Why is this show so fucking Jewish?
I'm only half way through the first season, but does it stay like this? I'm not even a Sup Forumstard. This shit is just comically Jewish.
Why is this show so fucking Jewish?
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>Why is this show so fucking Jewish?
>I'm only half way through the first season, but does it stay like this?
Did you read the names in the opening credits? Do it you'll get quite a good laugh
All memes aside this is the most overrated show ever. It still crushes other horseshit out there but the way people talk about this you'd think it was the sopranos or BvS
Should I keep watching?
I'm enjoying the show on most levels but I don't think I'd be able to cope with another episode of ham-fisted zionist shit.
Keep watching. The jewess is only in a couple episodes of the first season. She appears one time really briefly in a later season. She is only mentioned once in the final season.
Roger laughs about some lady mistakenly calling him a kike in a later season.
The guy (((Weiner))) who wrote the show said he basically did it as a statement, to lampoon the culture of WASPs who denied his parents and grandparents the right to join their countryclubs.
He is a butthurt kike maligning normal white people.
Do you really believe that beneath the surface of this rich, well behaved, non-degenerate white society there is all this cheating and lies and etc.
Of course not. He is simply a jew trying to make whites look like degenerates.
Pick up a rock and who is hiding behind it? A fucking jew trying to brainwash you into hating your own people.
>it still crushes other horseshit out there
does not compute
Something being overrated doesn't mean it's bad. Something can be legitimately good but still overrated.
>rich, well behaved, non-degenerate white society
Do you actually know anything about the 1960s?
Let me guess, another self-hating white who believes history is a long series of whites hurting each other or others, and whose only desire is self-abasement and absolution.
>Do you actually know anything about the 1960s?
We beat our women, niggers, hated hippies, and everybody died of lead or radiation poisoning.
uh all white people in the world are degenerates that would fuck their own daughters and pet dogs if given the chance
yes Jews are white too
I would fuck my daughter but not my dog
That's fucking despicable
I'd fuck your wife's daughter too
A show that takes place in New York City and there are some jewish characters? Conspiracy!
A major network show about white people written and produced by jews? Conspiracy!
You people crack me up.
>What do you mean, "You people?"
Right but something can't be miles above horseshit and overrated at the same time.
You can admit to liking something here, don't worry even when anons call you a fag in this thread for doing so you can just go back to lurking.
>I'm only half way through the first season
>posts image from halfway through last season
Sounds like you're retarded champ
I literally looked up "Mad Men" on google images and picked the prettiest picture.
Nice attempt
>not knowing that google searches don't track how far you are into a tv show when displaying results
>da white manz was ebul in le '60s, ya heard?!?
An enigmatic people who have to travel around, sometimes hide their true selves, and are employed for their talents and intelligence but never accepted, always an outsider, never having a true home?
Do you think it could be...
a metaphor??????
The Rachel subplot is one of many in the first season. Another minor Jewish character is introduced in like season 4 but thr plot never revolves around Jews. Instead of taking everything at face value, consider: why is Don interested in Rachel? what significance do the Jews have Don and his development?
It's about rich people in the 60's that weren't apart of the hippie counter-culture. Of course everyone is jewish.