This is Ferris Bueller's Day Off in 2016.
This is Ferris Bueller's Day Off in 2016
>pull down projector screen over a blackboard
Is that fucking 2003
what is the appeal of watching people play video games?
Friend simulator
friend simulator and autism
no other real reasons
Too lazy to actually play a game
when you don't have the energy to play/want to see what people with higher skill are up to :^)
So autism
This is Sup Forums in 2016
usually they're funny and you get in on inside jokes and become part of a community and get entertainment out of it.
Yes, just like when you feel lazy and just want to watch a movie. It's all because of that autism.
>bad at vidya
>want to see what the game is like
>looking for protips
yeah normal 80's kids did disney shit like building a mechanical body double and direct a flash mob in the middle of a parade
Not having any real hobbies or being under the age of 18. Also autism.
I grew up poor and never really owned any. Then I had fun hanging out with friends and watching them play. Even now I'm pretty bad at games, so watching other people play is perfectly enjoyable.
That and it allows me to multitask.
>tfw to inteligent too play games
>guy skips class to play video games
>his class doesn't teach a fucking thing and instead watches him play video games
>american education
really makes you think
This desu
same reason people watch sports, I guess
why do you watch people play roles on a screen? it's the same
>same reason people watch sports
I can't walk out side and have a field, 29 other people, and a referee to play rugby whenever I want to. I can sit at my computer and play games whenever I want, why would I sit at my computer and watch someone play games?
There are thousands of clubs for you to play
Also, you don't have 14 frriends to play another team? I do it all the time with football
Now walk out right this minute and play a match the same way you can load up a video game. That's my point, why watch a stream at your desk when you can play a game at your desk, they require the same amount of effort. I can't just play a sport the same way I can watch it.
But playing games is the act of watching someone do something. You press a button and the on-screen event changes. So you remove the interaction and instead watch someone else interact? That's the point I don't get
Dunno mate, I don't watch people playing videogames so I don't know what they do
I was just guessing, I was sports on tv because they are the best athletes in the world and can perform stuff I could never do
Do people who stream videogames play on elite level or something like that?
Is it just me or is the teacher kind of qt?
I only watch Bro Team because his highlight videos are funny and he plays games I either cant play or wouldnt
nigga your desperated
please have sex
Judging by the popularity of cancerous stream chats, the feeling of community or belonging clearly plays some part. Additionally, there is the "sharing the fun" aspect, as in deriving enjoyment from someone else enjoying something you do as well.
>comparing a movie that has a plot, actors, production and is actually entertaining to watching some fat neckbeard play a game you can do yourself
stop rationalizing autism
>this is what people are defending
Ye boi.
circumsoldier is overrated tho and most of his friends aren't as funny as he is
too much of a shitskin to play horrors, like me.
I used to watch league(pls no bully)steamers so I could git gud.
Didn't work though
Circumsoldier is funny in situations. He doesnt seem to do any fates anymore though. My favorite video he did was Hard Time.
The same reason people watch stuff like RLM.
Very watchable light content focused on funny people you easily get to know and relate to.
aka friend simulator.
Game Grumps are great you'll never convince me otherwise!
What is the appeal of watching people play football?
I hope you're not talking about Dan Grumps you fag.
an extreme display of competitiveness, athleticism, discipline and the culmination of a lifetime training.
Its better than watching people play video games because at least its somewhat real and has some semblance of consequences if they lose.
watching people play vidya is infinitely gayer than watching people play sports
I can turn off a stream and just play the damn game myself. I can't turn off the TV and go play football just like that
>implying these people care about the fundamentals of a sport and aren't just in it to brag and shout about their geographically chosen sports teams.
Honestly I don't understand the appeal of playing like 99% of videogames.
C'mon man, if someone really wanted to play football, they'd play it. Not at a national level of course, but then again, most gamers aren't able to compete in big tournaments.
I think speedruns are pretty cool to watch
Okay, but some do watch it for something akin to real life drama (player stories, rivalries) as well as caring about aspects of play.
Is there anything even close to that for watching streamers?
>inb4 le humor exks dee
were you a high schooler in the 80's? no? then how do you know?
I'll check streams to get a better idea of where to aim it when to aim
Also to check how cool and fun a game looks before I buy it
yeah but the infrastructure needed to play a game vs watch a stream are identical (a computer). I can watch football on TV but I can't walk outside and instantly have 2 teams and a field like I can load up a game
Yes because its incredibly easy to just set up a game of football at the age of 30.
Especially if we're talking about American football, you have close to zero chance of playing outside of highschool and college
Don't breed retard. Go back to Sup Forums and watch your precious little streamers reply with epic memes to their chat
God, after playing that game I didn't play any other video game for like two months. That game made me question why I ever play video games. Like, its so bad. I don't understand what low level of brain function you'd have to be operating on the enjoy overwatch outside of like the first 10-15 hours.
who gives a shit about football? you can go out and do whatever the fuck you want
you just don't because you're lazy
there's no difference
it actually could be easy as fuck. if all the fatass faggot men who watch niggerball played it instead of watching it
It's cuckoldry for plebeians.
Most people watch for the streamer's personality/character or whatever.
It's not fucking impossible. Spend 4 minutes doing research, I'm sure you can find some kind of club or group in your area of middle-aged men that play football on occasian.
How many friends do you have? Because if you don't have enough to make a team, you're either an autistic loner or a shitty person.
There is none
no you fucking retard, you walk outside right now with 30 people, a field, and a referee and play a game of football, go, do it. You can't, because it isn't like launching a fucking game from your desktop which takes the exact same amount of effort as watching a stream