border crosser," Yuma Sheriff's Capt. Eben Bratcher said. "Many of these people are from other nations, other than Mexico. Central America, Chinese, Romanians are a big one right now, and so that’s kind of a change in what we’ve come to expect here."
>be romanian
>pretend to be mexican
>his name is literally Zoltan
In 25 years the U.S. will be Mexico and Europe will be a Caliphate, and all the life extending drugs in the world won't help when you're head is mounted on a pike in front of a warlords palace in the crumbling ruins of your former civilization.
I... I..
I thought you were a gep gun.
Honestly why would anyone want to live forever? Just imagine how everything would go to shit after everyone gets bored after a thousand years.
>Based Hungarian
Truly your greatest ally, America!
Some company made a game about that, it was some underwater apocalyptic world and the player had to upload himself into the satellite in space in order to survive, except he doesn't survive, but his copy does, which he found out only at the end. It was an interesting twist.
>this is what gypsies actually believe
I thought this was just a meme
chose 2 fucktard, when did they help you last time? at 56?
i mean chose 1, fuuuuuck i fucked up
That's it, I'm #revoltinwithzoltan
I don't want to live forever, especially if I will look like that fucked up thing in the pic.
>We will be able to live FOREVER in 25 years
If Christian groups stop interfering with science and let them do their job.
What a load of crap
Living forever? In this world, seriously? Who the fuck would want to live in hell forever? Death is the only way out of this nigthmare.
imagine someone putting you into a digital prison.. in which you never rot.. you're just there for eternity.
fuck that. Id rather die
How original and totally not cliché.
Tien, voilà ton (You)
No nation in their right mind would allow mass immigration from the Third World, yet here we are.
Imagine Anita Sarkisian being able to live forever.
Yeah, I don't like that idea either.
More like signing up for cybernetic socialism without consent
>against human augmentation
Color me surprised.
I'd love to shitpost for eternity but not when I could be controlled to shitpost FOR the government. The first people who fall for this meme literally becomes a shillbot. No thanks.
>YFW you can become JC
Poor little romanian,
Did daddy hurt you?
President Zoltan sounds fucking awesome.
But i thought that you only argument yourselves with explosives. The government could blow you up but thats what your believes tell you isnt it?
It's racist not to vote for the first mongol American president.
Check your privilege Tump and Hillfags.
I'm a catholic, and I'm pretty sure all religions are against immortality. But I can play your game, I can't wait to turn into a muslim robot so I could die and get my 72 virgin androids ;)
The US already has a Mongol leader, although he is Jewish as well. He may or may not be human though.
came here to post this
And infect the Memesphere with Scheiße fetish? I don't think so you dirty Kraut.
I don't want to feel forever
No, that's why mechanical and chemical engineering are two different things.
>Government starts hacking your brain drive wirelessly.
>They shuffle through and decrypt your 'mind' OS.
>They find out your are habouring 'anti-progressive' thoughts.
>Must serve 25 years in an automatic assembly machine with no internet connection for the next 25 years.
>Hacktivist group 'HumanStill', an organisation against the machination of people, continuously hack people who transferred to machines. They post nudes of every girl you ever hooked up with, that they obtained from YOUR MEMORY. They throw your darkest secrets out like they are nothing and now everyone knows that you find Bailey Jay 'confusing'.
>Suicide is illegal, if you 'dismantle' a back-up of you will be inserted into a new body. You can never escape the shame.
I'd much rather die and become worm food.
Imagine having to live forever as a shitskin
> wanting the millennial generation to live forever
I am a millennial and know that would be a blight on our future.
Not quite the same thing considering that is a purely chemical reaction. The chemical reactions within the body rely on a intermediary body such as a protein, a machine in itself that contains its own organelles (hardware) and DNA coding (software).
Due to a bug in the system, you'll have to live on as an Arab. Or a Romanian. Or a Pakistani or something like that.
And there is no way out.