How would you feel if Marvel announced a cape movie with an asian guy cast as the hero?

How would you feel if Marvel announced a cape movie with an asian guy cast as the hero?

Who fucking cares? That's fine.

that will never happen
it doesnt fit in (((their))) narrative

Sup /r/asianmasculinity

Go home hiro

Looks like you aren't familiar with Marvel these days.

Wont happen and I think both Japanese and Chinese film-makers both realize, that if you want your film to do good in the western markets, then you need a white guy.

>implying that Clinton losing was part of (((their))) plan

Wouldn't be FUCKING RADICAL if these amazingly talented non-white people decided to WRITE THEIR OWN SUPERHEROES

>gib spidey pls

Go write a badass asian superhero you fucking joke.

I don't know why Damon agreed to do that.

> there are people on Sup Forums who don't know about Japanese Spider-Man

shut this place down
it's fucking over

this really makes me think


The funny thing is nobody hates this more than white people. Fuckin' weebs, all of them.

or Elysium
or more Bourne movies

They have this thing called manga

They also have this thing called Kamen Rider

That wouldn't make any sense.

Asians don't date whites.

he needs money to save the world

They had Power Rangers but then it got Jewed as well

Jackie Chan as an elderly Silver Samurai

Times are changing friend.

How about an Asian cutie instead?

Just do not change Peter Parker. There is already any Spider-Man you can imagine, you one of them.

and asians did and do make their own movies and have their own thriving industries

lots of countries have their own movies and shit and with real production values

show me one black movie made in another country that looks good

there's plenty already

>asuka, rei, kaworu, shinji

weebs go home


certainly activates those synapses

What's his super power, small penis? XD

I want Asian Fantastic Four.

>Obsessive scientist father.
>Detached and affection-starved mother.
>Hothead brother that gets mixed up with local hoodlums.
>Giant military man with a heart of gold.

I wouldn't mind. I would support it.

They do have plenty of their own heroes and stories in their countries. maybe Marvel could turn one into a movie.

it is only niggers who are too dumb to create anything, and they never have created anything in their history.

>akari, kyoko , chinatsu , yui

I can name anime characters too

why do white people act like niggers to us chinese?

>Blacks never invented anything!
>Posting your racist drivel on a peanut-butter powered computer.


Name some creative contributions made by Africans

Is it Shang-chi?

rock music

No one likes asians man, they're are the easiest to make fun of. Fuck even your own women don't like your kind

I definitely would like to see more asian guys. Hollywood thinks we lust for black men, but we really don't. I don't like getting aids.

They are a cosplay couple

I dunno, the gems in my wife's son's chain seemed to be mined quite expertly.

Wouldn't give a shit because fuck Marvel.

She does alot of Disney cosplay. Whenever you a hot White female cosplayer, about 50% of the time she is probably dating an asian guy

>tfw no qt gf to cosplay with

>Brown eyes

she has light eyes



Your mother's first orgasm.

>spider gwen
>smart independent girl with relatively non-violent super powers and god-tier design

With how retarded Disney and Marvel are about social justice and feminism these days, how the hell is Spider-Gwen NOT a movie yet?

As Wonder woman

They used to be more anime-centric but has switched to western cosplay most of time now

>blowing your load in the first movie

Main character for me just has to be an easy self insert I have to see part of myself in that person and honestly it's pretty easy for me to do across genders and races

OP, they should have cast as Asian as Spider-man, know why? The SJW cucks have been bleating about "MUH DIVERSITY" but only seem to care about that when advocating for niggers because of white guilt over slavery, and the fact that most of these asswipes are middle-upper class while male closet fags who secretly want big black cock.

You'll NEVER see them advocate for an Asian Spidey because it wouldn't fulfill their need to white knight niggers mainly to impress cute little college hipster chicks who wont fuck them anyway because they don't play football and aren't rich.

Besides, with an Asian (Chinese?) Spider-man it would open up the movie for Asian markets. I think Sony fucked up bad by not doing this but there's no way a JAPANESE corporation would cast a Chinese in the role, so they went with a little British Jew like the last time because kikes run Columbia Pictures.

those are contacts

that's a really good looking couple, jesus.

As long as they arent black i really dont care

It would be fine as long as it wasn't fucking some canon.

and this pic also in her bb8 bodysuit.

where is greekanon when u need him?

They didn't care about PR anyway. Luckily, that attitude got us RPM, which was great

This, what's with white people and their obsession with blacks and don't give me that jew bullshit

couples cosplay

Has anyone ever studied abroad or just traveled Europe in general? Asians are everywhere. They don't respect the culture they observe. They're loud. They're cancer.

on a golfing date

Those are mostly the mainland chinese, japs and koreans are usually quiet and shy as hell.

Speaking of which

he needs time to cry about getting cucked by an asian guy

Yeah I had assumed they were Chinese. They were mostly pale.

Almost entirely exactly the same as before I had heard the announcement.

>its a /r/asianmasculinity thread

Almost anyone and their grandmothers can be pale nowadays with all those beauty skin bullshit.

Isn't being pale a status symbol in Asia?

Yeah, apart from that asians view dark skin as dirty or unhygienic.

That suit on the right looks better than the one in the new movie for fuck sakes!!!FACT!!!

> tfw dating an asian guy and also like the idea of doing cosplay

Well shit, I guess this really is a thing.

Probably true, even though the Chinese market brings in the $$$ for Disney/Marvel. I honestly can't see an Asian man in anything more than a supporting cape role anytime soon.

To b fair, most asian dudes are not quite that good looking

>he prefers black men fucking his wife

Even as someone who prefers Asian guys, I still agree with you. I like somewhat more "Western-looking" Asian guys who are also very muscular, and it's not the most common combination. Add in "acting skill" as a requirement, and the pool gets even more narrow.

acting skill? why? are you takling about actors
i said that as an asian dude btw kek

>who are also very muscular
almost all us-born asian-americans lift. it is the immigrants and fobs that dont.

what the fuck

Asians are smart but they don't fit into western popular culture. This is painfully apparent on college campuses that have a lot of Asians.

i would be really fucking pissed off, only whites can be heroes

We need an Indian hero in the MCU.

I was referring to the potential challenge associated with casting an Asian in a major role in a cape movie. You'd need them, at minimum, to be attractive, fit, and also have acting skill.

It always seems like the same Asian actors get recycled over and over again in Hollywood.

I've noticed the same thing. I've only been with Western-born Asians, and they've always been ridiculously fit. Far fitter than my friends' white partners, that's for sure. But I live in a city with a lot of Asians, and there are definitely lots of scrawny Western ones, too. It's just that the truly fit ones are almost always Western-born.