>absolute telekino currently airing
>Sup Forums never talks about it
I mean I knew you guys had shit taste but come on. who do you guys think the traitor is? Who will the sniper bullet hit?
>absolute telekino currently airing
>Sup Forums never talks about it
I mean I knew you guys had shit taste but come on. who do you guys think the traitor is? Who will the sniper bullet hit?
nobody cares about your shit show
Do people even talk about tv shows on Sup Forums?
Nope. People now post the following
>ehhh rick, maskusumtin
>contrarian posting
>what did he mean by this?
Fuck I can go on.
i'd talk about it. But i'm too busy crying from having to wait until MARCH for new episodes.
Fuck them
Its trying hard to be the next 24+West Wing but fucking fails
>Huge terrorist attack on the capital
>The next episode is about muh racial profiling rather than the reaction and effects on the entire country and world
Considering the episodes are being more spaced out its probably won't last more than one season
wait WHAT? fuck that sucks.
>My wife's son: the show
no thanks
Emily is qt, and Hookstraten and FLOTUS are both milfs.
Watching this, Timeless, and Flash.
Most live TV i have watched in 20 years
Exactly. If I'm going to watch any ABC momcore shit, I'd rather watch Hayley Atwell's Tits: The Show.
what happens when it's a crossover?
downloaded. I mean live as in i sit down and tune in when it's on.
I would download it, but I ask because there was a crossover with arrow and legends of tomorrow, so I stopped watching it because I couldn't be bothered catching up on those as well
It's hilariously stupid
Maggie Q is hot though.
pfft. Only ever seen 2 eps of Arrow and half of season one of Legends. No catching up here
It's alright, but how long are they going to keep up the
>Oh, FBI Agent Hannah is close to the truth and she's going to tell Kirkman.
>No, wait, some more bullshit is happening.
It's pro-Muslim trash
I like Keifer, and Suzie Q, but some of the 'Well she going to tell the president...wiat no she not" is getting old.
Also hate the speechwriter dude, he needs to shoot himself like he did in house.
I suspect she's going to jail, what with her waving a gun around an assassination attempt.
So this show is enjoyed by people who watch the Flash, thanks for letting me know I should skip it
Glad i could help. Go back to your GoT and Walking dead. I'm sure those will hold you over until social media tells you what to watch next
Actually I'm binging on mad men and rectify atm, I'd recommend them but they probably don't have enough shiny costumes and special effects for your liking
>who do you guys think the traitor is?
>Who will the sniper bullet hit?
Never seen the show, but this is enough to tell me all I need to know.
So who's the CTU mole this season?
Did they ever get beyond the #NotAllMuslims storyline that was in the first 3-4 episodes?