The refugee crisis is all America's fault. If they hadn't destabilized the middle east Europe would be stable. But they just had to send a flood of migrants into Europe.
Also America hate thread, post anti American memes.
The refugee crisis is all America's fault. If they hadn't destabilized the middle east Europe would be stable. But they just had to send a flood of migrants into Europe.
Also America hate thread, post anti American memes.
Shut up Norway.
This would be a non-issue if the people in charge of us weren't letting them in.
Blames migrants on America
Blames migrants on base bitch government
Pick one faggot
I blame both.
We've come to Europe's rescue more than once and rebuilt it's infrastructure twice.
Maybe if your governments would take a stand none of this would be happening
The refugee crisis actually is Murica's fault. their left-leaning hippie-dippie politicians tied the hands of the military when they went in and it resulted in ridiculous ROE's that didn't allow the soldiers to kick the shit out of those shitskins.
Europe is at fault for being a cuck in general and letting them in.
If Europe and specifically the UK hadn't pushed so fucking hard to make Israel a thing, the Middle East would actually probably continue to be a fairly moderate and stable place. Without the common unifying hatred of Israel, you wouldn't have the great regression to Islam and Muslim states, and then it becomes Saudi Arabia as pretty much the lone lunatic Muzzie country instead of a whole like 1/4 of the world
>America forced cucked Euro nations to take in shitskins instead of saying FUCK OFF WERE FULL
America shouldn't have been involved in the middle east but European nations shouldn't have willingly taken in so many shitskins.
Fucking this. Hopefully Trump wins and brings about American isolationism
Not my fault that Muslims are bigoted.
You'd rather the Jews run amok in your country or in their own country?
And that's why Hillary needs to go to prison.
Buy the t-shirts!
is this the thread where we laugh at dead americans fighting for israel
>America opened up European borders
>Americans voted in Euro governments that won't close the border
>Americans are the ones holding signs saying "refugees welcome"
Your problems are of your own making.
Kek, Americans are so fucking stupid.
>Islam has been invading Europe since 700AD
>America's fault
keep projecting europoor
>19 trillion in debt.
>Only 55 805 GDP per capita.
>calls me europoor
>this is what Americans actually believe
>Not in the European Union.
>that matters
all you eurofags are the same.
>be yuro ""man""
>wear women's shoes
>wear women's shorts
>believe you are a man
>see american
>see what you could have been
>posts on african basket weaving board about le"amerilards"
Sort of this. America should have never pulled out of the middle east whatsoever. If anything we should have sent more troops.
>TFW the rest of the world is so incompetent that they blame their inability to defend themselves on America.
That's right baby. Now tell we're the greatest nation on Earth and maybe we'll come help you out.
Tell us*
>Be American
>Can't drive manual
>Belive they are men
>Go for a walk
>Get robbed
>Then shot
>Then raped
>Ambulance arrives
>That'll be 25,000 dollars sir.
>No insurance = fugg'd
Inbefore Sweden allahuakbar kebab kek
Based government. HA-HA-HA. You're being governed by jews. How based is that?
In comparison, we have only one jew in our parliament and even he isn't running for presidency because he has "migraine".
I don't even see what the point of all this arguing is when literally every country is a shithole at this point
That's why Trump is going to make America great again. After that American can make other countries great again.
Completely agree but all immigrants go to Germany and Scandinavian regions, so it's ok.
Die, degenerate.
>The refugee crisis is all America's fault.
Go for the string pullers not the puppet.
It is a certain country ((((A))))
Completely agree here too, but every time do you have to fall in their tricks?
user, every. single. time.
>not in Europe
>in Schengen
Kek at least your govt promised to fuck the agreement and close bordersq when Sweden collapses.