Who exactly was in the wrong here?
Who exactly was in the wrong here?
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Niggers are always wrong.
What did they mean by this?
where the hell did they even get that raft?
The ocean for being racist
it's the white man's fault
The criminals trying to illegally board a boat.
I believe it's called piracy.
>stepping on a boat when you can't swim
>stepping on a plane when you can't fly
What I want to know;
Was the raft meant to transport them fully to Italian coast, or did they always plan to just hijack the first boat they came across?
Why didn't they have protocols in place on how exactly they would board or seize the boat?
Or did they simply plan to aimlessly cruise the ocean until the coast guard picked them up?
It seems like really poor/impulsive thinking to me.
What was their plan? Ram a coast guard ship and hope they get rescued?
>The Titanigg: A Boat of Tolerance
Stole it
>tying up a knot when you can't tie
>It seems like really poor/impulsive thinking to me.
Duh, they're niggers
scuttling their own boat so that the coastguard are forced to rescue them and take them ashore because they are 'in distress'
(un)fortunately, the boat they ran into wasn't the coastguard, so they weren't required to help or do anything.
>he thinks they plan things
everything they do is on impulse
What tv show is this
a little bit of A and B
the poor guys probably spent their entire life savings of zebra hides and what little money they made from mailing people in the UK about being Nigerian princes for a ticket on the SS.Libyan cruise ship that the Berber captain "made sure" was gonna make it all the way through after he sold it to them
dogs can do that
once upon a time the traffickers tried to reach italian shores because nobody really gave too much shit and the reponse time of european vessels was slow
but then we have started picking them up further and further away from Italian coasts and the traffickers started using shitier and shitier boats (they used regular fishing boats at the beggining, now they are down to rafts)
today it's basically a free taxi to Europe as our boats pretty much wait at the edge of Libyan territorial waters and these cunts sink their rafts as soon as they get out of them
should've been like this
God is, for creating niggers in the first place
i remember seeing this video of a camera going around an underwater vessel and it was filled with floating corpses with music going on in the backround
wish i could remember it
The traffickers just pack them as full as possible on these shitty rafts/boats to try to lure out the europoors coastguard so they save all the brown and black people from drowning.
There is literally boats from all over Europe trying to save these fools from drowning and put them down in Italy/Greece.
flying is impossible while swimming is relatively easy to learn and theres no reason to not learn it before going on a boat
ay papi
Why don't they just take the land route through Spain?
Sure the risk of getting caught is higher and they might end up getting beaten by moroccan border security, but atleast they wont end up reenacting the Titanic.
Once they get over the border they are free to stay and apply for asylum thanks to mama Merkel and Cuckmany.
Interesting. We had something similar here.
They had boats that were capable of (just) making the trip, or smugglers would pilot them close to the territorial waters and transfer them to worse boats.
They allowed themselves two options;
>Make landfall, get arrested/report to police/military.
If they were intercepted, they would deliberately sink the boats to provoke rescue rather than being towed back.
They even had a famous (controversial and disputed) case where they simply started throwing their children overboard to force the Navy to stop towing.
Sweet Christ, that would be fun to shoot. Just line up a few M-60's and go to town, watching them drop off of the wall in clumps of negroid shit.
Sign me up!
These fools do the same thing trying to get over the strait of Gibraltar and die. But not as many.
But after Gaddafi got killed, it opened up Libya for all migrants from Africa. Morocco is probably not as thrilled to have all the migrants flowing trough their country. Libya is barely even a country anymore.
Why do they look so dark? I thought north africans were light skinned.
does this make anyone else happy? i'm not even a racist
Dumb shits, fucking sunk because their own stupidity.
Also seems like a white man floating dead on the left.
They are, these guys aren't middle easterners, they're sub saharan african niggers looking for gibs.
This. Is there a way to make some money off from those niggers? Like promising them a place in my country, making them pay some money and let them drown? Sounds like win/win to me.
The niggers.
>fucking sunk because their own stupidity.
They do it on purpose so the coastguard rescues them, they'll literally throw their children off just for the gibsmedat
Only in this case they didn't realize it was not the coastguard
They're not North Africans.
They're sub-Saharan's both traveling through Libya or in many cases, were based in Libya for the work, prior to the """"""""moderate rebels"""""""" liberating the shit out of the country.
It was actually a promise by Gaddafi that they would flood to Europe should he be removed from power.
Thank you based poseidon.
daily reminder that for every boat that sinks then 20 more makes it to land :^)
it's over goyim
So they crashed their boat. What was the next step of their master plan?
Niggers, as soon as they see a boat they sink the raft and scream to be rescued.
Why dont they just ship them back to Africa insted of Europe is beyond me.
Nah. You know what's "edgy"? Two of the wealthiest nations on Earth being right next door to this as it's happening, and not giving one single blanket of help to these people fleeing from African nations. Interestingly, these same two nations are encouraging people from other nations, thousands of kilometres away, to "pick up the slack" and take in millions of uneducated, wild niggers.
Those two nations?
Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Really makes you think.
is it wrong if I feel bad for those people drowning?
Agreed. If I see people drowning, I'll consider the international politics of Israel and Saudi Arabia before I consider saving them.
I also fap to gore and I'm a leading member of the alt-right.
look at me
look at mee
i'm dead now
Obviously the people filming were in the wrong they should've helped every single one of them like decent human beings. Do these people have any compassion?
It's honestly fucking disgusting I share the same planet as some of these scumbags. You know damn well they had enough space for them in their wive's bullsheds in the lower deck of the boat.
No, the correct response is to feel terrible that this loss of human life is occurring, and then try to take solace in the fact that saving them would create a moral hazard.
>Candice Swanepoel is a South African model
Proud to have you here at Sup Forums, friend.
There wasn't a single person on board who could tell a fishing ship and a coast guard vessel apart?
>I'll consider the international politics of Israel and Saudi Arabia before I consider saving them
Too bad the rest of your cuck nation wont, dhim.
parents for not teaching them how to swim from an early age.
>the other side are bad so we should be bad
Yes this is how to make good choices in life.
Implies they are being chased or forced to escape/retreat.
They're just moving to locations that are inviting them, either directly or indirectly.
There is no "help" required, as they have no problems to begin with.
Why should Israel or Saudi Arabia invite sub-Saharan Africans to move to their nations? For what purpose?
This is a conscious decision by Europeans to encourage migration from sub-Saharan Africa.
What is the purpose of having these tent cities made?
who is even driving it?
it's real easy to say you'd risk your life for someone else's sitting at your computer
Where is the evidence that the sailors would be risking their lives?
You probably should.
The same inability to think long term or demonstrate self restraint is what led to these people drowning themselves instead of assessing the situation correctly or planning a more viable method of migration.
>I'll consider geo-politics before helping drowning people
I would be considering my own safety and welfare, like the fishermen in the video.
It's a completely normal, human response.
A crazed, blood soaked man shows up to your door in the middle of the night screaming to be let in - Sure, maybe it's the "right" thing to do, or maybe you'll pause and try and assess the situation for threats to your own safety first.
Does 100 fighting age nogs trying to board your boat not seem like a risk to you?
All I see is Europe avoiding thousands of crimes, many serious, and saving millions in welfare costs.
No sympathy.
We should be deploying the navy to turn these cunts back at gunpoint.
They are invaders.
mecca pilgrims
>A horde of unhinged Africans are trying to storm your boat
I'll wait for a an environmental health and safety report before I decide to let them illegally board, tbqh.
it's a better alternative to having people just die of exposure or rabble up and start invading actual cities
>be Turkey
>get billions from EU in beating the Arab filth from not crossing the border, that is after they already allowed 5-6 million enter EU
>whenever EU doesn't do anything they agree with they just send over 100-200k refugees
>they them more to stop
>rinse and repeat
>in 10 years after genociding the Kurds and sending more and more human filth to the krauts Turkey will be whiter Germany while having a good economic situation thanks to all the EU donations and Germany selling them Greece
>the italians face when they watch them all drown and die
it sucks to never know that feel bro
I like the idea that someone was just there filming the whole thing.
>all Europeans want subhuman niggers raping their women and children
So you have no evidence then?
>Turkey will be whiter Germany
except everyone there is islamic as fuck and they're getting more control
its iraq 2.0
This thread has been posted a thousand times and shouldn't be on Sup Forums. Someone sage plz
Holy fuck niggers are stupid
I read that Istanbul is now the shemale capital of the world. Imagine it! Horse-hung, white shemales!
I'm saving up for a holiday there, as we type. What a time to be alive.
obama and hillary
Did they drown as soon as they touched the water?