Russians love to use the term "white race" The white race doesn't exist. Even though they have white skin. Russians are not European they are Asiatics. They have more in common with the Mongols,Chinese etc than they do with your average Brit, German, Dane or Norwegian. WE ARE EUROPEAN, RUSSIANS ARE ASIATICS
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dat foken flag
you are not competent to speak about white race since your cuntry is full of niggers.
fuck off
LOL are Croat has replied HAHAHA. Surprised you have internet. Your people were used as Cannon fodder during WW1 and WW2.. PATHETIC!!!!
Woah bro, that's not cool.
Ayo nigga. Sup dawg didnt know croatia had niggers.
Woah bro
Nah Russians are European. They got plenty of Asiatics within country sure but what do you expect most of the country is in fucking Asia. Ethnic Russians are European.
>Slide thread used for divide and conquer
>leftcucks realize we're actually bros with Russia
>Can't stand it, scared shitless
You have to go back ->
Why do you slavs have a fucking pineapple on your flag?
only 2 of them. we have a plan to deport 1
who the fuck cares
anyway they're more white than london.
everything western of the ural could be considered european
>Muslim mayor of London
stop shitposting on Sup Forums
you mean ananas?
pine is a pine and apple is apple.
australia have anglo flag on its flag.
Russians are white just like us. They blend into our society.
Russia invades when prince Obama and the leftist start gun grabbing and raiding houses...
Hello fellow bears, yes we need help with liberals - thank you Putin, fellow white man.
what if my ancestors was polish nobles?
I see that Britcucks are still buttblazed because of beatings on Euro
You Americans are not "white" Your ethnically European. If the Russians invaded america it would be like the second coming of Genghis Khan!!!!
This is 100% true, 90% of russians today are of mongol/tartar/churka/ugric descent. There are some whites still left though.
Shouldn't you be cleaning my bog?
I do not watch the football, I have never understood why you Poles stand up for the Russians considering how badly they treated your country.
Still an Asiatic
sorry I don't speak muslim I don't know what this is
>implying your country didn't betray us into the hands of Commies
I don't like Russians but this meme "x people are not white" is just plain stupid and dividing the European countries. Or it's usually used on Sup Forums as the most shitty comeback
Muslim is not a language. Its a religion.
haah this cucks do not know what ananas is.
agressive ass brits, chill dawg
how did dunkirk 2.0 go for you, are you still a sad little brit bitch :) hahaha pussy nation
jesus christ you are cute, holy fucking shit, i think i'm in love, holy fuck dude, you are so fucking cute.
>britfag just came from france after he got beaten to death by some Russians
The pussy nation spread the English language around the world the language you are speaking currently. That pussy nation you refer to owned the largest empire to ever exist. What has Serbia done for the world ?????? NOTHING.
dude, stop living in the past, great britain used to be influent, now you fuckers don't do shit, the reason the english lenguage is a thing is because of the USA, faggot, you ain't shit, if the US wasn't a thing we'd be speaking french right now you dumb twat.
>Russian 4chaner looks like a twink drug addict
every single time
eat a fucking burger cunt
at least they tried to remove kebab while you fucks importing them.
btw, what other languages do you speak?
Your the dumb twat. You seem to have a poor knowledge of History. The USA never saved us from the french. Also the USA was originally a British colony.Thats why they speak English
French and German, i learned them at school
yeah, i know that dude, but they had independence from you fuckers, from this moment on the brits lost it all, you fuckers have literally nothing to feel proud about now
divide and rule policy
good. one has to be prepared for invasion.
how's your hindi or arabic lately?
There is no arabs or indians where I live in the UK
Slavs are white, Mongols are not.
In Western-Russia, most people are white.
that is a known fact
Why some of them looks like vanilla Morrowind and others like vanilla Oblivion?
Russians are white but also perennial race traitors on the geopolitical stage.
centuries of inbreeding and raped by every known niggerdom out there, will do that to you
It's quite terrifying looking at these pictures
nah, it's just common sense that soon your country will die out because of immigrants
. Hardly any indigenous Brits actually race mix. Unlike Brazil which is one of the most degenerate nations on earth!!!! Brazil is an unnatural creation it is a left over from a long gone empire.
at least today we are more influential then your broke ass
>indigenous Brits
you mean retards?
I don't think they want to look like you.
You would know that.
Not as retarded as the Croatians. Who were used as cannon fodder by various empires for centuries.
>Hardly any indigenous Brits actually race mix
That's because you guys fuck your sisters, nice "pure race" you have there.
>all the people responding
>zero russian flags upset
why you people so easy? I don't mind being non-anglo-white
Will you already drop nukes on ISIS fags?
>being this mad over a degenerate game for neo-nazi faggots/3rd world monkeys
Ethnic Russians are European. They however expanded into Asia, so Russia as a country is multiethnic
>mfw a serb talks shit about anything ever
if you have forgotten this lesson we'd be happy to teach you again
Anything new you can share with us, newfag?
Why should they. Most of isis generals got education in soviet union, and isis works with assad. Refugees hysteria works well for pro-ruski parties in Europe.
If your not using a proxy. Remember its disrespectful to speak to your masters like that Niue!!!!!!
Russians are white, Can you please fuck off with this divide and conquer shit, Mehmet.
They are NOT "white" they are Asiatics. Closer related to Pakistanis, Iraqis, mongols and Chinese Than the ingenious Scots, Welsh and English.
Without the Serbs and the Croats you westerners would all be sucking Ottoman dick.
Also, Slavic people are more white and what I saw in the West, image provided
Reminder that the West tried to save the Ottoman rule of the Balkans multiple times.
Anyone know how to get round providing a number after your Twitter account gets locked? Made an account to troll Russian journos who keep tweeting dindu nuffin propaganda about the Euro fights, and it had just started to gain traction (365 retweets on my first tweet). Be a shame to let it go to waste desu.
>that half of Serbia
For the first time it feels good living in Belgrade.
>arguing with people who unironically support turmp, hitler and are fiercely antitraditional and antireligious
Russians are Russians, Poles are Poles, Germans are Germans, Brits are Brits. Americans, I don't even know what the fuck they are at this point. Patton probably didn't expect his country to import millions of shitskins yearly for decades when he was talking about Russian hordes. White internationalists are delusional cucks.
why does it matter ?
>Reminder that the West tried to save the Ottoman rule of the Balkans multiple times.
I do not deny that, but if Croats weren't at Guns and Siget those two times, you would have Suleiman strolling through Germany within a month.
Literally two of the largest Ottoman armies ever fielded stopped by a bunch of Croat soldiers and some local Hungarian millitia;
>Niuefag calling someone a newfag
Oh sit down Ahmed. Divide and conquer won't work. Russians are white, they are European culturally and ethnically, but yes some part of their country does stretch into Asia, big fucking deal. Go to Saint Petersburg or any big Russian city: whiter than London and with their European culture fully intact. You can talk about Russia, or anyone, when you're cleaned out Rotherham and such hellholes.
Are you that super gay Brazilian from every /cum/ thread on Sup Forums?
Can someone explain to me why are the englishmen such bitches and get beaten EVERYWHERE