Based don thread
Donald has America's best interests at heart.
Hillary is a criminal who wants Islam to invade.
>worst terror attack since 9/11
>GOP frontrunner has to butter up to fags to scrounge up support
What a time to be alive.
Tfw Don Trump is gonna take care of you ^^
delete your account
i would have loved to see the face of every old conservative in the US seeing trump champion the safety of LGBT community
it truly must be 2016
How is the gay community dealing with all this? Can't really say I have my finger on the pulse of gay culture.
Are they starting to realize that the left's plan to import the entire middle east is probably going to end really badly for gay people?
No idea, I always thought the LGBT community were ultra liberals who'd suck Muslim dick no matter what happens
Smells of desperate pandering desu.
>not LGBTQ
fucking ignorant cis-scum
I live in a gay neighborhood in Chicago. They are hopelessly blue pilled.
They think having ugly unpleasant thoughts is for Republicans. They are as children.
Not sure if it is the same in the USA, but in NZ most gay men are pretty free from Jewish-influence because they are not trying to impress braindead sluts and can thus speak their minds. Most gay guys are race/culture realists and know that if it wasn't for white civilization they would be fucked.
I went over to /lgbt/ to check out their responses, they were mostly anti-muslim.
Saw some caps from reddit the other day that seemed the same too.
>desperate pandering
He's literally winning votes of everyone who isn't a braindamaged retard.
Step it up fampai
>not LGBTQP€&@#~¥
how intolerant of you
I am gay and it seems internet gays including trannies and the most feminine males are redpilled as fuck
Real life gays I've seen/encountered in real life seem to basically be women in every way, including how they vote(women support multiculturalism overwhelmingly etc.)
I have seen some polls though from European countries showing increased support from gay people because of "perceived" homophobia in the Mud community
Gays vote for French national front at a rate twice that of heterosexual counterparts for one, Swedish Democrats is similar
Hopefully after the inevitable flood of stories over the years of gays being stomped to death by gangs of young migrants will wake the bluepilled ones up
Gay here. I know it goes against Sup Forums's narrative, but most of us blend in (that's why "the closet" is a thing), and don't squeal on Twitter about our precious Muslims.
Most gays fucking hate Muslims, and of course it's reciprocated. This isn't to say we need to break the cycle and embrace them, we just know they fucking hate us. Fuck Islam and fuck Muslims, and fuck the traitors who throw themselves to the wolves (in public no less).
Trump 2016
>Can't really say I have my finger on the pulse of gay culture.
What did he mean by this?
>and of course it's reciprocated
Pretty sure they hated you first, my man.
So the "alt rights" of Sup Forums like LGBT now? The doublethink is overwhelming.
Sure, I should have said it goes both ways. You get me, cobber.
I'm a degenerate tranny and I'm much more right wing than the general population here.
Name the last gay suicide bombing or massacre, my friend. Gays have been persecuted by law and society at large far longer than Muslims have, even in white countries, and yet we don't go full jihad on anyone. Why? Why isn't "violent gay radicalisation" a thing when by rights it should be?
Islamic culture is your enemy.
I'm not alt right and also we literally have the meme stealer milo
I don't like fags, but I see no reason to persecute them if they're minding their own business.
However, if they're actively promoting their degenerate lifestyle they have to be stopped.
Good thing most LGBT people are genetic dead ends anyway.
I don't like gay politics, but I don't hate gays.
>So the "alt rights" of Sup Forums like LGBT now?
No but we don't think they should be murdered wholesale
and Muslims are FAR worse
>political correctness is a cancer! You can't stop me from saying something just because it might offend somebody! Boo woo!
>Gays should stay in the closet because it offends me.
Doublethink indeed.
>Trump wants to fight for the freedoms and beliefs of the LGBT community
>Trump also wants to ban same sex marriages
Hmm, really makes you think.
We'll work together with them... for now.
I'm on the fence, I heavily agree with the ideas of islam but I hate the sand niggers. I also hate bug chasing fags.
Hard to pick a side hopefully both kill eachother
I don't think of myself as alt-right, I just believe in liberty. It's not right to toss people off buildings for what they do behind closed doors.
I see. I wonder what the average gay in America thinks. If you believe what you read on the internet, it seems like a lot of people are willing to throw themselves to the wolves in the name of tolerance.
muh pol are evil nazis that want to eradicate everybody that is not like them
hate the sin and not the sinner
Who the fuck is this Donald guy?? I keep seeing him on the computer
The 'gay community' is shocked and appalled. Us gays continue hating Muslims ad infinitum.
homosexual men are the last bastion of implicit whiteness.
>Trump also wants to ban same sex marriages
No he doesn't. When has he ever said that? He supports the Constitution.
>How is the gay community dealing with all this?
blaming Christians and Republicans for "creating the atmosphere that radicalizes people into homophobia"
>1 post by this ID
They hate muslims and they will vote Trump.
They are not stupid and they know how dangerous Memeth is.
But don't expect to see or hear them saying it.
They like to be closeted, even on politics.
Some game show host in Canada.
I have some gay friends that are more Red Pilled than Adolf fucking Hitler.
It's an idiom. Finger on the pulse of... Means having an updated knowledge of something, understanding it fully.
t. English
Think about it.
fucking cis scum
Can he play the didgeridoo?
>Pandering to degenerates
Can he play the didgeridoo?
Accidentally sent the message to myself.
We hate Muslims just as much as we did before, but despise lefties even more for defending the killers and destroyers of our kind.
Intolerant Human-kin bigots
>being surprised that a politician is trying to get support
Calm your autism
we like them more than muslims
I cannot believe I missed that so spectacularly
If by "gay community" you mean any kind of LGBT organisation, then they're busy blaming Christians, Republicans, and conservatives for everything, on account of LGBT groups being nothing but leftist political groups pretending to be about civil rights.
If you mean gay people as individuals, then quite a good proportion of gay men are and vote conservative (though almost definitely a minority since a lot of gays nowadays are brainwashed as kids to think being gay=being leftist). They just get ignored on account of not being fucking flaming faggots who lisp their politics on national TV, claim bigotry when people are tired of being told they have to celebrate them for existing, and vote solely based on who promises to let them thrust and hump the most people in their fucking disease ridden pride parades.
This will only increase the amount who are shifting away from the left ever since the left began championing Islam, started to talk about how white gay men are privileged and racist and sexist, demanded everyone bow and scrape before trannies, and spending more time suing bakers than protecting people.
You just won't hear about the shift, because most of us live our life quietly as just normal people, as opposed to the faggots who make their entire life about being a faggot, going to live in their "gay neighbourhoods", talking about "gay politics", and their "gay life", and going on TV to talk about how someone called them a faggot, and killing themselves with AIDS and Muslims out of spite for conservatives because they were told that what "real gays" do.
t. English autist
>Why aren't you guys acting like the racist, bigoted, homophobic stereotypes WE made you out to be?
>that's so hypocritical of you!
This Fag pandering is hurting him in the polls. He's never going to win over leftists, why alienate you're conservative base.
>Not LGBTQP€&@#~¥2_K
Couple more genders added 30 minutes ago, just giving you a heads up. Don't want you to look like a shitlord
>Homosexuals that act like civilised people