ITT:One of these threads


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mexico passed a law to track every person who "can be a criminal" through cellphone gps location or private calls, audio, video, texts, it's going to be active in saturday, fuck, don't know what to do.

So basically like the EU's hate speech legislations?



>muslims acting like muslims, just like they have been acting for over thousand years and more



Keep em coming, I don't even know what these beauties are called so I want to keep collecting them.

Isn't it scary how the memes made before that club shooting are really accurate of what you see posted in social media?

look up "counter signal memes for fashy goys" on kikebook for the whole collection, my dude

That's cause kek has blessed them.

i was't talking about muslim in any way, i was talking about how we as mexican are becoming total slaves.

Thanks 'strayabro.

This is my favorite new meme. I laugh every time. Then I realize this just barely qualifies as satire, and I weep a little.

a classic


I didn't even see your comment. I'm just posting pol memes.

No this is what I wanted this forum to be, I wanted more of these counter signal memes.

not fat enough

cenk is a balloon of a turk

What is he saying, Sup Forums?

That one is one of my favorites.


Check out this one






for shitty horsey spam threads






lol nice


Fresh OC. Just made this.

Can I just point out that the problem that caused Orlando is guns, not Islam.

NONE of these guys were Muslim. ALL of them used legally purchased guns:

>Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech)
Legally bought guns himself
>Adam Lanza
Accessed his mother's legally bought guns
>James Holmes
Legally bought guns himself
>Elliot Rodger
Legally bought guns himself
>Dylann Roof
Legally bought guns himself

When will yanks learn?


Top stuff m80, kek'd IRL
Send it to the Counter-signal memes for fashy goys guy on goybook.

So? Should we not allow anyone the right to bear arms because they MIGHT kill someone? Should we ban pseudoephedrine because someone MIGHT make meth?

Very good, maybe add how the grandpa fought in the war or at least lived through the war

That's what I often think about with my grandparents

Nice OC. Keked, checked and saved.


>problem that caused Orlando is guns

The problem is that most of them were mentally ill. Do you not think those fucks would have used knives if they couldn't get guns?

>Should we not allow anyone the right to bear arms because they MIGHT kill someone?
Yes. Finally you're learning!
>Should we ban pseudoephedrine because someone MIGHT make meth?
Lol, that's already highly regulated for precisely that reason.

>everyone who disagrees with me is Jewish
Nice meme xD

>lol they would just use knives xD

Yes, and end up injuring three people, none of them fatally.

Where is your common sense?

i'm not so good at doing my own ideas

anyone else got some?

Firearms, being inanimate objects have no will and dont cause probems - the islamic shooter did. Fuck off pussy

I tried so hard.


>the problem that caused Orlando is guns
But murder's illegal, why do you expect them to care about gun laws?

Fuck you, guns are here to stay and there's nothing you can do about it.

Lick those fucking boots and bin that knife as your rights are progressively stripped away.

> Death Count 33.

>Yes. Finally you're learning!
Kek, typical britbong. Advocating minority report-esque legal policies.

Jesus, that face.

Look at that suspect name, Achmed.

I love these memes. Especially effective against my retarted self hating country "men"


I hope you're just shitposting.

>doesn't solve the problem
>why don't you guys want to be sitting ducks for criminals!?

good stuff


there were 8 attackers and they had secret chinese ninja powers, not realy comparable

I've never seen a sadder face.

>they wouldn't become more proficient if it were their only option
Oh yeah achmed, sure thing. It's not like melee weapons were used all throughout history to massacre as many people as you could get near or anything.



>hurrr durrrr they could use knives

top kek m8, dont u know knives are illegal in britainistan? good luck killing anyone with spoons

>Firearms, being inanimate objects have no will and dont cause probems
Firearms, being designed SPECIFICALLY FOR injuring and killing people as rapidly and EASILY as possible, enable ANYBODY to inflict MASSIVE AND RAPID INJURIES AND FATALITIES with very, very little personal effort. That's why their fucking stupid.

Do you guys have no fucking braincells whatsoever?

>the islamic shooter did
So what about all the guys I listed who racked up more kills than the Muslim?
>hurr durr mental health!!!!!
Then you should prevent people with mental health problems from buying guns, which clearly you DON'T.

You should also prevent people with mental health problems from accessing guns (like Adam Lanza who used his mum's guns). How do you do that? Pretty impossible, unless you basically ban guns, just like EVERY OTHER CIVILISED COUNTRY ON EARTH (apart from Switzerland, basically the only exception)

>a group of 8 men

Has your brain gone bye-bye today?

I am not saying radical Islam isn't a problem, that's an entirely separate thing.

If radical Islam wasn't a problem then 9/11 wouldn't have happened, 7/7 (London bombings) wouldn't have happened, and ISIS beheadings wouldn't have happened

That's entirely separate from the issue of mass killings being a REGULAR occurrence in the US, by Caucasians and Asians and Muslims, because they can get access to guns SO RIDICULOUSLY EASILY

I don't know if you've noticed but mass shootings are a very rare occurrence in Europe, maybe it's due to the fact that you can't get guns here? Therefore why would we need guns to """""""""""""defend ourselves"""""""""""""""?

And did """""""""""""good guys with guns"""""""""""""" stop the shooters at Sandy Hook, Isla Vista, Charleston, Virginia Tech? I think the police got them in the end in most cases, but only AFTER they killed lots of fucking people

I heard 'smuggies', lot simpler than counter fashy etc

Still in terms of body count thats up there with Virginia tech.

This is more comparable

>they bring a kitchen knife
>blimey mate, what are you doing with that? Get a life and bin that knife
>bummer innit, right you are guv

>That's entirely separate from the issue of mass killings being a REGULAR occurrence in the US, by Caucasians and Asians and Muslims, because they can get access to guns SO RIDICULOUSLY EASILY

Paris has some of the strictest gun laws in the world.

You do realize that guns would just be smuggled into the USA from Mexico if they became illegal, yes? At least until Trump builds a wall, it's completely open and every Mexican gun runner can just hop into America with a suitcase full of them.

Any attempt to ban guns in America would end up like the prohibition of alcohol. A massive failure

And guess what the body count is the exact same as VT which is the second worst shooting in us history.

If you need a single perpetrator here.

For comparison Dylan Roof killed 9.

mexico buys guns from Americans.

Germany you're also forgetting that there are already more guns in this country than there are people. My friend's uncle has a bunker with hundreds of firearms and the "cold dead hands" mentality and there are tens of thousands of people just like him. Every other person has a gun and nobody who has one wants to give them up. So when we magically make having a gun in public illegal, even if the gov sends a SWAT team into every house to confiscate guns there will still be a shit ton of them just floating around

>Therefore why would we need guns to """""""""""""defend ourselves"""""""""""""""?
Pic related.

>And did """""""""""""good guys with guns"""""""""""""" stop the shooters at Sandy Hook, Isla Vista, Charleston, Virginia Tech?
Gun-free zones (at least most of them anyway).
Funny that, criminals don't obey gun-free zones. Who would've thought.



>Firearms, being designed SPECIFICALLY FOR injuring and killing people as rapidly and EASILY as possible, enable ANYBODY to inflict MASSIVE AND RAPID INJURIES AND FATALITIES with very, very little personal effort. That's why their fucking stupid.

Nice opinion! I am suppossed to care or let you limit my freedom on the basis of that opinion why exactly?

>apart from Switzerland, basically the only exception

Exactly. We can all learn from Switzerland. Like their immigration policy is tight too. A very well managed country, without all the parasites and islamic tumors destroying it. A country where classic liberalism (the most superior ideology) still triumphs.

> Last 2 lines.

Don't you know that those places were gun free zones goy? They used space demon magic to conjure guns onto the campus, it's not like good guys obey laws or anything.

>Shit about assault rifles.

Yeah assault rifles aren't really useful for defense against individual assailants. Your average handgun can do just that. Assault rifles defend from an entirely different thread, tyranny. They essentially are a shield for the rest of the constitutional amendments.

Classic. Slacktivism at it's best.

*Threat. (It's like 5 AM over here.)


>radical islam

Nice one

wow, actually implying that the government would abuse their power. what an idiot. by the way your little gun can't fight a tank top kek i win

Oh shit you're right.

Looks like I'm now #TerminallyHill

>has to find an attack from 8 years ago, which didn't kill anywhere near as many people as some of these gun attacks, and it's in a completely different country from the last example because those sorts of attacks are so rare.

Yeah that's totally comparable.

That attack shows that radical Islam is a problem.

The US's many, many, many mass shootings in the past few years, including but not limited to Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, Aurora, Isla Vista, San Bernardino, and Orlando, shows that easy access to guns IS ALSO A PRETTY BIG PROBLEM

>You do realize that guns would just be smuggled into the USA from Mexico if they became illegal, yes? At least until Trump builds a wall, it's completely open and every Mexican gun runner can just hop into America with a suitcase full of them.
Very likely yes, but it would still make it much harder for people to get guns
>Any attempt to ban guns in America would end up like the prohibition of alcohol. A massive failure
Well a total ban will never happen. They should ban as much as they can though.

>And guess what the body count is the exact same as VT which is the second worst shooting in us history.
You mean the attack carried out by 8 people?

Well shit then on a per-capita basis, VT was 8 times as deadly wasn't it?

>here's another singular example from 15 years ago

Get fucking real, if you can't wake up to the repeated mass shootings taking place in the US in the last 5 to 10 years then God help you.

Count your many blessings name them one by one.

Nobody fucking cares about mass shootings except idiots like you who think the government is the solution to everything.


caucasians are pure evil

> Pic related.
Oh right because the ""good guys with guns"" managed to prevent VT, Sandy Hook, Charleston, Isla Vista, San Bernardino, and Orlando, didn't they? Oh no wait they didn't. I guess this shows how one single redneck with a revolver and no training whatsoever can't really do a job that usually requires a whole SWAT team doesn't it?

>Gun-free zones (at least most of them anyway).
>Funny that, criminals don't obey gun-free zones. Who would've thought.
So then what is the fucking point in ""good guys with guns"" if they're not even going to use them, just because of some ""gun-free zone"" bullshit? What is the goddamn point?

If Americans want to be able to shoot guns at firing ranges and whatever then fine, but making guns available for any crazy lunatic to buy is just fucking insane.

Great argument, well made

>Nice opinion! I am suppossed to care or let you limit my freedom on the basis of that opinion why exactly?
Are guns legal in the NL? Pretty sure they're not
>In the Netherlands, gun ownership is restricted to law enforcement, hunters, and target shooters. Self-defense is not a valid reason to own guns. To obtain a hunting license one must pass a hunters safety course.

See, they're not.

>limit my freedom

Hahahaha fucking wannabe American cuck.

The point is that massacres can still happen without guns.

>Get fucking real, if you can't wake up to the repeated mass shootings taking place in the US in the last 5 to 10 years then God help you.

In 50 years Mass Shootings haven't lead to a 1,000 death in a country with 300 million people.

But we have to overhaul the entire gun system because of some over sensational stories.

kek just watched that

>not let someone take my rights away
>le not an argument xddddd
Fuck off achmed

I know, but that isn't relevant.

Also, nice ad hominem britbong Achmed. Must we invade again and cuck you with a Dutch king?
